Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 162: Being Questioned About Cooking Skills at He's House

Chapter 162: Being Questioned About Cooking Skills at He's House

Wang Erni was more surprised than the neighbors!

It's no wonder that she has been going out to work at dawn every day recently, and when she comes back for lunch, she goes out again before the stool is warmed up.There is no time to drink more saliva, how can there be time to care about other people's affairs?
She was so surprised when she heard her neighbor say that now.

Neighbors who want to ask her for news: ? ? ?
"You do not know?"

"You live so close and don't even know? Wang Erni, didn't you say that there is nothing in Tianshui Hutong that you don't know about?"

"Yeah, are you bragging?"

These aunts and aunts will run on others in a weird way when they have nothing to do.

If it is a smarter neighbor, it will definitely not be fooled.But Wang Erni is not smart, she likes to be competitive outside, giving people a feeling that she knows everything and she is the smartest in the world.

Now that she heard what these women said, she was immediately fooled.

"What nonsense? I'm just not interested in inquiring about her, you don't know, she..."

Before Wang Erni could finish her sentence, a basin of water was poured out from the door of Li's house, pouring chills on the people standing at the door gossiping!
"Who poured water on me?"

Wang Erni turned around with several other women, looking extremely fierce.

Mrs. Li held the basin with her hands on her waist and sneered.

"Wang Erni, you are full and exhausted, right? Get the old lady back and clean the chicken coop immediately." After she finished scolding Wang Erni, she looked coldly at the women who had obviously come over to make trouble.

Wang Erni was as stupid as a donkey and followed them to speak ill of Xiao Su.Her old woman is not stupid.

"One, two, three of you are all full and have nothing to do? Then I'll wait for Uncle Xiaohu to come back and tell him that you are all fine and talk about his wife behind your back? Uncle Xiaohu, he can break a few bricks with one punch. No I know whether your heads are hard, or the bricks are harder."

When Mrs. Li said this, the few women who originally wanted to gossip broke up.

Wang Erni turned around and wanted to go elsewhere.

Mrs. Li glared at her, "Why don't you hurry up and get out?"

Wang Erni sighed, "I'm coming soon, mother, I'm coming in now. You give me the basin, and I will take it!" Wang Erni smiled to please Mrs. Li and took the basin in her hand, and Mrs. Li snorted.

This idiot, as long as he treats outsiders with half the thought of treating his family, he will not be used as a gunman without knowing it.

"Go and change clothes."

"Good girl."


The small car that Su Yun and the others were riding in went around and around, and finally drove into a courtyard with high walls.

Lin Sanchun who was sitting next to her tensed up visibly.

"take it easy."

"Sister Yun, I..." Lin Sanchun was really nervous, the most upscale place she had been to in her life was a department store.The department store is crowded with people, but she can barely shrink into a corner to reduce her sense of existence. She is really stage frightened by such a wealthy family.

Seeing Lin Sanchun who didn't know where to put his hands and feet, Su Yun sighed.

"It's just someone else's house here, it's not a scourge, so don't be afraid."

"We are here to work, not to do bad things, take a deep breath and treat with a normal mind?"

Under the comfort of her soft words, Lin Sanchun's tense mood seemed to be relieved at last.

Su Yun also breathed a sigh of relief.

The two got off the car in the courtyard, and someone came to take them to the back kitchen.Today is the old lady of the He family's birthday. Although it is said to be a family banquet, the people who came are also some very important people.

It can be said that He Wanjun's brothers and sisters are all very accomplished people.

The He family's helpers were also afraid that Su Yun and the others would accidentally bump into the guests who came to the birthday banquet.So when the two of them got out of the car, they took them to the back kitchen.

Of course Su Yun had no objection.

She lowered her eyes slightly and followed behind the guide. Lin Sanchun walked for a while, and she wanted to raise her eyes to look around after she relaxed her vigilance.Su Yun stopped her movements in time.

"Look down at the road."

Lin Sanchun quickly recovered and lowered his head.

Guided by the housekeeper of the He family, the two came to the back kitchen.

The He family is indeed a rich family, and the kitchen is similar to the courtyard where Su Yun lives now.Near the wall, there are three large stoves side by side, with a cauldron that looks as bright as new on it.

Su Yun knew that this was her battlefield today.

"You are Su Yun?"

A man about 50 years old came over, he looked down at Su Yun with contempt in his eyes.

Su Yun bent her lips.


Zhao Qingtian didn't expect Su Yun to be so indifferent. Normally, when she came to a strange environment and was greeted so unfriendlyly, shouldn't she be timid?

Zhao Qingtian narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued to speak unfriendlyly: "Who taught you your cooking skills? Who is your master?"

The corners of Su Yun's lips curved even deeper.

"Although saying this is suspected of showing off, will it be a little annoying that I am really self-taught?"

Zhao Qingtian: ...

Not only is it irritating, it is simply too irritating.

He has worked as a chef for almost 40 years, and he has never seen Su Yun who is so young and has such an arrogant tone.He snorted and said contemptuously, "Don't be so arrogant when you speak at a young age, be careful that the wind flashes your tongue."

Su Yun still chuckled, "Thank you, senior, for reminding me?"

Zhao Qingtian was so angry that he wanted to give Su Yun a bad blow, but not only did he fail to do so, but he also let the stinky girl take advantage of her a lot.

pissed him off.

He wants to see if this little girl really has a pair of hands that turn decay into magic, as the secretary said.

Such a high-standard family banquet, don't mess it up in the end and let him come to the rescue!
He won't talk to her then, hum.

Zhao Qingtian shook his hands and turned to leave.

Lin Sanchun asked Su Yun cautiously, who is this person?

Su Yun shook her head, "I don't know, maybe it's the chef of the He family?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the person in charge of delivering the food just came in, and what they said confirmed Su Yun's guess.

"Strange, what's wrong with Chef Zhao? Didn't you tell him to take a day off today? Why did he come here?"

"Maybe it's worrying! After all, today is a very important day."

"That's right, who knows... well..."

The two talked without anyone else.

Su Yun always had a faint smile on her face, and seemed to turn a deaf ear to their words.

She had thought about it before coming here. She was young, and she felt that she didn't have deep qualifications, so it was normal for people to question her.But she didn't expect that the people in He's kitchen had such a big prejudice against her.

For those who question her, the best answer is to slap them in the face with practical actions.

So before that, she didn't have to say anything, and she didn't have to argue with them.

not interesting.

Lin Sanchun didn't know what those two men meant, so she just stood aside and waited for Su Yun's arrangement.

This stupid look was disgusted by the two people who brought the food in again.

They also began to worry about today's birthday banquet.

"Comrade Su, why don't you tell the secretary that it's better to let Chef Zhao cook and you will help?"

 Three changes completed.

  Thank you for the little cuties who voted for me monthly and recommendation tickets, thank you!Also thanks to the little cuties who have been supporting the subscription, thank you.

  I will continue to work hard!
(End of this chapter)

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