Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 163 In the face of doubts, strength speaks

Chapter 163 Facing Doubts, Speak with Strength

"What do you mean by that?"

Before Su Yun could speak, Lin Sanchun had already spoken out first.

She didn't understand the rest, but she understood this.They really dislike Sister Yun's cooking skills!How can this work?She can bear other things, but she can't bear not to recognize Sister Yun's cooking skills.

"Alright Miharu, let's work."

Su Yun interrupted Lin Sanchun's words and stopped her words.Then he raised his eyes and looked at the two people who questioned him, with a slight smile on his face, "Thank you for your suggestions, but since I have taken this job, there is no reason for me to pick someone halfway. As for the final result, that is up to you." It's about me, Su Yun."

Simply put, it has nothing to do with them.

It is enough to care about one or two sentences, but if you talk too much, it will seem a bit over the top.

Of course, it is the master of Yuehe Wanjun.

The two people who were blocked: ...

All right, this matter has nothing to do with them, they just eat carrots and don't worry about it.

After the two left, the kitchen returned to silence.The butler of the He family came over quickly, told Su Yun that dinner would be served on time at 05:30 in the evening, and asked her if it was okay.

Su Yun nodded, "Okay, I will be on time."

"Okay, thank you, Boss Su."

After seeing off the people, Su Yun started to work.She first took out all the vegetables from the bamboo basket that had just been brought in, and only after she had a general understanding did she plan in her mind what to cook.

He Wanjun said that this was their family banquet, with about twenty people.

Although it is said that the He family's status is very powerful, it is still an era that pays attention to simplicity.In addition, the materials outside are not so abundant, so the raw materials that can be provided are also those common on the market.

Su Yun thought about it and planned to cook twelve dishes.

First of all, Mrs. He ordered Dongpo meat to be cooked. There are two sea bass, which can be steamed.Salt-baked chicken, hand-made meatballs and bean sprouts to make pearl soup, make pork with preserved vegetables, pork ribs with glutinous rice, clear water duck, barbecued pork in honey sauce, stuffed tofu, and sweet and sour pork.

Just eating meat will definitely make you tired, so the vegetarian dish is stir-fried potato shreds, plus garlic-flavored cucumbers?

There are not many types of raw materials, but Su Yun can use her mind, so she can spell out twelve dishes.

Su Yun made up her mind and asked Lin Sanchun to help with the work.Lin Sanchun is quick-witted, and when Su Yun said she wanted to wash something, she immediately wrapped it up.In this way, Su Yun also saved a lot of worry, and could focus on cooking.

Although the dishes Su Yun thinks of are usually simple home-cooked dishes, but her grandfather said that only a chef has real skills if he can make home-cooked dishes incomparably delicious.

Su Yun lit a fire, added half of the pot of water to the pot, put on an apron and started to prepare.

Lin Sanchun was also helping her in an orderly manner. The two were working in the kitchen, and many people were secretly watching outside.

It's still in the preparation stage, so they didn't smell anything very fragrant, so those people couldn't help but wonder if the secretary was cheated?

Of course Su Yun knew that many people were peeking at her.

But she didn't take it to heart.

She almost finished the preparatory work, and she caught a glimpse of a basket of eggs from the corner of her eye, she thought for a while and said to Lin Sanchun, "Sanchun, knead some noodles for me."

Lin Sanchun agreed, "Sister Yun, do you want to make dumplings?"

"No!" Su Yun smiled. She remembered that in the picture of the later life she saw after her death in her previous life, there was something called cake that was very popular with children.

She can't make that kind of Western cake, but she can make a simple version.

Let the elderly and children can eat.

The kitchen was very busy. On the other side of the main room of the He family, He Wanjun was chatting with his two younger sisters, brother-in-law, and younger brother.He recommended Su Yun to them, which aroused his brothers and sisters' curiosity.

"Who is it? She can make you, big brother, look at her differently. That must be something extraordinary."

Sister He Wanjun spoke.

His second sister also echoed, "I haven't received a few words of praise from my elder brother since I was a child. I didn't expect an unknown junior to be able to fall into the eyes of my elder brother."

He Wanjun's younger brother He Wanmin burst out laughing.

"Second sister, you were so naughty when you were a child. Every time you get into trouble, your elder brother will clean up the mess for you. If your elder brother doesn't beat you up, he will praise you?"

"He Wanmin, your skin is itchy!"

The brothers and sisters usually have their own jobs and families, and are separated by a distance of several cities. Even if they are in a good relationship, they cannot meet often.Only on days like today can we have time to get together and have a good chat.

Even if it was bickering, the atmosphere was very warm.

The old lady of the He family is ninety years old. She is a miserable person. Before He Wanjun, she had four children, but none of them could grow up properly.He Wanjun, two younger sisters and a younger brother were born in his late thirties.Fortunately, the four children behind have all grown up well.

Those who don't know will think that Mrs. He is old enough to be He Wanming's grandmother.

Those in the know know that Mrs. He has suffered for most of her life, and finally she has come to the end of her hardships!
At this moment, the old lady who had taken a nap came out of the house accompanied by her grandson and great-grandson, and she smiled from ear to ear when she saw the house full of children and grandchildren.

The smell of food was faintly wafting from the kitchen.

A scent that had never been smelled before aroused the gluttons in the stomachs of the people in the main house, and even the old lady couldn't help taking a deep breath, "Is this cooking?"

He Wanjun nodded with a smile, "Yes, please wait patiently, you can eat in a while."

"Boss, you say this as if your mother is greedy." The old lady gave her son an angry look, not so much as a reproach, but more of pride.

He Wanjun scratched his head and laughed.

As Su Yun started to enter the cooking mode, more and more fragrant smells wafted out from the kitchen. Those who were secretly hiding outside and wanted to watch Su Yun's jokes were all overwhelmed by the scent after burst.

Even if they can't eat this delicious food, it's good to smell more.Of course, if they had a bowl of rice in front of them, they would definitely be able to eat it up with the aroma without any food.

Even Zhao Qingtian, who originally looked at little Su Yun and felt that Su Yun was just a brash girl who didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, after smelling the fragrance constantly wafting out, his opinion of Su Yun was slightly shaken in his heart.

This yellow-haired girl looks like she really has two brushes.

As soon as five o'clock came, the twelve dishes that Su Yun had made were ready to be served.The servants of the He family came to serve the dishes, Su Yun wiped off her sweat, and watched them leave the kitchen with a smile.

She sat down on the long bench on the side after everyone had left.

She took out Xiao Lin's military water bottle from her backpack and poured a few mouthfuls of warm water into her mouth, and she was finally alive.

Cooking is also a very intensive job, especially for someone like Su Yun who pursues the ultimate taste of food, every step is very careful.

So after finishing twelve dishes, her vest inside was soaked with sweat.

"Sister Yun, shall I beat your back?" Lin Sanchun said from the side.

Su Yun shook her head, "I'm fine."

The main courses are all served, and the extra cakes are next.

Su Yun took another sip of water and then stood up, kneaded the dough that was mixed with the beaten egg whites, made it into a square shape and steamed it in the pot.

"Sister Yun, what is this?"

"Hmm... a simple version of the cake?"

After the He family in the main room finished their meal, Su Yun's cake was ready.She called the butler of the He family and asked him to help deliver the cake to the old lady.

When the old lady and the group of children saw this cake, they were so happy.The old lady also personally wrapped a red envelope and asked He Wanjun to hand it over to Su Yun.

When Su Yun bid farewell to the butler, the butler brought two red envelopes and handed them to Su Yun, saying that one was from the old lady and the other was from He Wanjun.

Su Yun only wanted one, but the housekeeper couldn't help but give her both, and called Secretary Liu to send them back.

She had no choice but to thank the housekeeper before leaving with Secretary Liu.

As soon as she left the gate of He's house, she saw many people holding gifts in their hands outside the gate of He's house, and people who were stopped outside, including people she knew.

Li Meng and Ma Guanghua.

When she looked over, Li Meng also raised her head and saw her in the car at the same time.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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