Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 145 A new member has been added to the family and closed for 1 day

Chapter 145 A new member was added to the family, and the business closed for a day

"Let's go eat first, and study it tomorrow?" Xiao Lin's voice came from behind, his hands that had just been washed in cold water were too cold, and he didn't hug her or hold her hand as usual.

Afraid of getting cold to her.

Su Yun hummed.

"Okay, so what shall we feed it?"

"Anything is fine."

"Then eat with us."

I just wonder if the new member likes the soup she cooked tonight?Su Yun went back to the kitchen, found an old lunch box and cleaned it, filled it with half a box of rice, added two spoonfuls of soup and took it out for the new members of the family.

Fortunately, she cooked enough food tonight, at least everyone is almost full.

After dinner, Li Wei praised Su Yun's cooking skills and went home, Xiao Lin came to clean up the rest.Su Yun pushed his hand away, "You've been tired all day, go take a shower first, and I'll clean it up here."

She usually encourages men to work, but it is obvious that both Xiao Lin and Li Wei are tired today, so they must have worked hard today.

Although Su Yun didn't know what happened, she couldn't catch Xiao Lin and squeeze her.

She will wash these bowls in a while, it doesn't matter if Xiao Lin takes a bath first.

Xiao Lin nodded, and kissed her on the cheek, "Thank you, daughter-in-law."

"What silly words?" Su Yun gave Xiao Lin an angry look, and pushed him out of the kitchen.

After she cleaned up the kitchen, Xiao Lin had already taken a bath. Instead of lying down to rest, he found a few wooden boards and knocked them in the yard a few times. A simple kennel was ready. up.

"Daughter-in-law, bring a piece of my rotten clothes." Xiao Lin saw Su Yun talking to her.

Su Yun sighed, turned around and went to the room to find a piece of clothing that Xiao Lin could no longer wear, took it out, put it in the newly made kennel, and made a kennel for the new member of the family.

But it seems that the new members don't appreciate it?
Su Yun knelt down beside Xiao Lin, looked at the dog who was unwilling to go into the kennel, frowned and said, "Brother Lin, it seems very unhappy."

"It's used to being wild outside, and it's not very used to it."

"Huh? Are you used to being wild?"

How wild can a stray dog ​​be?Su Yun couldn't imagine it.

Xiao Lin didn't give her time to think too much.After making a simple kennel and making sure that the new members would not get caught in the rain, he turned around and carried his daughter-in-law into the room who wanted to continue researching what breed the dog was.

The door was slammed shut by him.

When the person was on the bed, his face was already close. "Daughter-in-law, you said a few days ago that you were going to give birth to me."

A few days ago... that is, the night before her good friend came, because she felt that Xiao Lin was too old and should be a father, she relented and told him that she didn't need to take any safety measures, and they should also ask for a father. child.

Who knew that when this man heard these words, he would not let go of his mouth when he caught her, as if he had obtained a Shangfang sword.

Later, her best friend came and was banned for several days.She thought he had forgotten it. After all, he has been sleeping very honestly these past few nights... Who knows, he remembered it again tonight?

Su Yun prefers that he has never forgotten.

It's just that she was cheated by him before.

Su Yun groaned twice, and let him rub it round and flat.

I don't know when he stopped, but Su Yun felt like it was already midnight.Because she found that he got up again not long after he lay down.

There was a big hand tucking the quilt for her, and he vaguely heard what he said that he was going out, and asked her to wear more clothes when she got up and went to the shop. The weather has been getting colder these two days.

Su Yun was really sleepy, so she agreed with humming twice.

Only then did Xiao Lin leave the house in the dark.

As soon as he opened the door, the dog he brought back at night stood up and stared at him.Xiao Lin smiled and walked over, "Take care of the house, protect the mistress well, and bring you the bones when I come back."

I don't know if the dog understood, Xiao Lin probably didn't care, because he went out after he finished speaking.

Li Wei was still waiting for him outside the door.

Seeing Xiao Lin coming out, Li Wei sincerely sympathized with Xiao Lin.In such a cold day, a man with a wife is like a man without a wife, who returns late and leaves early, how pitiful?
Xiao Lin glanced at Li Wei.

"This is called fighting for the future of the family."

Li Wei snorted, "That's right, brother. I have to fight for my future with Dr. Song. I heard that the bride price in Beijing is very expensive. Do you think three or four thousand is enough?"

"Did she agree to marry you? Are you going to prepare a bride price?"

"Although Dr. Song has not agreed yet, but I am steadfast in pestering her. After a while, she will definitely agree, right? Isn't she responsible if she kissed me?" Li Wei said this, 30 A suspicious blush appeared on the face of the year-old man.

Xiao Lin shook his head.

"Brother, you will be thirty in the next year."

"What's wrong?"

"Are you not afraid that they will say you are old?"

A dagger with ice slag was ruthlessly inserted into Li Wei's chest.Li Wei only felt cold all over his body, and for a moment he wanted to kill the brother in front of him.

Well, if he is not his brother, then I promise to kill him.

What happened to thirty?How can thirty be old?How can you say you are old when you have only passed one third of your life?

Li Wei was not convinced.

"What do you know? The older a man is, the more interesting he is."

"Oh, what's the smell? Bacon?"

"What bacon?" Li Wei protested dissatisfied, "Speaking of which, I'm a bit craving bacon. My sister should know how to cook it?"

Xiao Lin glanced at him lightly and did not answer, but the meaning was clearly expressed in his eyes.

Think beautifully.


Because of the excessive nonsense last night, Su Yun felt extremely exhausted.When she woke up in the morning, her hands were soft and her feet were soft. If she hadn't rushed to inform Lin Sanchun that she didn't have to open the shop today, she wouldn't have planned to get up.

Worried that Lin Sanchun would make an empty trip, she got up early and went out of the alley to the entrance of the alley, just in time to meet Lin Sanchun who was about to go out.

When Lin Sanchun learned that she was not going to open the shop today, her face changed instantly.

"Sister Yun...don't you open it in the future?"

The job she just found...

"No." Su Yun knew what Lin Sanchun was worried about, "Don't worry, it's just a day off today."

"Is that so..."

"Well, just treat it as a day off, don't think so much, and go to the store tomorrow."

"Okay. What is sister Yun going to do today? Is there anything for me to do?" Said it was a rest, Lin Sanchun still did not forget to ask if there was anything else to do.

Su Yun shook her head and joked, "No need. You and Xiaodao go out for a walk, and you have to work again tomorrow."

Lin Sanchun showed a shy expression at what she said, and Su Yun left with a smile.

Now I can’t fall asleep even when I go back, so I can just go shopping in the department store.

She walked to the entrance of the department store alone, and happened to meet Zheng Ying who was going to buy soap in the department store just after get off work, and the two entered the department store together.

Zheng Ying asked her why she didn't open the shop today?Su Yun briefly said a few words about what happened yesterday, and then asked Zheng Ying if she knew Li Meng.

"Li Meng?" Zheng Ying blinked, thought hard for a while and said, "Could it be the Li Meng from Ma Guanghua's family?"

 The fourth watch is completed, and insects are caught during the day.

  Thanks to all the little cuties who voted for me, thank you for your support!I will continue to work hard

(End of this chapter)

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