Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 108 Don't Want To Just Say Thank You

Chapter 108 Don't Want To Just Say Thank You
Xiao Lin was overjoyed, did the daughter-in-law agree to her request?He twitched, a little ashamed to say it.

Su Yun let out a chuckle, and tapped his arm with her fingers, "Good idea, hurry up and get out."

Turning off the lights at night and messing around in bed, she just let him go, and want to change to other places?Don't even think about it.

The industrious 'shower' was pushed out of the small bathroom.

Rolled out bedroom.

Xiao Lin: ...

What is a part-time job?Is he calling Bai to work?
After looking forward to it all night, Xiao Lin let out a heavy sigh.

The daughter-in-law is too shy or not!
Also, didn't my daughter-in-law realize that when he made this extra-large bathtub, he made it according to the shapes of two people?

Xiao Lin sighed heavily again.

Standing alone in the courtyard at night, looking at the starless sky and thinking.

Not thinking about how to do business, but thinking about how to make the daughter-in-law less shy...

From the next yard, an elderly female voice sounded like she was reprimanding Wang Erni.

And that Wang Erni, who was usually too hot, didn't make a sound at all.Xiao Lin listened and figured out the identity of the speaker.

This is Li Erniu going to his hometown in the countryside to pick up his old mother.

Hearing the old lady's resonant voice, Wang Erni was so scolded that he didn't dare to say a word, the corner of his mouth curled up, this Li Erniu is not very stupid.

"Brother Lin, help me pour some water."

Su Yun's voice came from inside the room, Xiao Lin quickly recovered and turned to enter the room.

After taking a shower, Su Yun also washed her hair. She wrapped her shoulder-length hair in a dry towel and walked out of the small cubicle. She was still steamed after taking a shower, and her cheeks were as bright as pearls and jade. More delicate than a shelled egg.

The clothes she was wearing were round neck sleeves that were changed from the shirt that was no longer wearable, revealing the same white and slender neck, and slender arms like lotus root joints. No matter how old the clothes were, they could not resist her own hair of light.

But she didn't know how beautiful she was at the moment, she tilted her head slightly and rubbed her hair with a dry towel with both hands.

"What's going on in the yard next door? I heard something like cursing."

she asked aloud.

Xiao Lin snorted, and walked into the small bathroom while explaining to her.

Knowing that Li Erniu invited his old mother to discipline Wang Erni, Su Yun didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Unexpectedly, Wang Erni, who is like a shrew, turns out to be afraid of her mother-in-law.

Xiao Lin didn't pour out the water in the wooden bucket, but took a bath indiscriminately with the water.

Su Yun listened to the sound of splashing water outside, her cheeks flushed slightly.This guy really doesn't care about anything!That was the water she used.

Coming out of the bathroom, Xiao Lin also looked much refreshed.

He came over and took the towel in Su Yun's hand, and carefully dried her hair.It's cold in winter, and it's easy to catch a cold if you don't dry your hair.

So no matter how anxious Xiao Lin was, he would not make fun of Su Yun's body.

"I saw something called a hair dryer before. After plugging it into the electricity, you can have wind blowing to dry your hair." Xiao Lin's hands are big, and the movements are very gentle, and she didn't pull a single hair of her hair." I ordered a batch with Huang Sheng, and when the goods arrive, can we keep one for ourselves?"

Hair dryers are still very rare items now, and they are very expensive, costing tens of dollars per set.

There are fifty hair dryers in Xiao Lin's order.

Although the price is expensive, Xiao Lin thinks that there is still a market, so he will contact the buyer himself when the time comes.

Before that, he wanted to leave the best hair dryer for Su Yun.

Su Yun groaned, in the memory of seeing the development of the later generations, the hair dryer is not a rare gadget.But now it is a very expensive home appliance, Xiao Lin offered to keep it for her, of course she is very happy.

She had previously cut her waist-length braids to her shoulders to keep busy with business. If she added a hair dryer to dry her hair, she could wash her hair every day.

"Thank you brother Xiao."

Su Yun narrowed her eyes and smiled at Xiao Lin, not stingy with her praise.

When a man does well, he should be praised. This is the truth she realized by herself.

Besides, this is her own man, so it's okay to praise him.Praise him more to mobilize his enthusiasm, maybe there will be more unexpected gains.

Xiao Lin lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on Su Yun's smooth face.

The voice was slightly hoarse, "Is it just a verbal thank you?"

Su Yun blinked, this thing has not been in her hands yet, a verbal thank you is not enough?
As it turns out, it wasn't enough.

Her hair had already been dried by Xiao Lin, the man flicked the towel, and the hungry tiger rushed over.

While giggling, Su Yun couldn't help but pat his arm to stop his anxious hand.

"Turn off the lights, turn off the lights!"

"Oh, you're hitting my hair."

The light went out, and the hand that was holding down the hair was released.

The old canopy bed creaked and creaked.

Su Yun was a little embarrassed at first, but then she broke the jar.

Let it squeak, squeak, it's just the two of them here and nothing else...


In Wu's house in Beijing, Mr. Wu received a call from his precious granddaughter Song Yinyin. He was so angry that his beard straightened. He immediately asked his grandson to contact his grandson Song Qishan. go down.

Song Qishan couldn't argue with anything, and Mr. Wu didn't give him a chance to defend himself, so he immediately ordered him to fetch Song Yinyin back immediately, otherwise he wouldn't have to come back.

Song Qishan: ...

Is this the status of gay men in their family?
In fact, after Song Yinyin went to the countryside, Song Qishan regretted it.

Of course, the reason why he sent Song Yinyin to the countryside was not because he believed Xu Xiuli's words.It's that he has news that someone is going to touch the Song family.

For the sake of Yinyin's safety, he deliberately followed Xu Xiuli's wishes and angered Song Yinyin to the countryside.

At this moment, Grandpa personally called, and Song Qishan had no choice but to explain the reason.Otherwise, the old man's body would be ruined by anger, and his crime would be even greater.

It's good that Mr. Wu didn't listen to Song Qishan's explanation, but when he heard Song Qishan's explanation, he was so angry that he was about to take Suxiao Jiuxin Pill.

"You idiot, idiot!"

Mr. Wu was full of scolding on the phone, "You are a brat with no hair, what are you doing all day looking forward and backward? Someone wants to move your Song family? Is it dead to be an old man or your grandfather?"

Regardless of the fact that Mr. Wu has no official position, he usually looks very low-key.But his connections are incredible. The first and second leaders in Beijing are all his students, and there are countless students working in other units. He is not in a hurry. What is this brat in a hurry?
If there is something wrong with his precious granddaughter, he... what should he do?

The more Mr. Wu thought about it, the sadder he became, and he burst into tears.

Song Qishan:? ? ? ?
 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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