Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 142 I've been thinking about it for a long time, competitors are coming

Chapter 142 I've been thinking about it for a long time, competitors are coming
Was seen through?

Su Yun lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Why would I despise you?" Xiao Lin sighed and hugged her, wishing to rub her into his bones and blend into his blood. "Actually, I have a secret that I didn't tell you."

Su Yun blinked, "What secret?"

"Drink this brown sugar water while it's hot first, and I'll talk to my wife after eating the eggs?"

Xiao Lin coaxed her.

Su Yun groaned, and took his hand to drink up the brown sugar water in the bowl.After drinking the water, she burped, her stomach was already full.

"There are still eggs left."

"I can't eat anymore." Su Yun rubbed her stomach which was supported by a bowl of water, feeling that she really couldn't eat anymore.

"Hey, you have to eat a little, and your body will heal faster if you eat a little."

Su Yun: ...

In the end, I still ate the egg white in small bites. As for the egg yolk?She coaxed and acted like a baby, and asked Xiao Lin to eat for her.

After eating and drinking, Su Yun lay on the bed and rubbed her belly feeling lazy, Xiao Lin put the bowl away and lay down beside her.Covering hers with his big hand, he gently rubbed her uncomfortable belly.

Su Yun looked at him.

"What's the secret you just said?"

Xiao Lin chuckled, "Why is my daughter-in-law still thinking about it? I want to keep this secret and tell our grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the future."

This man is being dishonest again.

Haven't even had children yet, so you're thinking about grandchildren and great-grandchildren?

Su Yun gave him an angry look, Xiao Lin smiled and surrendered, "Okay, okay, let me say, let me say."

His secret, in fact, is not a secret.

It's just some dirty thoughts hidden deep in my heart and I don't want others to know.

The more he said this, the more Su Yun wondered what kind of dirty thoughts Xiao Lin would have.

"When you were sent to my room by them, I actually thought about cooking raw rice with you...cough cough cough cough..."

How to cook raw rice?Xiao Lin didn't say anything.

But Su Yun understood.

Reminiscent of what he said to herself on the wedding day, Su Yun is now convinced that he really has plans for her.

This bad man has a really deep mind!

Su Yun groaned angrily, leaned into his arms to find a comfortable position and closed her eyes.Instead of continuing this sticky topic, she changed to another one that she was more concerned about.

"If you deal with Ma Guanghua this time, will he jump over the wall and do something more egregious to get revenge?"

Before Xiao Lin went to set Ma Guanghua's sack, he told her about it.

So Su Yun knew.

Xiao Lin hummed.

"Don't worry too much, his good days are coming to an end. At the end of the year at most!"

Knowing that Xiao Lin had her own plans, Su Yun felt relieved and didn't ask any more questions.She then chatted with Xiao Lin about his recent business, knowing that Xiao Lin had bought a fruit grove to sell fruit, Su Yun thought of the fruit basket seen in later generations.

"Brother Lin, do you think it is possible to put different fruits together and send them out as gifts?"

Xiao Lin's mind is active, after Su Yun's mention, he has already thought of the next thing.The more he thought about it, the more excited he was, he turned his head and held Su Yun's face and kissed her fiercely.

"My daughter-in-law is really a peerless treasure."

Su Yun: ...

She's really ashamed, she really doesn't deserve such a powerful title.


Ma Guanghua's wife is Li Meng, a woman in her early thirties.After Ma Guanghua was taken away, she didn't cry like other daughters who learned that her husband was messing around outside.

On the contrary, Li Meng calmly contacted the husband of the woman Ma Guanghua had slept with, and reached an agreement with him.

She gave him 1000 yuan in compensation, and asked the man to go to the police station to correct his words, saying that it was a misunderstanding.

As the saying goes, money touches people's hearts, let alone such a large sum of money?Without further ado, the man went to the Public Security Bureau to withdraw the case.

Ma Guanghua was able to go home.

Li Meng came to pick him up in person.

When Ma Guanghua saw Li Meng, his nose was not his nose and his eyes were not his eyes.Thinking of how useless he had been for a day today, he became even more angry.

But fortunately, outside, Ma Guanghua was able to control his temper.

Back at Ma's house, Ma Guanghua's restrained temper exploded. He asked the family servant to go down, turned around and slapped Li Meng on the face.

"You bitch, you just want to see Lao Tzu's jokes, don't you?"

Ma Guanghua looks gentle, but he is actually a domestic violence man.But the strange thing is that Li Meng, a shrewd woman, can also endure Ma Guanghua's domestic violence.

No, after being slapped in the face, she didn't react at all, she just lowered her head.

Ma Guanghua turned around and scolded Li Meng in the worst language in the world.After scolding, he walked around the spot twice, then returned to Li Meng, and reached out to caress her cheek.

"I'm sorry Mengmeng, I scared you, I'm sorry."

Li Meng raised his head, shaking his head with tears in his eyes.

She was used to it, Ma Guanghua beat and scolded her first, and then came to coax her.

Ma Guanghua likes Li Meng, a woman who can do a lot of things for him without fighting back.He hugged her and comforted her softly before he got down to business.

"I was sent to the Public Security Bureau today, does that guy from Xiangjiang know?"

Li Meng shook his head, "I have asked someone to block the news, no one will know."

"You're doing right, Mengmeng, you're awesome." Ma Guanghua caressed Li Meng's face, and ordered Li Meng to do other things before going to the study.

Li Meng asked in a low voice, "Director, your injuries..."

It was fine if she didn't mention it, but when Ma Guanghua mentioned it, his whole body began to ache again.He bared his teeth, it was best not to let him catch the beast that sacked him last night.

Otherwise, he can guarantee that he will eat him alive.

"Go to Doctor Tian."

Ma Guanghua ordered Li Meng in a cold voice.

Li Meng agreed and went to make a phone call.

"Ma Liang is back and tell him to come see me."


Ma Guanghua sent all his staff to find the person who put his sack on last night.But the real 'culprit' was sleeping soundly with his daughter-in-law in his arms.

When Ma Guanghua smashed Su Yun's shop, there was no surveillance and no one saw him, so he was confident.When Xiao Lin put on Ma Guanghua's sack, he returned the same thoughts.

He didn't want to get blood on his hands, otherwise he could crush Ma Guanghua's skull at any time.

For the next few days, everything was normal.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and Su Yun's business is getting better and better.Just when she was thinking about putting roasted pork on the agenda, there was an empty shop opposite her house being renovated, and people passing by two days later found that the shop opposite was decorated exactly like Su Yun's shop.

Even the store name is similar.

But the store is several times bigger than her store.

At first glance, he is a rich and powerful person.

'Li's Roasted Stew'

On the day of the opening, there was a great battle for Li's Roasted Brine, and many people were invited to cut the ribbon, which attracted many people's attention.

Su Yun, who was sitting in her shop keeping accounts, raised her head when she heard the movement, and happened to see the boss who was greeting customers at the door of Li's house, a young lesbian in her early 30s.

She was wearing a set of blue and white cheongsam with a big shawl on her shoulders, which gave off an old Shanghai Bund flavor.

Such a person, open a stewed meat shop?
Just at this time, the boss who had been greeting the guests raised his head.

 here we come

(End of this chapter)

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