Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 115 Good cabbage must not let the pig arch

Chapter 115 Good cabbage must not let the pig arch
After the words fell, Song Qishan pushed the door open and went in.

Li Wei came out from the inner room, he looked at Song Qishan who pushed the door straight in, he was still a little dazed.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

The two spoke in unison.

The tone was extremely unfriendly, and the eyes that looked at each other seemed to be looking at the enemy. They all saw hostility in each other's eyes.

Not knowing who made the move first, the two punched each other without saying a word.

Song Yinyin is checking Zhao Daquan's son. This time, Zhao Daquan's son has the most serious chickenpox.As a father, Zhao Daquan was also infected, and he also infected Li Wei at the militia station.

After telling their family what they need to pay attention to, Song Yinyin left Zhao Daquan's house.

She took off her mask and gloves, put them in a carry-on bag, sealed them, and prepared to take them back to the sanitation center for destruction.

"Doctor Song, Doctor Song, fight, fight."

A few children came running from a distance, shouting at Song Yinyin.

Song Yinyin looked at the children who ran over suspiciously, "What's the fight? Your friends are fighting again? Where did you get hurt?"

Song Yinyin still likes these children in the village.

Although they were dressed in rags, they were not spoiled and had good personalities, much better than many monkey children in the city.

The boy named Gou Yazi wiped the sweat off his forehead, and shook his head anxiously, "It's not a friend, it's an adult. The adults are fighting."


grown ups?

"Yeah, it's Dr. Song, your partner got into a fight with another uncle who drives a big yellow car."

"Big yellow car?"

Song Yinyin thought for a while, the rhubarb car the children were talking about should be the color of a jeep, and the jeep driver started a fight with Li Wei?Could it be that bastard Song Qishan came?

Ok, that came just in time.

Song Yinyin gritted her teeth, now that the children didn't need to scream, she ran towards the health center.

The children didn't know, thinking that Dr. Song was trying to break up a fight, they all followed Song Yinyin to the health center.Doctor Song is usually gentle and kind, and they can't let her be accidentally injured by others.

Thinking of protecting Dr. Song's children, when they came to the health center, they saw things that made them doubt their lives.

In their minds, Dr. Song, who was as kind and gentle as Sister Su Yun, was still at the door when a tiger pounced on him. With a loud roar, he threw himself on the back of the uncle in the khaki clothes inside the room.

His legs clasped his waist, and his hands strangled his neck.

"Li Wei beat him to death."

Song Qishan:? ? ? ?
The small spectators who were watching all let out a wow sound.

"Did you see it? Dr. Song saw that her partner was being beaten, and she was not afraid of the bad guys to help. She is even more powerful than outwitting the gangsters in Weihu Mountain!"

"Is that uncle a mountain eagle? It looks a bit stupid, even Doctor Song can't beat him."

"When I grow up, I want to marry a lesbian like Dr. Song, who will beat people with me without fear of power."

"Why don't we confess to her now? Let Dr. Song wait for us to grow up?"

"It's waiting for me to grow up, not you."

The group of children chattered for a while, and then started arguing again.

It was too lively.

Li Wei was distracted listening to their words. Do these brats know what they are talking about?How dare you miss Dr. Song?
He hasn't succeeded yet, these brats who haven't grown their hair yet want to poach his corner?They want to fart!

Dr. Song, a woman, can only be registered in the household registration book of his Li family.

Song Yinyin strangled Song Qishan's neck for a long time, but she didn't see Li Wei beating anyone as she ordered.

"Li Wei, what are you doing? Greet him in the face!"

Li Wei agreed, saying yes, and smashed his bowl-sized fist towards Song Qishan's face.

Song Qishan hurriedly hid aside, "Yinyin, what are you trying to do? Why do you join forces with outsiders to beat your brother? Come down quickly, don't mess around. Who else told you that beating someone can slap your face?"

Li Wei, who was about to beat Song Qishan with his fist, caught the point of the conversation: "Brother uncle?"

This is uncle...

Does he fight or not?

Li Wei looked at Song Yinyin.

Before Song Yinyin could speak, Song Qishan pulled her off his back with a sullen face.A pair of eyes stared at Li Wei, and the invisible coercion spread out from the eyes.

"What did you just call me?"

"Song Yinyin, tell me the truth, who is he?"

Song Yinyin, who was already very upset about Song Qishan talking to her like this, after hearing Song Qishan's questioning, stood beside Li Wei, raised her head and looked straight at Song Qishan.

"Didn't you listen to those kids? He's my partner."

"What did you say?"

Song Qishan's eyes were about to burst, he never expected that their extremely delicate younger sister had only been in the countryside for 20 days before being cheated by someone with malicious intentions.

"Do you know what a partner is, and you just talk nonsense? Lesbians should pay attention to their reputation, do you know?" No matter what, Song Qishan was unwilling to believe this was the truth.

How could his sister be raped by a pig?Absolutely impossible.

It's just that Song Qishan didn't expect that Song Yinyin was determined to piss him off.After Song Qishan finished saying this, Song Yinyin stood on tiptoe without saying much, and kissed Li Wei on the cheek.

Then he looked at Song Qishan provocatively, "Did you see it? Why should I kiss him if he's not my partner?"

Her bold action stunned everyone present.Even the children who were watching the fun outside were startled by Song Yinyin's bold actions.

Doctor Song is so... so spicy...

Li Wei, who was the party involved, was even more confused by Song Yinyin's sudden action, and his happiness was bubbling.

"Yinyin..." He stared at Song Yinyin beside him with starry eyes.

Song Qishan punched Li Wei's chin, smashing Li Wei's two chicken pox that had just emerged on the spot.

"How dare you lie to my sister, you bastard?"

"I beat you to death."

Song Qishan frantically walked forward.

While dodging, Li Wei said, "Uncle, you just said that beating people is not slapping face."


The two men were chasing around in circles in the small bathroom, Song Yinyin looked at Song Qishan with a sneer, "Li Wei is suffering from chickenpox now, if you don't want to be infected, you should get out of here."

chicken pox?

Song Qishan paused for a moment, but soon his movements returned to normal, and he continued to chase and beat Li Wei.

Chickenpox can come out, but the bastard who lied to his sister has to fight.

With such determination, Song Qishan soon contracted chickenpox.

In the reception room of the health center at night, two burly men not only had bruised noses and swollen faces, but also had red chickenpox on their cheeks.They sat alone in a corner.

The eyes continued to play tricks.

Song Qishan stared at Li Wei, all kinds of knives flew towards Li Wei.

Li Wei gave a smile that was uglier than crying, hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey we don't know each other, your skills are really amazing!

Song Qishan sneered, and would never pay attention to Li Wei, a bastard.

Li Wei, who was treated coldly, was not embarrassed. He continued to say to himself, "Brother, how much dowry is the custom on your side? Tell me so I can prepare in advance."

"You are dreaming!"

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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