Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 166 Fleeing, Looking Down on Country People

Chapter 166 Fleeing, Looking Down on Country People
After saying that, she backed away, regardless of how colorful Li Meng's face changed.

With a smile on her face, she looked at Li Meng indifferently, waiting for the arrival of the police.

Things didn't go as Li Meng expected, and she panicked.The gazes of the onlookers and their whispers were like sharp knives, peeling the skin off Li Meng's face one by one.

"I remember wrong, I remember wrong, you didn't break my hand, it wasn't you."

Li Meng suddenly yelled, and then rushed out of the crowd regardless, and rushed to the opposite Li Ji Shaolu...

Surrounding people watching:? ? ? ?
Ah... they've already bought melon seeds, so why don't you show them this?What about Li Meng's arrogance and arrogance just now, not giving up until he tramples Su Yun under his feet?

Where did it go?
Why did you run away?

The onlookers were really disappointed.

Going to see another client, Su Yun, she opened the door of the store and entered the store like a normal person. Obviously, she didn't mean to chase after the victory and beat up Li Meng?

The onlookers sighed and dispersed slowly.

Su Yun counted the ten yuan change and put it in the drawer.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Xiao Lin looking at Li Ji's store opposite, with a serious expression on her face, not knowing what she was thinking.

She wanted to ask Xiao Lin what he was thinking, but Xiaodao and Lin Sanchun came to the store at this time.Su Yun noticed Lin Sanchun's face was ugly, before she could ask, Xiaodao explained the reason why they arrived late.

It turned out that Lin Sanchun had a stomachache. He sent Lin Sanchun to the hospital to buy some medicine before coming here, so he arrived later than Su Yun and the others.

Su Yun nodded, "Sanchun, are you okay? You don't feel well, go home and rest!"

"I'm fine. It's an old problem. Sister Yun doesn't need to worry." Lin Sanchun bit her lower lip and shook her head. She could see that she was still a little uncomfortable, but she held it back firmly.

Su Yun felt that this would not work.

"Go back and rest, Xiaodao, go back and take care of Sanchun."

Lin Sanchun shook his head and refused, "I'm really fine, I know my own body, and I'll be fine after taking the medicine for a while." Su Yun was very kind to her, she couldn't push her forward, and was ungrateful.

"I'm really fine, Xiaodao, tell Sister Yun."

Xiaodao echoed and helped Lin Sanchun to speak, "Sister, don't you have something to do today? Go and do it. I am watching both in the store and Sanchun!"

"Huh? Is it okay?" Su Yun looked suspiciously at the young couple in front of her, really afraid that something would happen if they were reluctant.

Finally, under Xiaodao and Lin Sanchun's reassurance, Su Yun was persuaded by them. She packed up her things and prepared to go to Jiefang Street.At this time, solemnly brought several police officers to the outside of Su Yun's shop.

"Brother Xiao, sister-in-law, I heard that someone is making trouble in your store?"

Su Yun hummed, and took a few more minutes to take Zheng Zheng to the opposite Li Ji store to find Li Meng, but they were all in vain.According to the staff in Li Meng's store, Li Meng left long ago.

As for where it went, no one knows.

Su Yun: ...

Is this absconding in fear of crime?

He said solemnly, "Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry. We have already filed a case. I will go to Director Ma's house with my colleagues to find her. We will notify you when there is a result."

"Okay, then I'll thank Officer Zheng first."

Thanking them politely and solemnly, Su Yun and Xiao Lin left to take the tram together.

There are more than a dozen stops on Jiefang Street from their side, and they got off at the Jiefang Street stop in about four or ten minutes.

Su Yun took out the address of the store given by Secretary Liu from her pocket, and began to look for it along the street number.

The buildings on both sides of the street are from the period of the Republic of China. After the baptism of war, they are even more precious.

Su Yun walked slowly on the street, and the weight of wanting to buy that shop was getting heavier and heavier in her heart.

They came to No. 68 Jiefang Street. She looked at the normally open clothing store in front of her, and then looked at the address in her hand. After confirming that it was correct, she walked over.

There was a woman about 30 years old in the shop, who was licking melon seeds with her legs crossed. When she saw someone coming, she only moved her eyelids, and she didn't intend to come forward to say hello.

This gave Su Yun a feeling as if she saw a salesperson in a supply and marketing agency a few years ago.

She didn't care, and walked over with a smile on her face.

"Hello, is Uncle Wang there? My name is Su Yun, and I was introduced by Secretary Liu."

Only now did Wang Chunfeng react.

It's really just a little reaction.

She raised her eyelids, squinted at Su Yun, and looked past her to Xiao Lin who was behind Su Yun. She just took a glance, then quickly looked away, and spat out the melon seed husk forcefully into her mouth with a pooh.

The saliva flew out along with the melon seed shell.

"Why are you looking for my dad? Our family doesn't want coolies. If you want to be a coolie, go to the pier and ask."

Wang Chunfeng thought that Su Yun and Xiao Lin were villagers who came to find a job.

The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched. Is it because she is from the countryside, so she can't understand the thoughts of the people in the city?Otherwise, why can't one or two of them speak well?

But then again, the person in front of her claimed that the owner of the house was her father, so she didn't know that her father was going to sell the house?

Su Yun pondered for a while, then turned her head to look at Xiao Lin behind her to let him make up her mind.

Xiao Lin also saw the clue, he took Su Yun's hand and said in a low voice, "Let's go first."

"it is good."

Su Yun nodded, and followed Xiao Lin out of the tailor shop.

Before the two of them stepped out of the shop threshold, they heard Wang Chunfeng's shady voice behind him, "The situation has improved in the past two years. If it was a few years ago, they would not have been arrested and paraded through the streets?"

Su Yun snorted.

Looking up at Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin held her hand tightly, "Don't worry about it."

There is really no need to devote too much energy to paying attention to this kind of person who obviously can't eat grapes and says grapes are sour.

Su Yun nodded to express her understanding.

The couple left the clothing store.

After doing this, Su Yun's desire to buy this store has decreased a lot.

Although it is said that the owner of the yard behind this store is someone else, but now Wang Chunfeng sells ready-made clothes in the store, and they have to find a way to get Wang Chunfeng to leave after buying the store...

Feeling exhausted, should we look elsewhere?
Just as he was thinking, an old man walked towards him. When he passed by Su Yun and the others, he stopped in his tracks, "Are you introduced by Xiao Liu? The couple who want to see the house?"

Su Yun blinked.

Xiao Lin said, "You are Uncle Wang?"

Wang Hua nodded, "It's me." He glanced at Su Yun and the others, and added, "Have you arrived at the store?" His question seemed a little nervous.

Maybe he also felt that Wang Chunfeng wouldn't give them any good looks when they went to the store?
Xiao Lin didn't hide anything, and answered yes with a nod.

Wang Hua sighed and sighed heavily, "Then are you still willing to buy this house?"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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