Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 116 She is no longer alone

Chapter 116 She is no longer alone

Song Qishan was so excited that the wound on the corner of his mouth hurt a bit!

It is absolutely impossible for his Song Qishan's sister to marry a bastard like Li Wei!
Don't ask him why, it's because Li Wei is not a good person, and he infected him with chickenpox...

If Li Wei knew what was going on in Song Qishan's mind, and knew that the chickenpox on his body was what ruined his good impression, then he would have to cover up his chickenpox no matter what, and would never give them a chance to become a hindrance to him from marrying a wife .

Unfortunately, he doesn't know.

"Uncle, don't be like this, you see, Dr. Song has skin-to-skin relationship with me..."

"What? What did you bastard do to my sister?" Song Qishan stood up suddenly, and started a new round of chasing and beating Li Wei...

Song Yinyin, who caused the continuous fights, was at Xiao's house watching Mrs. Xiao cook.

It is more difficult for her to cook by herself, but she can't just watch that bastard Song Qishan starve to death, so she can only come to Xiao's house with the cheek to ask Mrs. Xiao to cook.

The old lady liked Song Yinyin very much, a girl with a bright and unyielding personality. After Su Yun and the others went to the city, she and Ye Wan were the only ones left at home, and they didn't speak a few words a day.

Song Yinyin came to Xiao's house, and the house was much more lively.

Mrs. Xiao was talking to Song Yinyin while cooking, and Song Yinyin was a little eager to try and do it herself.Granny Xiao naturally pampered her.

"Be careful, don't burn your hands."

"Hey, okay, grandma, don't worry, I promise to fry the vegetables well."

Song Yinyin dare not say that the dishes should be fried well, but she can guarantee that the dishes are cooked well.

"All right, all right, we will eat whatever you fry."

"Okay, thank you grandma."

Song Yinyin not only has a cheerful personality, but also has a sweet mouth.Coaxed the old lady Xiao to keep laughing.

In the room next to the fire room, Ye Wan listened to the laughter from the next room, her face was very ugly.

The dead old woman can be happy with everyone, but treats her like an enemy, and she has always had that attitude for decades!She has been married for more than ten years, but she is still no match for a girl she just met.

The more Ye Wan thought about it, the more unbalanced she became, and the more unbalanced she became, the more she got into trouble.From being dissatisfied with Mrs. Xiao, to being dissatisfied with Su Yun, to being dissatisfied with Xiao Lin, even that husband who has passed away caused her dissatisfaction...

Su Yun, who was far away in the city, didn't know that her mother-in-law was playing tricks again. After she sold the goods, she went to the free market with Xiao Lin to find Boss Zhu to order materials for making braised pork tomorrow.

Today's trotters got good feedback, and she wants to make some more tomorrow.

It was already afternoon. Although the weather was cold, the sun still came out. The husband and wife walked towards the vegetable market.Fortunately, her shop is not too far from the free market, but it is only two miles away, and it can be reached within a short walk.

The husband and wife walked forward while talking, and before they reached the gate of the free market, they saw a familiar person squatting there and looking around.

Subconsciously, Su Yun's heart tightened, and she grabbed Xiao Lin's sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Lin followed Su Yun's line of sight and looked aside, and suddenly saw the person squatting at the entrance of the free market, who wasn't Ma Liang whom he hadn't seen for several months?

This lingering thing actually came here after him.

Xiao Lin held Su Yun's hand, and the other hand hanging by his side was clenched into a fist.

There is no man in this world who can tolerate a man like Ma Liang who pesters his wife endlessly.Xiao Lin squeezed Su Yun's hand, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'll go and have a look."

Su Yun shook her head, "Don't, he didn't say that he came to see me, and if we took the initiative to go there, it would be a joke."

For people like Ma Liang, Su Yun really wanted to vomit.

Isn't his family very rich?Why don't you take him to see his brain?

When the husband and wife were chatting in a low voice, Ma Liang seemed to have noticed something, and raised his head to look in Su Yun's direction.A pair of possessive eyes fixed on Su Yun.

Su Yun thought back to the days when she was bullied in junior high school.

She subconsciously wanted to shrink to Xiao Lin's side, but she thought that if she could hide for a while, she would not be able to hide for a lifetime, so she stood beside Xiao Lin very calmly.Only holding Xiao Lin's hand tightly revealed her nervousness.

Xiao Lin took half a step forward.

Ma Liang had dropped the ponytail grass in his hand and stood up, with his hands in his trouser pockets, walking towards Su Yun and the others.

Seeing him getting closer, Su Yun held Xiao Lin's hand tighter and tighter.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoyun, I'm here."

The deep voice has the power to comfort people's hearts. Su Yun, who was trapped in the nightmare of being bullied when she was a child, gradually regained her senses, and her heart also calmed down.

That's right, now it's not the time when she was a helpless child, she doesn't have to be afraid of Ma Liang.

Su Yun took a deep breath, and faced Ma Liang who walked in, or rather, faced the nightmare of her childhood.

Ma Liang walked up to them, unexpectedly did not stop, passed by Su Yun, and left the free market.

That posture, as if Su Yun was a stranger.

Su Yun's previous panic was all imagined by her.

Ma Liang left.

Su Yun took a deep breath, her palms were already covered with sweat.

"Brother Lin..."

She raised her small face to look at Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin pinched her cheek lightly, "It's okay, I'll take care of it."


The two of them stopped being entangled with Ma Liang, and went to the pork stall in the free market to find Boss Zhu, and told him the address for delivery tomorrow.

She stopped Boss Zhu from delivering meat to Tianshui Hutong, but sent it to her shop instead.

After deciding what they need for tomorrow, Su Yun and Xiao Lin walked around the free market and saw a person selling puppies in the market. The round puppies are fluffy and whimpering in a cage, so cute Extremely.

Su Yun took a second look.

Xiao Lin's voice sounded next to his ear, "Xiaoyun likes dogs?"

Su Yun shook her head, "It's not like I like them very much, I just think they look cute when they're small."

"Shall we buy one?"

"No, it will be very troublesome to raise it if it is too small."

Another point is that she doesn't dare to keep things that are too small, for she is afraid that she will feel very uncomfortable if they fail to take care of them.

Xiao Lin hummed, and didn't suggest buying puppies.He made a silent note in his heart that he could buy a big dog to guard the house, preferably a fierce one.He thought of the wolfhound...

Look for it first, and tell Xiaoyun after you find it.

Xiao Lin hid his thoughts and went home with Su Yun.

When passing by the hospital, Xiao Lin asked Su Yun to wait for him at the entrance of the hospital, and walked into the hospital by himself.

Su Yun was a little confused, thinking that Xiao Lin was feeling uncomfortable.But when he came out, she blushed when she saw the suspicious thing in his pocket.

Didn't this man just ask for a stack before the wedding?

Just run out?

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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