Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 143 The visitor is not good, cut off her supply

Chapter 143 The visitor is not good, cut off her supply
The moment Su Yun saw Li Meng's face, she was slightly startled.

This looks like a pampered rich wife. Such a person wants to open a stewed meat shop?
When she raised her head, it happened that Li Meng over there also raised her head.Li Meng's eyes met Su Yun's, then he curled his lips, showing a slight smile and nodded to her.

"Boss Su, my name is Li Meng. I have just entered the business. If there is anything I don't understand, please ask Boss Su for guidance." Li Meng walked up to Su Yun and greeted her with a smile.

Although Su Yun didn't quite understand what Li Meng's real intentions were, she wasn't the kind of person who was so narrow-minded that she couldn't tolerate her colleagues.

She also nodded, "Boss Li is polite."

"I'm not being polite. I heard that Boss Su is very good at business. It just so happens that our ancestors in the Li family were also chefs, so I have the cheek to borrow the skills of my ancestors to earn some money to make ends meet."

Li Meng laughed and said Yan Yan.

Su Yun still nodded lightly, "Congratulations, Boss Li, I wish Boss Li a prosperous business and a wealth of wealth."

"Thank you Boss Su for your auspicious words, then I'll go there first, and have tea together when I have time."

"Thank you."

Su Yun nodded and watched Li Meng leave, and she continued to work on herself when he was gone.

"Sister Yun, what's the matter with this person?" Xiao Dao came over and asked Su Yun with some doubts.Lin Sanchun also stood at the door of the back kitchen, looking at Su Yun worriedly.

They seem worried.

Su Yun shook her head.

"not sure."

"She's our competitor, right? How can she pretend to be a good friend and come over to say hello? Besides, her store obviously copied our store name, and even the decoration was copied from ours. Such a person still has the face to come over." ? And ask sister Yun to drink tea with you, is she trying to learn from us how to make braised pork again?"

Xiaodao was outraged, and said a long list in one breath.

Su Yun was actually a little depressed, but it was only a little depressed.

"It's okay, we just have to do our own thing. There will always be competition in business. Even if there is no such thing as the Li's family today, tomorrow there will be Wang's, Zhang's and Zhao's."

The only way for them is to continuously improve the taste of their products and cultivate loyal customers of their stores.

Only in this way can we be invincible.

But despite this, Su Yun still asked Xiaodao to tell Boss Zhu in the afternoon that he would send less pigs to the water tomorrow.

Xiaodao let out a hey and left the shop, Su Yun also liquidated the turnover and prepared to close the shop and go home.

The owner of the rice shop next door came over and knocked on the door.

"Boss Su, the other side asked to go to the state-run restaurant for dinner at night, will you go?"

"Huh?" Su Yun raised her head and looked at the owner of the rice shop in a daze, as if she couldn't understand what she said.

The owner of the rice shop explained it, and Su Yun finally understood.

It turned out that Li Meng had greeted the owners of other shops on the street in the morning, saying that he had set up a few tables in the state-run restaurant at the opening night, and told them to come over for dinner.

The shop owner of the rice shop is next to Su Yun's shop, and they are relatively close, so the owner of the rice shop is a little uncertain about whether to agree to Li Meng's invitation.

Su Yun really hadn't heard of it.

But seeing the anxious expression of the owner of the rice store waiting for her to answer, Su Yun knew what the owner of the rice store was worried about.She laughed out loud, "I'm fine, Boss Li has invited you, so you go!"

She's really not that narrow-minded.

Moreover, this street is for business, not for forming gangs and crowding out peers.Su Yun really thought there was nothing serious about it.

Knowing Su Yun's attitude, the owner of the rice shop nodded and went back to his shop. As for whether she went to the state-owned hotel to eat the table invited by Li Meng in the end, Su Yun didn't know.

Su Yun lowered her head and continued to count today's turnover. Recently, she can have a turnover of about 100 yuan a day. After removing the expenses, she can earn a net profit of 60 yuan a day.

This is not as much as when I set up a street stall before.

But the main reason is that there was no cost in the past, and she and Xiao Lin did it by themselves.So except for buying things, it is purely earned money.Not now, there is a shop now, and I have to pay the shop rent, water bill, and wages for hire...

Right now, Li Meng has opened a similar braised stew shop on the opposite side. I'm afraid her turnover will drop a bit... Su Yun shook her head slightly, no, she should think of a few more ways to make money.

It is impossible to make a lot of money just selling lo-mei.

While thinking about the next plan in her mind, Su Yun counted today's money.She wondered why Xiaodao had been to the free market for so long, and was about to ask Lin Sanchun to see if something had happened, when Xiaodao came back with an angry expression on his face.

"What's wrong with the knife?"

Su Yun asked.

Xiaodao snorted angrily, Lin Sanchun handed him a bowl of water, and he said after drinking all the water, "That boss Zhu actually said that there is no more water."


Under the expectation of Su Yun and Lin Sanchun, Xiaodao finally said the matter.

It turned out that according to Su Yun's intention, he went to the free market to talk to Boss Zhu about sending pigs into the water tomorrow.At first, Boss Zhu hesitated and said no, and he would have a day off tomorrow.

Okay, he didn't force him to rest the knife, so he asked Boss Zhu to find a way to get what they needed in the store.After all, he is in the business of slaughtering pigs and selling meat. Isn't it easy to get two pigs into the water?
It's just that no matter what Xiaodao said, Boss Zhu said he couldn't get it.

Xiaodao was about to leave angrily, but at this time a guest happened to come and told Boss Zhu that he remembered the meat reserved for him tomorrow, don’t forget...

Xiaodao turned around immediately when he heard this, and asked Boss Zhu if he had a rest tomorrow?How can you leave meat for others again?

Another customer also took it seriously, and asked Boss Zhu if he really had a rest tomorrow?If you really rest, you can't delay him...

Boss Zhu quickly coaxed another customer, saying that he hadn't rested, and the promised meat would definitely be there, and it was best to keep it.After coaxing the guest and sending him away, Boss Zhu told Xiaodao the truth.

In fact, someone had already decided on his tomorrow's pig launch in advance, and he felt embarrassed to explain to Su Yun, so he lied that he had a rest tomorrow...

After Xiaodao heard this, he was about to blow up on the spot. If he hadn't come back in a hurry to tell Su Yun the news and let Su Yun find a way, I'm afraid he would have already destroyed Boss Zhu's position in the free market.

"This dishonest thing is really not a thing." Xiaodao was still very angry after speaking, and couldn't help cursing angrily.

Su Yun pursed her lips slightly, raised her eyes to look at Li's Braised Pork, her eyes darkened slightly.

She didn't treat Li Meng as an enemy, but the other party had already cut off her life?Not even willing to give a chance to fair competition?

"Xiaodao will go to the vegetable market with me."


"Sister Yun, I will go too."

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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