Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 165 Make trouble, regret it too late

Chapter 165 Make trouble, regret it too late


Secretary Liu parked the car on the side of the road as promised, and Xiao Lin and Xiaodao who were waiting at the entrance of the alley came over.Su Yun and Lin Sanchun got out of the car, and they also walked to the door.

Su Yun smiled and waved goodbye to Secretary Liu.

"Thank you, Secretary Liu, for your hard work."

"It's alright, it's a job."

After Secretary Liu finished speaking, he didn't linger too long, but after nodding to Xiao Lin and the others, he turned the car and left the alley.

After watching Secretary Liu's car go away, she turned around.

It's getting late and I have to work tomorrow, so Su Yun didn't delay too much. She took out two big unity cards from the red envelope and handed them to Lin Sanchun.

"Miharu, this is your reward for today."

Of course Lin Sanchun wouldn't ask for it, and quickly waved her hand to refuse.It seemed that what Su Yun handed over was not a great unity but a scourge, "I don't want it, I can't want this, Sister Yun."

"There's nothing you can do, just take it for you."

Su Yun forced 20 yuan into Lin Sanchun's hands.Lin Sanchun looked helplessly at the small knife beside him, and the small knife smiled and said, "Since my sister gave it to you, take it."

"That... that's fine." Lin Sanchun held the money in his hand and thanked him.

"You're welcome, go back and rest, I'm tired today." The two prepared more than a dozen dishes and made a cake. The workload was quite heavy.

It was getting late, she said so and they didn't say anything more, they said goodbye and went home.

After the young couple left, Su Yun also turned around and pulled Xiao Lin to go home.

Xiao Lin walked up to her and squatted down.

Su Yun blinked, is she going to carry her?

"I was sent home by my wife." Xiao Lin's words confirmed her guess.Su Yun looked around, there was no one in the alley, everyone seemed to be going to bed soon.

She shamelessly climbed onto Xiao Lin's broad back.

"I'm so heavy, you can't dislike me."

"Well, a daughter-in-law is not heavy." Xiao Lin stood up with her on her back, feeling that the girl on her back was not as heavy as the bag of sand she carried during training in the army.

No, his daughter-in-law is too thin, he needs to earn more money to feed her and make her fatter.

Huhuhu is more comfortable to hug.

Xiao Lin's thoughts flew away again.

And Su Yun hugged his shoulders, and at first she was still talking softly to him about what she saw and heard today, but gradually her voice became smaller and smaller, until finally all she could do was breathe evenly.

Xiao Lin's footsteps were more gentle, for fear of waking up the people on his back.

Su Yun fell into a deep sleep this time, and when Xiao Lin put her on the bed when she got home, she couldn't wake up even though her eyelids moved.The dim light fell on her face, her sleeping face was a bit tired, but more satisfied and sweet.

Xiao Lin looked at it for a while, then turned off the light and lay down beside her.

The next morning, Su Yun woke up in Xiao Lin's arms.

"Morning, Brother Rin."

After a good night's sleep, he is in good spirits, radiant, with sparkles in his eyes.

"Did Xiaoyun sleep well last night?"

Xiao Lin's Adam's apple moved, and his voice was a little hoarse.

Su Yun nodded, "Very good, I feel like I can beat a cow to death now."

"Well, then I'm relieved."



The tall figure came over, Su Yun, how dare he ask that he slept well?

No, did she not sleep well and affect his performance?
Su Yun blinked her eyes very curiously, but Xiao Lin didn't give her a chance to answer her questions.Whenever she encounters the sports that Xiao Lin loves, she always has no right to speak.

Looking at the impatient man, she could only follow him.

I'll ask after he's done working...


When Su Yun rubbed her waist and went near the shop, she saw that her shop was surrounded by three floors of people inside and three floors outside.

She was a little confused, what's going on?Li Ji on the opposite side is just selling a roast duck for three yuan. Did the people surrounding her shop get the wrong person?

Su Yun didn't understand, she could only look at Xiao Lin beside her.

Today she was going to see the shop with a courtyard that Secretary Liu had introduced before, and asked Xiao Lin to go with her.If you like it, you will probably buy it. Su Yun wants Xiao Lin to participate in such a big event.

Of course Xiao Lin agreed.

He unconditionally obeyed his wife's arrangement.

As for the matter at hand, let Li Wei handle it.Who made Li Wei single without a wife?
Xiao Lin squeezed her hand, "Let's go and have a look."

"it is good."

The husband and wife came, and those who recognized them immediately moved away.As soon as the crowd got out of the way, Su Yun and the others could see clearly the reason why there were so many people blocking the perimeter of the shop.

Li Meng moved a stool and sat in front of their shop, with one arm hanging from a wooden plank around her neck, telling with tears and snot how her arm was broken by Su Yun.

It's a miserable thing to say, and it makes the listener cry when he hears it.

Seeing Su Yun appear, Li Meng wiped away her tears, and said heartbrokenly: "Boss Su, I know your business is not good these days, but you can't take your anger out on me."

"The doctor said that my arm was broken, and it will take three to six months of recuperation to heal. How do you calculate my loss during this period?"

Li Meng raised his head and looked at her with tears in his eyes.

Su Yun scoffed.

Don't talk nonsense with Li Meng, just ask the onlookers to report to the police.

"Let's just say that there is a crazy person who won't let me open the door of my shop. Oh, don't forget to tell Comrade Public Security that this crazy person is the wife of Director Ma of the Revolutionary Committee."

Su Yun didn't play cards according to the routine, and directly stunned Li Meng.

Li Meng looked at Su Yun in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe how she could do this.The person Su Yun entrusted to report to the police had already run to the police station with oil on his feet.

"Boss you care?"

Li Meng asked with a trembling voice.

Su Yun laughed sneeringly, "If it's not the case, I'll ask Boss Li."

"Isn't it because the food you make is not as delicious as mine? Why did you break your hand to slander me? You said I broke your hand? Don't let me open the door to do business? Boss Li, this time I will not only sue you for slander I also want you to compensate me for my economic losses."

Seeing that Su Yun wanted to be serious, instead of tearing up with her according to common sense, Li Meng panicked immediately.

Of course, Su Yun didn't break her arm, but she was pushed down by Ma Guanghua and fell to the ground after returning home last night. She originally wanted to use this opportunity to blackmail Su Yun, but she never thought that she would Report to the police without further ado?

Li Mengmeng received Ma Guanghua's warning last night, and her face was as pale as paper.

Ma Guanghua said that if she humiliated him outside again, she would get out of Ma's house.

She can't leave Ma's house, no.

"Su...Boss Su...have something to don't want to's's okay..."

"Hehe..." Su Yun sneered and didn't bother to pay attention to Li Meng. She crossed her arms and walked two steps forward to Li Meng's side. She leaned into Li Meng's ear and lowered her voice.

Said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Now you know you are afraid?"

"When you were planning to pour dirty water on me, why didn't you expect this to happen?"

"Regret now? It's too late!"

 The third watch is over.Free to catch bugs.

  Subscriptions have been getting worse and worse recently, and the author doesn't want to talk anymore.

  The codeword is also completely powerless.

  Thank you for the little cuties who voted and subscribed, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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