Chapter 129 The real revenge

Looking at Lin Erchun's posture, she thought she would attract a group of onlookers with a wave of her big hand: ...


The people in the queue didn't know who laughed first, and then the laughter seemed to be contagious, spreading from one to the other, and a group of people laughed.The teasing in the laughter was self-evident, Lin Erchun's dark skin turned red!

Red in black, glossy.

Su Yun also looked at Lin Erchun with a slight smile.

Lin Erchun poked his neck and stared back at her, "How is it? You don't allow me to buy more?"

Su Yun shook her head, "No, as much as you want is your freedom." She took out a fork and fished out a piece of pork loin from the jar, cut a small piece and weighed it, no more than one tael, no less.

"Your scale is too flat. There are only one or two things for such a small amount? Are you eating my scale?"

Lin Erchun didn't have any money, so he had a lot of shit.

Su Yun's packing hand stopped, and she looked at Lin Erchun with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Comrade, if you don't want to buy it, I can understand it. But if you say I'm undervalued, that's too much."

"If I buy something, I suspect it's not enough to weigh it. Is it wrong?" Lin Erchun insisted.

Su Yun laughed, "Then should I give you all of this, just enough for your reputation?"

"If you want to give it, it's not impossible." Lin Erchun said cheekily.

Su Yun snorted, and directly took off the one or two pork loins on the scale, and did not sell them.

Her eyelids moved, and she greeted the people behind Lin Erchun, "Comrade, what do you want?"

The person who couldn't wait for a long time heard Su Yun calling him, immediately pushed Lin Erchun away and stepped forward, telling Su Yun the category he wanted to buy.

"I want pork head meat, and more pig ears. Today I'm going to my father-in-law and brother-in-law's house for a drink. Boss Su, your stewed vegetables are really good for drinking."

Su Yun responded with a snappy hello.

Pack it up and hand it to him according to the customer's requirements, take the money with a smile, and welcome the next customer.

Lin Erchun, who was pushed to the edge, still wanted to come back, but she failed several times.She could only wait for this wave of customers to finish shopping before she walked over from the side again.

Su Yun, who lowered her head to arrange the money, caught a glimpse of Lin Erchun out of the corner of her eye. She ignored it and went about her own business.

Lin Erchun came to the window, pretending to be careless, stood on tiptoe and looked inside.

Su Yun raised her head and chuckled, "I'm sorry comrade, the pork loin is sold out."

In fact, there are, but Su Yun does not intend to sell to Lin Erchun.Lin Erchun sneered when he heard it, and said arrogantly, "Isn't it just ordering parallel goods, and people buy them for a dollar a catty? Also, do you think I have no money to buy them?"

Lin Erchun tried to save some face, she reached out and pulled the new padded jacket on her body.

"Did you see this padded jacket? I just bought it for 30 yuan. If I didn't just buy this padded jacket, I can buy it from your store. Don't look down on people."

Lin Erchun talked to himself, and walked away swaggeringly with his hands behind his back.

Su Yun:? ? ?
Lin Sanchun, who had been sitting in the back kitchen and listening to the commotion outside, was so angry that he couldn't breathe smoothly when he heard Lin Erchun's words.

How could this Lin Erchun be so shameless?Sister Yun obviously bought the clothes for herself, but was snatched by Lin Erchun, how could she have the face to say that she bought them?

Lin Sanchun was about to explode in anger, and wanted to rush out to ask Lin Erchun how she could be so shameless.

Su Yun walked in from the outside, and seeing Lin Sanchun's dark face sitting on the stool, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you think Lin Erchun is shameless? Her words make people angry?"

Lin Sanchun raised his head in surprise, and looked at Su Yun very puzzled, "Sister Yun, isn't Lin Erchun too much?"

Su Yun nodded, "It depends on where you stand."

If it was Lin Erchun's standpoint, then she was just trying to save face for herself, lying and telling lies, boasting that she was rich was nothing more than vanity.

But if it is viewed from Lin Sanchun's standpoint, then the feeling will be different.

Lin Sanchun was still very angry.

Xiaodao looked at Lin Sanchun, then at Su Yun, and then suggested, "Sister, why don't I catch that person just now, and you beat her to vent her anger?"

"It's no use."

Su Yun rejected Xiaodao's suggestion, "A self-righteous idiot like Lin Erchun, if you reason with her and she just listens, it will be your loss."

When you know that a person is stupid, but you don't tell her, let her continue to be stupid, and let the society teach her a lesson, that is called real revenge.

It's really nothing to beat people to vent their emotions.

With Su Yun making the decision, Lin Erchun's matter will be over soon.At the same time, while Su Yun and Xiaodao were working, they also heard more stories about their Lin family from Lin Sanchun.

After listening to Su Yun's summary, she felt miserable.

On the other hand, there was a big man with a small knife, but his eyes were already red.

"Sister Sanchun, you are too miserable."

This name...

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, "Why did I hear elder brother say that you will be twenty soon?"

And Lin Sanchun was only eighteen, and his body and appearance looked more like fifteen.So how can Xiao Dao call Lin Sanchun Miss Sanchun?

How could he speak?
Xiao Dao touched the back of his head and replied embarrassedly, "Hey sister, I just think you are all very good, and you are all my sisters."

Su Yun: ...

It turns out that this sister has nothing to do with age!She thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was also a reason, let brother Xiao call herself sister some other day?

Su Yun was overwhelmed by the beauty of the picture she imagined.

The thoughts in my brain are a little out of control, and I start to go where I shouldn't think.

The knife reached out and waved in front of her.


Su Yun regained consciousness in a second, her cheeks were slightly red, and she coughed.

"Okay buddy, let's keep working!"



Lin Erchun was walking alone on the way back to Shanglin Village. She was tired, hungry and thirsty, and the scent she could smell in the braised meat shop in the city kept popping up in her mind.The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it. Such delicious meat, if she bought one or two to taste the taste, how good would it be?
"It's all the fault of the contemptuous boss. She thinks I can't afford her meat, right? Wait, wait until I find the money Lin Sanchun hid, and see if I don't buy all your meat."

Lin Erchun walked forward while swearing, and three unfamiliar men approached not far away. When they saw Lin Erchun alone, there was a gleam in their eyes, they looked at each other and walked up quickly.

When Lin Erchun passed by those three men, one of them stretched out his hand and pressed Lin Erchun's neck, and covered Lin Erchun's mouth and nose with a handkerchief soaked in medicine.

One person did the aftermath and the other opened the way, and one of them dragged Lin Erchun into the forest.

The handkerchief was tightly covered, Lin Erchun struggled hard, but inhaled more of the drug on the handkerchief.

Seeing that she was about to be dragged into the woods, a strong shout came from not far away, "Over there, what are you doing?"

The three men who were already guilty of guilt heard the voice, and then saw five or six peasants coming not far away carrying hoes. The mountains and jungles.

The peasants ran over and saw the unconscious Lin Erchun, and recognized her as Zhang Cuicui's daughter, and withdrew their hands that were about to help.

"How is it? Can you help me carry her back?"

 The fourth change is over, and we will catch insects tomorrow.

  Thank you to everyone who voted for Wenwen, I love you.

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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