Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 131 I Can't Look At My Sister

Chapter 131 I Can't Look at Sister Directly

Xiao Lin was delayed by something today and went home late.When he returned to the door of his house, he was stopped by Li Hu next door.

Li Hu seems unable to worship him as a teacher and refuses to give up.

Xiao Lin waited for Li Erniu and Mrs. Li to come out to arrest him, and was delayed for 2 minutes before entering the courtyard.

As soon as he entered, he saw his wife coming out of the kitchen and greeted him with a smile.

"You're back, where's the big brother? Why don't you ask him to come over for dinner?"

Xiao Lin was a little unhappy.

Another small knife with vegetables came out of the kitchen, Xiao Lin's smile froze completely.

Well, the dream of hugging and kissing Xiangruan's daughter-in-law immediately after coming back is completely shattered, wash your hands obediently and get ready to eat!
There were a lot of people at the dinner table tonight. Apart from the few people in the normal plan, Zheng Ying also brought her brother over solemnly, saying that she was here for dinner.

Zheng Zheng was a little embarrassed, and he carried a lot of things in his hand.

Su Yun hurriedly asked Xiao Lin to greet her.

She was actually the one who was embarrassed. After all, she was unable to thank him for solemnly rescuing her at the gate of the free market last time.It was only after meeting Zheng Ying yesterday that Su Yun told Zheng Ying to let her have time to call her brother over for dinner.

It just so happened that there was no urgent matter in the bureau today, so he was dragged here by Zheng Ying, who had been waiting in the bureau early in the morning.

It's definitely not okay to come to eat empty-handed, he is not as thick-skinned as his sister.Solemnly went around to the department store to buy something, and brought two bottles of Erguotou along the way.

Because it was agreed in advance, the portion of dinner prepared by Su Yun was sufficient.There were seven people in total, and the four gay men were young adults who could eat. Su Yun cooked five dishes.

A whole plump rooster was chopped into pieces and stir-fried with chili peppers, and a large plate was full.A braised pork, a sweet and sour pork ribs, a plate of stir-fried small green vegetables, boiled a large bowl of fish with pickled cabbage.

The boiling oil was poured on the pickled fish, and the aroma was accompanied by the sound of sizzling oil, which made people wish they could eat ten bowls of rice.

Su Yun asked them to sit down, all of them were young people, and there was no need to divide the table.The square table sat seven of them and was spacious.

When they first sat down, both Lin Sanchun and Zheng Zheng were somewhat restrained, but after all, they were both young people, and after a meal, everyone was able to chat like ordinary friends.

Su Yun and the other lesbians left the table after eating their fill, and went to the kitchen to warm up.The remaining four gay men drank a little wine.

Su Yun in the kitchen didn't know what they talked about while drinking, she only knew that Li Wei and Zheng Zheng were a little drunk when Xiaodao and Xiao Lin came in to clean up the bowls.

"Drunk? Do you want me to make some hangover soup?" Su Yun asked Xiao Lin who looked normal, "You want to drink some too?"

She tilted her head and looked at Xiao Lin curiously, but she also wanted to know if he was drunk.

Too bad she couldn't see it.

Based on Xiao Lin's steady steps alone, Su Yun couldn't deduce whether he was drunk or not.

Xiao Lin smiled and rubbed her hair, "Don't pay attention to them."

"Eh... isn't that good?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Xiao Lin turned sideways to block the kitchen door, bent down and squeezed Su Yun's face, "My daughter-in-law treats them with good food and drink, and they don't need to get drunk. Do you still want my daughter-in-law to cook them hangover soup? They are dreaming!"

"My daughter-in-law cooks for me as well."

Su Yun gave an "uh", she was sure, Xiao Lin was also a little drunk.

Maybe he wasn't that drunk.

No, when she turned around to cook hangover soup, Xiao Lin resolutely refused to let her go.She could only rely on him and sit there with him to warm up by the fire.

Fortunately, Xiaodao and Lin Sanchun and Zheng Ying were all rounded up in the back, even washing dishes, Xiaodao asked the lesbians to step aside, and cleaned the dishes with a few swipes.

Even the ground was swept together.

Su Yun looked at the extremely hardworking knife, and really couldn't figure out how the pile of things in his yard lasted until today, and no one cleaned it up.

It was getting late, and several people who came to eat bid farewell and left one after another.Although Li Wei and Zheng Zheng were drunk, they still had no problem recognizing people while walking.It is not a problem for them to have someone to accompany them back home.

Su Yun felt relieved.

Watch them leave with a smile and invite them to come back for dinner the next time they are free.After closing the courtyard door and turning around, he fell into an embrace with a strong smell of alcohol.

Just as Su Yun was about to speak, a man's aggrieved voice sounded in her ear, "Daughter-in-law, we haven't seen each other all day."


"When I come back, you are still busy with other people, and you don't have time to care about me."


so what?Xiao Lin suddenly acted like a child, was there a purpose in saying such things?
Don't blame her for being too innocent, this man really can't make her simple.

Before she could settle her thoughts, Xiao Lin revealed his purpose of acting like a baby.

"So daughter-in-law, you have to make it up to me."

The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched, and she knew that he laid the groundwork for such a long sentence just for this one sentence.

She frowned and looked at Xiao Lin with a smile, "Okay, then call me Sister Yun to listen... ah... what are you doing?" His neck glared at him angrily.

The man who was 'drunk' was as awake at this moment as when he just woke up.

"Let's go to the room and talk."

Su Yun: ...

Can I talk properly after going to the room?

But tonight, Xiao Lin guessed wrong, she didn't expect that he actually called her sister, and he called her sister a lot.

He's not ashamed at all!

Su Yun felt ashamed when she heard that.

So much so that in the end, she couldn't even look directly at the word "sister" at all.As long as Su Yun hears the word sticky sister, goose bumps all over Su Yun's body.


"Sister Yun? Sister Yun?"

Lin Sanchun repeatedly called Su Yun from the side, several times in a row, before Su Yun recovered from the memories of last night.

Realizing that Lin Sanchun had been waiting for her to answer, she immediately corrected her attitude and serious expression, "What's wrong, Sanchun? What's the matter?"

Lin Sanchun pointed to the long line of guests outside.

"Sister Yun, don't you sell anything?"

Sister Yun felt weird when she came to the store today, and she just sat on the side with her chin in her hands and lost her mind. Lin Sanchun didn't know if something happened to Su Yun.She didn't dare to interrupt Su Yun's fugue indiscriminately.

She had no choice but to speak until the guests came.

Su Yun groaned and stood up quickly, her leg accidentally hit the corner of the table, causing her to hiss in pain.

The brain seems to be a lot clearer because of this collision.

She quickly got rid of the messy Xiao Lin in her mind, and greeted the guests with a smile on her face.

Lin Sanchun touched his head suspiciously. Could it be because Brother Xiao went out today, so sister Yun was distracted all day?Sister Yun has been thinking about Brother Xiao since he left. Their relationship is really enviable!
Xiao Lin, who was concentrating on driving the car forward, sneezed, and Li Wei, the co-pilot, turned his face.

"you caught a cold?"

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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