Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 146 Break Su Yun's fortune, openly challenge

Chapter 146 Break Su Yun's fortune, openly challenge
She remembered that Ma Guanghua's new wife seemed to be called Li Meng.

"Are you sure?"

Su Yun didn't expect that Li Meng had something to do with Ma Guanghua.But this also makes sense, why Li Meng made that Boss Zhu so afraid, it turns out that besides being rich, he is also a powerful master!
Zheng Ying hummed.

"Xiao Yun, you don't know, this Li Meng is very serious. She successfully squeezed out Ma Guanghua's third wife and became his fourth wife."

Zheng Ying was born and raised in Nancheng, and her family also belonged to the middle class. People like Ma Guanghua happened to have a channel to listen to their private affairs.

She explained to Su Yun carefully what she knew about Li Meng.Su Yun learned that Li Meng was originally Ma Guanghua's secretary, but in the end she became his wife. It can be seen that Li Meng is really a capable woman.

No wonder he gave himself such a big blow when he came to open the shop.

"Xiaoyun, did she do something too much to you?"

"It's okay, no." Su Yun explained with a smile.

Li Meng's methods were not excessive, but a bit dirty.

As Li Meng wished, she really can't open a store today, but things will definitely not go on as she thought.

While speaking, she walked to the butcher's cabinet in the department store, and Su Yun took a cursory glance, but didn't see the pigs entering the water.She went up to inquire. The butcher is also a very talkative person, or is he not bought by Li Meng?He heartily introduced to Su Yun, "Pigs are in the water? Someone came to buy them when we just opened the door, and they said they would come to buy them every day and let me leave them for him!"

"Oh! That's it, thank you, master." Su Yun thanked politely.Seeing a lot of meat on the chopping board, she pointed to the chef and asked, "Can you sell these meats to me?"

The butcher was stunned for a moment.

"Why...why not?"

Now there is no need for meat tickets, as long as you have money.The lesbian in front of me is dressed in a decent family. As long as she has money, why can't they sell meat to her?
Even Zheng Ying was stunned by Su Yun's question.


Su Yun smiled, "It's okay."

She replied with a smile, then pointed to the meat on the chopping board and asked the master to weigh it all for her.

There are a total of about ten catties of pork belly, plus some pure lean meat and big bones.Eighty cents for a catty of meat, eight yuan for ten catties, and three yuan for lean meat and bones.

A total of 11 yuan was paid.

11 yuan, ten days' wages for ordinary workers.

The butcher sold so much meat because he thought there was a happy event in Su Yun's family. Seeing that Su Yun was a lesbian, he told Su Yun that his apprentice could help deliver the meat to his home.

He is a very enthusiastic teacher.

However, Su Yun's house was not very far from here, and Zheng Ying came here by bicycle. Zheng Ying said that if she could take her back, she would not bother the butcher's apprentice.

After leaving the meat here, the two walked around again.

Su Yun saw woolen yarn for sale at the counter, so Su Yun also weighed eight catties.

Zheng Ying blinked and looked at her, "Xiaoyun, you buy wool to knit sweaters, right?"

Normally, a person can knit a sweater with two or three catties of wool, and this is calculated according to men!When Su Yun bought eight catties of wool, how many sweaters did she plan to knit?
Su Yun explained with a smile, "I still have grandma and mother-in-law in the countryside. When the weather is cold, I will knit one for each of them and send them back."

"You're too kind, aren't you, Xiaoyun?"

Zheng Ying couldn't help being envious, if her future sister-in-law could be like Su Yun, then she might wake up laughing from her dreams.

Regarding Zheng Ying's compliment, Su Yun smiled and said nothing.

After buying wool, she went to buy two boxes of cream. After thinking about it, she took two more boxes.

The salesperson was a little stunned when he saw Su Yun's generosity.

The cream is two yuan a box!

This purchase is five boxes, what kind of rich people?

Su Yun didn't know that she had been classified as rich.

She felt that these must be used.

The current cream is still in a large box, and when you open the lid, you can smell the extremely rich and overbearing fragrance.A box lasts for several months, so two bucks is really not too expensive.

Of course, this is for Su Yun who has slightly better financial conditions.

In winter, both her face and hands are prone to dryness and chapping. She bought a few boxes and planned to use one box for herself, and then send three boxes back to Zhaojia Village.Give grandma and Xiao Linniang a box each, and another box for Meiyu, who is about to be a bride.

After buying the cream, Su Yun went to look elsewhere. When she saw the men's socks and shoes, she wanted to buy them for Xiao Lin again...

So, after she finished shopping in the department store, her hands were already full of big and small bags, and she almost couldn't carry them anymore.

Fortunately, Zheng Ying was there to help, otherwise Su Yun would have to be sent back.

Although Zheng Ying is a city resident, she was taken aback by Su Yun's shopping behavior this morning.She did the math for Su Yun, did she spend more than 100 yuan this morning?
It was like this and that, and I bought a lot of things.

In fact, Su Yun brought less money today, otherwise she would really like to buy two watches.

She felt that both she and Xiao Lin needed a watch to tell the time.But I did buy a lot of things today, so I will go to the department store to choose watches when Xiao Lin has time some other day?
Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the large and small bags hanging on the front of the bicycle, Su Yun sighed, the money is still too little, and she has to work harder to earn money.

Back in Tianshui Hutong, Zheng Ying helped move the things to the house and put them away. Su Yun asked her to stay for dinner, but she refused, saying that she wanted to go back to catch up on sleep.Su Yun didn't force much, she just asked Zheng Ying to come to her shop after get off work tomorrow morning, so that she could get something new and taste it.

Zheng Ying agreed immediately, and then left.

After Zheng Ying left, Su Yun sat on the stool to rest, rubbed her sore waist, and started to boil water to process the meat she bought.

Didn't that Li Meng think that if she cut off her supply of goods, she could close down her shop?
She really thought she only knew how to marinate pigs and pig ears?

Su Yun was aroused by Li Meng to be competitive. She cleaned the meat she bought quickly, and she kept recalling in her mind the precautions when cooking food that her grandfather told her before.

While she was making fresh food at home, several regular customers came to Yun Kee Roasted Food.Seeing the words "rest today" posted on the door, they all left disappointed.

There were quite a few customers opposite Li Ji Shaolu. Li Meng sat on the second floor by the window, looking at the closed door of Su Yun's shop opposite, with a slight smile on his lips.

But a mud-legged kid from the countryside can cook two dishes, so he doesn't know his last name?Want to make a living in her Li Meng's hands?dream!

Li Meng sneered and drank the tea in the cup, and ordered the staff below to increase the discount, and must attract all the people who bought braised pork.

She won't keep a single guest for Su Yun.

Now that Su Yun has closed the shop, don't open it again.

"Order, all the guests who come over from Yunji Roasted Pork will be given an extra two taels of braised pork."

 here we come

(End of this chapter)

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