Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 128 Lin Erchun Without Self-knowledge

Chapter 128 Lin Erchun Without Self-Knowledge
Lin Erchun stood there and stomped her feet angrily. She found Lin Sanchun limping away from the village this morning.Lin Erchun went to complain to his old mother without saying a word. Zhang Cuicui didn't take this matter very seriously at first, but Lin Erchun reminded Zhang Cuicui, where did Lin Sanchun's cotton coat come from last night?

Maybe Lin Sanchun went shopping on the street again today...

Zhang Cuicui thought it was possible, so she directly ordered Lin Erchun to follow Lin Sanchun, and must find out where Lin Sanchun hid the money given by the old woman.

Up to now, Zhang Cuicui still thinks that Lin Sanchun has money!
That's why Lin Erchun chased him out of the village and followed Lin Sanchun all the way to this street.

Unfortunately, before Lin Sanchun entered Su Yun's store, Lin Erchun happened to go to the toilet because of a stomachache, and when she came back, Lin Sanchun was already gone on the street.

Now she was running around in the street like a headless chicken, she was full of anger accumulated in her heart, and she just waited to find Lin Sanchun and vent it on Lin Sanchun.It would be best to get some money from Lin Sanchun and hide it secretly from her mother Zhang Cuicui...

Lin Erchun's mind was pounding, but it was a pity that she went to the toilet and got lost.

Unwilling to just go back to the village like this, she wandered around the streets looking for it.

She can't find Lin Sanchun, so she can take the opportunity to go shopping. Anyway, she has to go up the mountain to cut firewood when she returns to the village. She doesn't want to go to the mountain in such a cold day...

When Su Yun finished cooking the first pot of stewed pork in the back kitchen, Xiaodao came to the shop.

"Sister, my brother asked me to come and help."

Su Yun sighed, and said to Lin Sanchun who was still bending over to wash the meat, "Sanchun, take a rest and let the knife wash the rest."

Lin Sanchun didn't want to rest, she always felt that she owed Su Yun too much, when she was able to work, she worked desperately and didn't want to stop, fearing that if she stopped, Su Yun would feel that she was useless and would not want her.

Knowing Lin Sanchun's character, Su Yun forced her to sit and rest.

"I don't like disobedient employees."

Lin Sanchun stopped.

Xiaodao just walked in, and when he heard Su Yun's words, he couldn't help but smiled to help persuade Lin Sanchun, "My sister told you to rest, so you should rest. Anyway, life is not a day or two. Now that someone is helping you, can you be lazy?" okay?"

Lin Sanchun seldom talked to gay men, and Xiaodao who walked in suddenly talked to her with a smile, which shocked her.

His face turned red.

Xiaodao touched his head suspiciously, is he scary?Not so!

Unable to figure out what the lesbian was thinking, Xiaodao moved the stool and worked diligently.

The smell of meat from the stewed meat shop wafted out with the wind, and people who came and went on the street knew that this was Su Yun's stewed meat.Customers who had a good bite and had plenty of money at hand came over, and lined up for half a catty.

Lin Erchun walked around the street but didn't find Lin Sanchun's figure. She was very hungry and smelled a meaty smell that she had never smelled before, and she was even more hungry.

Before the person could react, his footsteps had subconsciously walked towards the direction where the smell of meat wafted out.

The closer you are to the stewed meat shop, the stronger the taste.

She unconsciously joined the queue.

Su Yun was weighing and packing the guests, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the strange lesbian in the familiar clothes at the end of the line, and her brows frowned invisibly.



Thinking something was wrong, Xiaodao came out from the back kitchen.Su Yun whispered a few words in his ear, Xiao Dao nodded and went into the back kitchen.

Su Yun continued to praise and collect money from the customers who came to buy with a smile.

Soon, it was Lin Erchun's turn.

The distance between her and Su Yun was less than one meter, and there was a jar for braised meat and a low wall between them.

Lin Erchun smelled the fragrance coming from the jar, she probed over the low wall to see what was inside, how could it be so fragrant.

Su Yun smiled and closed the lid.

"What would you like, comrade?"

Before Lin Erchun could see what was in the jar, Su Yun put the lid on it.She raised her head angrily, and met Su Yun's white face with resentful eyes, she immediately felt sour.

The living conditions of the people in this city are good, and people are much more attractive.

Look at the salesman in front of him, doesn't he look like a vixen?

Lin Erchun thought indignantly.

Especially when he saw the floral padded jacket on Su Yun's waist, Lin Erchun suddenly felt that the padded jacket he was wearing, which he snatched from Lin Sanchun last night, didn't look good anymore.

Damn Lin Sanchun, since the old woman gave her so much money before she died, why didn't she know how to buy a nicer padded jacket?At least you have to buy something like the vixen in front of you!
The more Lin Erchun thought about it, the more unbalanced he felt.

The already unattractive cheeks were about to wrinkle into a ball.

Su Yun didn't know what Lin Erchun was jealous of, but she knew that Lin Erchun was blocking her business.

"Comrade, if you don't want to buy anything, can I trouble you to go to the side? Don't block the customers behind you." Su Yun still talked to Lin Erchun with a smile on her face.

The crisp voice also made Lin Erchun jealous.

Hearing the tone of this foxy son, he must have fascinated many men.

Lin Erchun glared at Su Yun maliciously, and said angrily, "Who said I won't buy it? What do you have for sale?"

Without looking back, Su Yun pointed to the price tag hanging on the wall.

"There are everything above, what do you want, comrade?"

Lin Erchun has studied for two years, and she knows simple Chinese characters.She followed Su Yun's fingers to look at the wall, and only saw one of the signs that said pigs' water was one yuan per catty, and she screamed out.

"A pig that costs one yuan a catty goes into the water? Are you stealing money?"

The voice was so loud that Su Yun's eardrums were about to burst.

Before Su Yun could react, the customers standing behind Lin Erchun waiting in line to buy something had already made their voices.

"One dollar a catty is too expensive, so you don't have to buy it, and no one will let you buy it."

"That's right, if you can't afford it, get out of the way quickly. What does it mean to stand in front and block people?"

"That's it."

The people waiting in line at the back were already hungry, and they wanted to buy something and go home for dinner!Lin Erchun happened to hit the muzzle of their guns, it would be a ghost if he didn't get scolded.

A group of gay men are also irritable, and no one is said to be more sympathetic.

Su Yun didn't stop them either, she really wanted to see how Lin Erchun would react.

Lin Erchun was so scolded that her face turned red and she couldn't get off the stage. Her hands in her pockets tightened tightly.Hold tight to her only fifty cents.

"Who says I can't afford it?"

"Give me...give me two pork loin."

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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