Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 114 The trial operation of the new store, the effect is good

Chapter 114 The trial operation of the new store, the effect is good
If that's the case, it can only show that Wang Erni is really stupid and hopelessly stupid
But after all, it's someone else's business, so Su Yun can just watch the excitement.She won't pay too much attention to this, after all, she has to be busy making money.

After returning home to tidy up, Xiao Lin seemed to have calculated the time to come back, and asked her if she was ready, and moved the things to the store after eating.

They discussed it last night, and today they will make a small amount of food for trial sale, so that those customers can know what their store is for.

Although Xiao Lin also had someone order a signboard, but it hasn't arrived yet, they can sell a la carte to warm up first.

Su Yun nodded in agreement.

"You have lunch first, and I'll pack things."

Su Yun made the noodles at noon, and Xiao Lin didn't continue to let Xiao Lin mix the noodles with stewed pork.Although Xiao Lin said that no matter what Su Yun did, he would never get tired of eating it, but she changed the way of eating it and made the noodles with fried sauce in Beijing.

It is said that Su Yun can cook so well, in addition to her talent, she also has her grandfather's careful teaching.

Before liberation, my grandfather was the chief chef of the big landlord's house.Later, the landlord fell, and grandpa returned to the village to live the life of an ordinary villager, but his cooking skills were not abandoned.

He became a cook who undertook weddings and weddings in eight villages.

When she was young, Li Cuifen and Su Jianguo were unwilling to take her with them, so grandpa would take her wherever he went.Grandpa didn't let her miss things like going to hold banquets for people.

Not only can she learn things by following her, the host will also give her some food. She used to be stupid, and when she got food, she would sneak some back to Su Ying and Li Cuifen...

Now that I think about it, feeding those things to the dogs back then was better than giving them to the devoid of conscience mother and daughter!
Su Yun unknowingly thought a little too far, so that Xiao Lin called her several times before she came back to her senses.

Looking up and seeing the concern on Xiao Lin's face, she immediately replied, "I'm fine, I just remembered something from the past."


Xiao Lin gently held her hand, and hugged her in his arms the next second, "Don't think about the unhappy things before, you will be happy in the future."

"it is good."

She raised her small face and showed him an extremely sweet smile.

When Xiao Lin came back, he borrowed a bicycle from someone.Su Yun put the finished stewed meat in the jar and covered it, Xiao Lin tied the jar to the back seat and let her sit on the front bumper of the bicycle.

Su Yun was still a little shy when she sat in the village before, but she got used to it after sitting for two more times.

Before Xiao Lin could speak, she took the initiative to snuggle into his fiery chest.

The arms holding the handlebars of the car were spread as far as possible to block Su Yun from the cold wind.

The couple came to the store together.

As soon as the things were unloaded from the bicycle and Xiao Lin carried them inside, the boss who made the signboards came to help them deliver the signs.

The current signboard is still made of wood, and the name of the shop can be written on it with red paint.Su Yun's store was discussed by her and Xiao Lin, and finally decided to call it 'Yunji Shaolu'.

The reason for adding "burning" in front of the stew is because Su Yun wants to try to make roasted meat for sale in the future, and secondly, the four-character name is more symmetrical.

Originally, she asked Xiao Lin if he wanted to call Xiao's shop or something, but Xiao Lin refused overjoyed.

"It's called Yunji Shaolu."

In this way, the name of the shop was decided.

On the brand-new plaque, the words "Yunji Shaolu" are very festive in red.The boss who delivered the goods asked Su Yun to borrow a ladder, and together with his staff, put the signboard on Su Yun.

The signboard with a length of [-] meters was hung up, and this small shop immediately gave people a different feeling.

Su Yun took two steps back and raised her head to look at it, feeling her whole body was full of strength.

"Boss Su, don't worry, the signboard I made is guaranteed to be very strong." The boss who gave the signboard thought that Su Yun was worried about their workmanship, Su Yun smiled and did not deny it, "Thanks for your hard work."

"No hard work, no hard work, everyone says Boss Su's stewed vegetables are excellent, it is our honor to be able to make a signboard for Boss Su!"

Those who do business are very good at talking. After the boss finished talking, he jumped off the ladder and sniffed the tip of his nose. "Boss Su is planning to resume business today?"

Su Yun sighed.

"Yeah, if you don't start working after resting for so long, you won't be able to earn rent."

"That won't work." The boss showed a simple smile. For him who had bought Su Yun's stewed vegetables twice, the taste of Su Yun's stewed vegetables was still guaranteed.

During this period of time, some people saw that Su Yun's business was good, and they also wanted to make stewed vegetables for sale, but even the same pork they sold tasted far worse than Su Yun's.

Not to mention that there are things like pig offal that have a strong taste, and it takes a lot of effort to make them delicious.

The owner of the signboard store also spent two yuan to buy other ones, but he found that they were not as delicious as Su Yun's, so he gave up.

In the future, when buying stewed vegetables, I will look for Su Yun's family.

"Boss Su, give me two catties... No, cut me three catties! Pork liver, pork lung, pork heart, pork belly, and large intestine!"


Su Yun is also a straightforward person. Not only did she cut three catties for him according to the owner's request, but she also gave him one catty.He also gave him an extra half of a braised pig's trotter.

The boss was flattered.

"How can I do this? How can I take Boss Su's things for nothing? You are in business."

"It's okay, try something new, and I will charge you next time."

"Okay, then I'll have the cheek to ask for it! Boss Su has a good business and a lot of money!" People in business are very eloquent.Su Yun thanked the shop owner with a smile, turned around and went back to the shop, and started to make preparations for the sale.

Xiao Lin made a drawer for collecting money, and there are several compartments in the drawer, which can be convenient for Su Yun to sort and store money when collecting money.

Although it was said that Su Yun proposed to open the store, she seemed to have everything in detail except for the suggestion and cooking, and Xiao Lin thought of everything for her, and took care of everything for her.

With such a caring husband, Su Yun is full of energy in everything she does.

On her side, she put the jar containing the stewed meat on the stove, and put a few burning briquettes in the stove. The jar above was heated, and the aroma of the stewed meat wafted out continuously.

Some passers-by smelled the fragrance and came over one after another, asking what it was.Some of them had bought stewed pork from Su Yun before, and when they saw Su Yun standing behind them, they squeezed through the crowd and came forward to weigh them without saying a word.

In the past two days of trial operation, Su Yun held an event, buy three catties and get one catty free, although it’s not buy one get one free, but for regular customers who are used to Su Yun’s stewed pork, buy three get one free Very cost-effective thing.

No matter when and where, delicious food will never lack its supporters.Just like Su Yun's stewed pork, one yuan per catty is a bit expensive for ordinary people, but it is still affordable for those families with dual income.

There are also some businessmen who can afford it.

Su Yun didn't think about adjusting the price either, what she thought about was how to make the food more delicious so that customers could get their money's worth.

While Su Yun was busy weighing things for customers, a jeep drove into Zhaojia Village.

Song Qishan personally drove to Zhaojia Village to pick up Song Yinyin.

Song Yinyin went out to check other children with chickenpox in the village, and Li Wei stayed behind in the clinic.

Song Qishan came to the open space outside the clinic and parked his car. He frowned when he got out of the car and saw the small black car on the side. Is the village so rich now?Can you drive a car?
He frowned and walked into the bathroom.

"Yinyin, I'm here to pick you up."

 here we come

(End of this chapter)

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