Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 130 It's Not Clean, Go To Xiaodao's House

Chapter 130 It's Not Clean, Go To Xiaodao's House
"Carry her back? What are you thinking about? This is the daughter of Lin Erzhuang and Zhang Cuicui. If you don't want to die, you want to carry her back?" One of them immediately refuted when he heard his companion's suggestion.

Another companion also added, "Yes, that's Zhang Cuicui! A vicious woman who can catch a pullet and scold her all day long, you dare to touch her daughter, and you won't be afraid of being raped by Zhang Cuicui and his wife." Do you want to lose all your money?"

"That's right, if you want to carry it, we won't participate!"

"That's right, don't forget that Lin Erchun happens to be the age to discuss marriage, what will you do if Zhang Cuicui insists that Lin Erchun's innocence is gone?"

None of the villagers in Shanglin Village didn't bother Zhang Cuicui.However, Zhang Cuicui is a woman and a piece of meat, they can't do anything to her.

For Zhang Cuicui, they can't afford to offend her, and they can afford to hide her.

The first man who spoke was not called simple. He glanced at Lin Erchun, who was unknown, and turned to his companion, "Then we can't just let her lie here, can we?"

Maybe those three men just turned back again?What to do then?
What he said was indeed a problem.

The villagers are all simple and simple. Although they don't want to provoke Zhang Cuicui, they won't just watch Lin Erchun lying here.They frowned and thought hard, they couldn't think of any good solution, and they finally unanimously decided to wake Lin Erchun first.

As for how to wake up?

Several people looked at me, I looked at you, and finally looked at the first person who spoke together.

The first person to speak: ...

Why does it feel like he's about to get hurt?
The rest of the people said in unison, "It is said that boy urine can cure all diseases."

The first to speak: ? ? ? ?
He doesn't have a wife, is he wrong?

Lin Erchun felt that someone had poured a pot of warm boiling water on her face, and her heavy eyelids were not so heavy, she subconsciously stretched out her tongue to lick the 'water drop' that fell to her lips.

"Why does it smell like urine?"

Lin Erchun thought he was confused, otherwise how could he smell urine?She licked it again in disbelief.

"Bah... bah... bah..."

The strong smell of urine made her almost vomit, and she opened her eyes completely, got up and looked around, and found herself lying alone on the empty road, with no one around.

She raised her sleeve and wiped her face, the strong smell of urine made her almost throw up.

"What's going on?" Lin Erchun was very suspicious, suddenly something flashed and thundered in her mind, and Lin Erchun jumped up from the ground with a wow.

"It's over, it's over, I'm pregnant with a wild man's child..."

The few fellow villagers who hid in the dark and didn't run far saw Lin Erchun running back to the village saying something they didn't understand as if chased by a ghost, the big stone hanging in their hearts finally fell down.

Well, it's not like watching a girl die.

A few people planned to continue walking forward to work, but another companion squatted aside and groaned, and a few people walked over to ask him what was going on?
The man responsible for waking up Lin Erchun with urine raised his head, with a little grievance in his eyes, "I'm not clean anymore."

Companion, you look at me, I look at you, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Loud laughter resounded in the forest, scaring away flocks of birds in the forest.


After seeing off the last customer in the afternoon, Su Yun closed the shop with a thump on her shoulder, and called Lin Sanchun to go home with her.

Xiaodao looked at Su Yun suspiciously from the side, "Sister, Miss Sanchun is going to live at your place tonight?"

Even though Su Yun had heard Xiaodao's explanation and knew that his age had nothing to do with being a sister, she still admired him for being able to call Lin Sanchun sister without hindrance.

She nodded, "There's something wrong with Sanchun's house, so I can't go back for the time being."

"Hey, then she can live at my house!"

Knife's flattering proposal.

Su Yun blinked, showing a puzzled expression.No, is it possible that Xiaodao has any thoughts about Sanchun?Her eyes turned around on Xiao Dao, and then on Lin Sanchun.

Lin Sanchun just lowered his head, not knowing what expression he had.

Su Yun could only look at Xiaodao.

The two of them, did something happen in the back kitchen today that she didn't know about?
Su Yun had a strong desire to gossip in her heart, and her eyes were full of curiosity.

Xiaodao was confused by Su Yun instead, "Sister, what are you looking at?"

Su Yun:? ? ?
Isn't it what she thought?
Well, in order not to make herself appear so unprincipled, Su Yun coughed and asked solemnly, "You asked Sanchun to live with you, then where are you going?"

"Where should I go, Brother Wei? Anyway, there is my room over there."

Xiaodao felt that his brother had just married his sister, so he definitely wouldn't like a third party to disturb their married life, and since he and Li Wei were both single, it would be good for him to live with Li Wei for a while.

Lin Sanchun let her live in his own house temporarily, and by the way, can he do some cleaning for the house?

The knife and the abacus were crackling.

Su Yun handed over the decision to Lin Sanchun.But before Lin Sanchun made a decision, she still assured Lin Sanchun that Xiaodao was not a bad person.

Lin Sanchun lowered his head and hummed.

"I would like to live in Xiaodao's house."

Going to live in Su Yun's house was a forced choice.Now that there is one more choice, Lin Sanchun will of course choose another one.Apart from the fact that she doesn't want to disturb the young couple who just got married, there is another point that she is quite afraid of Xiao Lin.

I always feel that Xiao Lin seems to be able to eat people.

Since both parties have agreed, what disagreement does Su Yun have?She walked with them to Xiaodao's house. Xiaodao's house was in the alley opposite Tianshui Hutong. The yard was not big, similar to Tianshui Hutong.

There are three main rooms, with two side rooms at both ends, one is a kitchen and the other is a storage room.

Pushing open the courtyard door and seeing the piles of things all over the courtyard, Su Yun suspected for a moment that this was not a courtyard, but a garbage recycling station.

After all, there are too many things in it, old bicycles, old radios, and all kinds of second-hand things, all piled up in the yard.

Xiaodao explained with a smile, "It's like this. My grandpa used to be the administrator of the waste recycling station. He likes to go home to organize things when he has nothing to do." In the past, only he and his grandpa lived here, so grandpa moved things home. It doesn't matter, as long as there is a place to sleep.

Later, the old man was gone, and the knife was not cleaned up.

He wants to clean it up recently, but isn't he busy looking for Ma Guanghua's evidence?This delay has delayed until now.

After Xiaodao finished speaking, I was a little embarrassed.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, so don't tell her that Xiaodao asked Sanchun to come over to clean up, it really means cleaning up literally...

"Let me put away the knife for you." Lin Sanchun took the initiative to say, "It just so happens that I'm free, so I'll clean it up for you."

As she said that, she went over to clean it up, the knife is the owner, and she definitely wouldn't let the guests do it all the way.He also hurried forward to help...

Looking at the pile of things, Su Yun gave up the idea of ​​helping.

Compared with cleaning up these waste copper and iron, she is still more talented in cooking.

"Clean up first, and come over for dinner tonight."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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