Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 117 Instructor Xiao teaches Su students self-defense techniques

Chapter 117 Instructor Xiao teaches Su students self-defense techniques
The blush on her face was too obvious to hide.

Xiao Lin grinned, held her hand tightly, and teased her.

"The doctor said save it, you can only buy [-] a month."

Feel so little.

He had to find a way to get some more.

Su Yun blushed.

"You still have the nerve to say?" She raised her eyes and stared at him, as if her eyes contained Qiushui, misty, and she couldn't help but fall into it just by looking at it.

Xiao Lin was so tickled that he took his little girl back home.

After returning home, Xiao Lin asked Su Yun to rest, and he was in charge of cooking dinner.He felt sorry for himself, and Su Yun would not let him work too hard.

"Let's go together then? I'll be watching our Chef Xiao show?"

"Okay, Chef Su give me some pointers."

"Good talk, good talk."

The couple jokingly walked into the kitchen and cooked a simple dinner together.

After eating and resting for a while, Xiao Lin proposed to teach Su Yun some simple self-defense techniques.

Su Yun looked at him with sparkling eyes, "Really?"

"Will I still lie to my daughter-in-law?"

Xiao Lin speaks righteously.

Su Yun really believed that he would not lie to her, so she obediently followed Xiao Lin to the yard.She stood aside and watched Xiao Lin punch a set, and then pointed at the tip of her nose with some doubts.

"Can I learn this?"

It always seems to be difficult!

Xiao Lin, who is hotheaded and wants to show off in front of his wife: ...

Mistake, the daughter-in-law didn't see his purpose at all, he just wanted to show off his majestic figure!
Xiao Lin coughed awkwardly.

"Daughter-in-law, I was warming up just now, let's officially start?"

Su Yun nodded.

Obediently walked to Xiao Lin's side, looked at him with raised face and asked, "What should I do?"

His eyes looked down over that delicate face and fell on that fair and slender neck.That beautiful neck always has an urge to leave traces on it.

He coughed again, using great self-control to control himself not to think about anything else.

"Daughter-in-law, let's practice zama step first."


"You do it with me."


Su Yun is very well-behaved, Xiao Lin can make a horse gait when she asks, she can't lift her leg when she stretches out her hand, and she can stretch her leg very straight when she asks her to lift her leg.The obedient and attentive appearance makes people tickle.

On the contrary, Xiao Lin was the one who couldn't settle down.

The daughter-in-law has slender arms and legs, and when she strode into a horse and punched, her movements were not standard at all.If it were the recruits who were in the army before, I am afraid that everyone would be kicked by him.

But the object was changed to a daughter-in-law...

Xiao Lin not only didn't think it was substandard, but even thought it was very good-looking.

His daughter-in-law is so outstanding, she even looks so good at boxing...

"Brother Rin?"

Su Yun called Xiao Lin a few times, but did not hear his answer.She turned her head to look at the person behind her, and found that there was a faint smile on his face.

"Brother Rin?"

What is he thinking about being so happy?
Xiao Lin quickly recovered, "I'm here, what's the matter, daughter-in-law?"

"Do you see my standard of action?"

Good students are focused and serious, but the instructors are distracted throughout the process.

Fortunately, Xiao Lin was not dazzled by the beauty, after a while, he returned to normal.

"Well, the movements are standard, but we can use a little more force. My daughter-in-law, let me tell you that human weaknesses are different from eyes..." Xiao Lin held Su Yun's hand, and taught Su Yun the fighting skills hand in hand.

The two of them practiced for nearly an hour, and it was only the hard-working student Su who was willing to stop.

Instructor Xiao fetched bath water for her, then recklessly squeezed into the big wooden barrel with his students, saying that he wanted to try the thing he just bought from the hospital today...

Hospitals are now distributing things for free, but they will not distribute too many, and they will distribute a few for you to use repeatedly.

Su Yun: ...

I believe you bastard, the smelly man is very bad!

It was almost eleven o'clock, and Tianshui Lane had become very quiet.People who have been busy all day have already fallen asleep, even Xiao Lin, a tireless old scalper, stopped his movements contentedly.

In the Li family next door, Wang Erni, who was kicked out of the Li family, was lying outside the gate of the Li family, refusing to leave the Li family.

At noon, the old woman asked Brother Er Niu to drive her out of the house and let her go back to the village, saying that the Li family couldn't afford a daughter-in-law like her.Wang Erni will definitely not return to the village. If she returns to the village, she will really be divorced by the Li family.

If she is divorced by the Li family, her parents will definitely marry her to someone else in exchange for the bride price when she goes back. She doesn't want to marry someone else, she will be a worker's daughter-in-law.

The temperature at night was very low, so Wang Erni rolled up her padded jacket tightly and huddled in the corner of the gate.

In a daze, she seemed to see a figure walking towards her.

She took a closer look and saw that she was right.The figure approaching was sneaky, and he didn't look like a good person at first glance.

Wang Erni was startled and immediately jumped up, turned around and knocked on the door, "Brother Erniu, brother Erniu, open the door, there are bad people outside, there are bad people."

The person who was about to reach the gate of Xiao's house stopped, looked up at Wang Erni, gave a yell, turned around and trotted away from Tianshui Alley.

Wang Erni's cry not only woke up Li Erniu, but also several other nearby residents were woken up by Wang Erni's voice.

Su Yun was sleeping soundly at first, but she opened her eyes in a daze when she heard the sound.

"Brother Lin..."

"It's okay, sleep well."

Xiao Lin softly coaxed the person in his arms, but there was a trace of solemnity in his brows and eyes.After coaxing the person in his arms to sleep again, he pulled out his hands and got out of bed, picked up a thin cotton coat and put it on, and left the room lightly.

Wang Erni was drooling and talking about what happened just now.

"You don't know, he was only a few meters away from me at that time! If I hadn't found him in time, I would definitely have suffered!"

The nearby families were all men, and they came out to hear Wang Erni say what the suspicious person looked like, not to hear Wang Erni bragging.

Li Erniu also felt that his mother-in-law was too embarrassing. She didn't know what she looked like?The gangster saw her and wanted to do something wrong?Did she say otherwise?

"Shut up and talk about business."

Li Erniu couldn't stand it anymore, so he grabbed Wang Erni.

Wang Erni originally wanted to praise how smart she was, but when she saw Li Erniu's displeased face, she instantly became honest.

"Cough cough cough... What I just said was just a guess. In fact, his goal is not us, it should be the Xiao family next door."

 Four changes are complete!
  It's a little late tonight!

  I hope the little cuties can continue to support and vote for praise!
  Bow and thank you, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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