Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 107 Only the couple's little days

Chapter 107 Only the couple's little days

Xiao Lin raised his head.

Now whenever he is asked what he wants to eat, his delicate wife is of course the first choice in his heart.

want to eat her.

When he was in the army, he heard a lot of married comrades talking nasty while chatting. Although he didn't participate, he also listened to it.He always felt that it was too exaggerated for his comrades to describe the event as beautiful.

Is there anything more exciting in this world than being first in the field?

However, after becoming a real couple with Xiaoyun, he realized that the adjectives of his former comrades-in-arms were simply too lacking. Is this wonderful?
This is like giving her life.

Xiao Lin kept thinking, but Su Yun, who didn't get an answer, walked up to him and bent over to look at him with a sweet smile.

"elder brother?"

Xiao Lin came back to his senses, his eyes dodged and his voice was hoarse, "Don't invite me."

He could hardly stand it anymore.

Su Yun:? ? ? ?

Why did she recruit him again?

Gouging him out angrily, he turned and went into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Su Yun saw the piece of pork belly hanging up before returning to the village. After half a month of air-drying, it was almost bacon.

There is not much pork belly, about a catty.

Su Yun thought about it and planned to make a fresh way to eat it.

Bacon stewed rice.

She took the pork belly off the beam, washed it, cut it into two-finger-sized slices and put it aside for later use. Then she scooped a bowl of rice from the rice jar. After thinking about it, she turned her head and shouted outside.

"Brother Lin, Xiaodao and the others are coming over for dinner tonight?"

In the past few months in the city, Li Wei and the others would often come over for dinner, so Su Yun asked.

Xiao Lin replied without raising her head, "No."

"Eh? Is there anything wrong with them?"

Either Su Yun is so hospitable, or Li Wei and Xiaodao had been eating here before, but suddenly stopped coming, and I don't know if they were delayed by something.

Xiao Lin's hand holding the hammer paused, and said as calmly as possible, "It's okay, they want to open fire by themselves, and they won't come here in the future."


Su Yun felt even more strange.

It stands to reason that Li Wei and Xiao Dao are not like people who would give up food, but they regard their own food as the world's best food.

I don't know what happened to them, so they plan to cook for themselves.

Su Yun shook her head and stopped thinking about this question.

When she turned around to go to work again, Xiao Lin raised her head.

Li Wei and Xiao Dao didn't come to eat, that's what he specifically explained.His daughter-in-law is for pain, how can she cook for other men?
Well, although Xiaoyun cooks the food he eats, cooking for one person is different from cooking for three people. Whoever loves his daughter-in-law is the one who loves him, so he doesn't want her to be so tired.

In the evening, the two of them had dinner, and considering Xiao Lin's appetite, Su Yun put in a bowl of pure white rice.Usually when they cook rice, they will add some corn to the white rice and eat it.

But today she cooks bacon rice. In order to make the bacon rice taste better and more fragrant, she extravagantly uses white rice without adding corn.

Wash the rice, put the cut bacon into the rice, add water, add sliced ​​ginger and some soy sauce, then cover and cook.When the smell of rice and bacon wafted out of the pot, Su Yun saw that it was almost done, so she pulled out some firewood from the bottom of the pot and turned it to a low fire to simmer it.

If the bacon rice can have a little crispy rice, it must be delicious.Fragrant and crispy crispy rice crust, every bite is full of the taste of bacon, it is really beautiful.

She got up and went out through the small door at the back of the kitchen, and picked two red peppers and a handful of green vegetables in the roughly ten-square-meter vegetable field in the backyard.

Wash the small green vegetables and use them to make soup, and chop the peppers.

Opening the lid of the rice cooker, a strong smell of bacon came to the face. Su Yun threw the chopped chili into the pot, turned over the bacon rice with a spatula, and avoided its crust.

Both she and Xiao Lin can eat chili. When the weather is cold, adding some chili to the meal can make people warm up faster.

Xiao Lin, who was working in the yard, could not bear the smell coming from the kitchen.If it wasn't for his desire to maintain his image, for fear of being misunderstood by his wife as the same person as Xiaodao, he would have rushed into the kitchen to eat first as a respect.

The dinner was unsurprisingly well received by Xiao Lin.

He ate two bowls of rice whole, and then raised his head to talk to Su Yun.

"Daughter-in-law, this is delicious, shall we sell this rice in the store?"

Su Yun just wanted to give it a try, but she didn't expect to get such strong praise from Xiao Lin.She thought about Xiao Lin's proposal seriously, and felt that the bacon rice in the store would not sell well.

The main reason is that this is too simple, and she can imitate it with just one glance and one bite. If she does it, there will be many imitators within a day, so this option is not suitable.

"Let's make stewed vegetables first. This meal is too simple. When you want to eat it, I can make it at home."

"Okay, listen to my wife."

There may be about four bowls of bacon rice cooked from one bowl of rice. Su Yun ate more than half of the bowl, and Xiao Lin wrapped up the rest.

After sweeping away all the food on the table, Xiao Lin burped and rubbed his stomach, "Daughter-in-law, one day I will become fat, can you not dislike me?"

Su Yun: ...

She looked Xiao Lin up and down, that thin belly is so flat that there is no fat at all, okay?She was also curious about where he put all the food he ate, and he was still worried that he would become a fat man?
Simply worrying.

Of course, if you think this way in your heart, you can't say that on the surface, otherwise this man might be too proud, what should he do if he really becomes a fat man?
She hummed, and pretended to think seriously, "Well, it depends on the situation."


After dinner, Xiao Lin is in charge of cleaning up, which is already the default rule in their family.

Su Yun went back to the room, took out a pen and paper from the drawer and sat down at the desk to write a letter to Granny Xiao.The letter was just a report of safety, and also told the elderly to pay more attention to their health at home. If there was anything to do, they would go to Yu Hu and ask him to call them.

Also, they are earning money outside now, and the elderly don’t have to live too frugally at home. Don’t be reluctant to eat and wear... All kinds of words of concern filled two pages of letter paper. Su Yun put down the pen and waited for the ink from the pen to dry. in the envelope.

She got up and made the bed ready to take a bath, Xiao Lin had already walked in from the outside carrying a bucket of steaming hot water, "Daughter-in-law, take a bath, I'll bring you hot water."

Su Yun raised her eyebrows and glanced at the attentive Xiao Lin, watching him carry the hot water into the small bathroom connected to the room, pour it into the big wooden bucket, and then went out to fetch the water...

After three times of hot water and half a bucket of cold water, the big wooden bucket was almost full.

Xiao Lin tried the temperature of the water, turned around and looked at her with a smile on her face, "Daughter-in-law, let your man wait for you to take a bath?"

Su Yun pulled her tone and looked at him meaningfully, "Oh, how do you want to serve me?"

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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