Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 168: Secretary Liu Gets the Loan

Chapter 168: Secretary Liu Gets the Loan

Regarding the matter of bank loans, Xiao Lin deliberately went to find out about it in the past few days, and knew that there are open loans now.But the approval process is said to be very strict.

They urgently need a large sum of money now, and getting a loan is a good way out.

Su Yun thought for a while and nodded in agreement.It happened that there was a post office nearby, so they went over to inquire.

The current bank is still under the control of the post office, and you have to go to them to apply for a loan.

When the staff in charge of the reception heard that Xiao Lin wanted a loan, they couldn't help but look up and down at the couple, probably guessing from their appearance whether they could afford the loan or not?
Su Yun was inexplicably nervous.

She clenched Xiao Lin's hand tightly, Xiao Lin turned around and lowered her eyes to give her a reassuring look, Su Yun's nervous heart miraculously calmed down.

The staff in charge of loan management began to ask them questions, probably asking them what they want the loan for?Do you know what procedures are required for the loan, what will happen if you can't repay it, and so on.

In fact, in 78, loan regulations were still relatively lacking.At this time, the Postal Bank had just started to launch this plan, and many regulations were not perfect.

As a result, many people later wanted to evade the loan, and the postal service had no way to track it down.

Of course, if Su Yun and the others came to borrow money sincerely, such loan evasion would definitely not happen.

While Su Yun was watching Xiao Lin nervously answering the bank staff's questions, an acquaintance came out from the inner office area.

The postmaster himself sent people out.

"Boss Su?"

"Secretary Liu?"

The two saw each other at the same time, and when Secretary Liu greeted Su Yun, Su Yun also greeted Secretary Liu.

Secretary Liu came up with a smile on his face, "Boss Su and Brother Xiao are inquiring about loans?"

Su Yun didn't hide it either, "Well, we want to consult."

"That's good." Secretary Liu nodded with a smile, and turned to talk to Director Zhao behind him, "Director Zhao, haven't you been worried that no one would dare to receive the first loan? Boss Su in front of you is the perfect candidate." , she is the owner of Yunji Shaolu, have you ever eaten Yunji Shaolu?"

Director Zhao really ate it, but he didn't buy it, but his family bought it.

It's just that it's too far away, he has only eaten braised pork once, and he thinks the taste is very good.

Didn't expect the owner of the very famous braised stew shop to ask me for a loan, and she looks very familiar with Secretary Liu?

Who is Secretary Liu?That's the celebrity in front of the secretary, Director Zhao must give this face.

"Oh, so it's Boss Su. I've been hearing family members talk about your delicious food. I heard that you made some roast duck recently. It's a pity that I haven't had the chance to try it."

There was a slight smile on Su Yun's face, "It's all for face."

"Where is it, Boss Su must be the one who praises you for the delicious food. Otherwise, there are so many food in Nancheng City, why don't they praise others?" Director Zhao continued to say with a smile.

Secretary Liu said from the side, "Boss Su, don't be too modest, the old lady you showed yesterday was very satisfied."

Su Yun had no choice but to accept their compliments brazenly.

And she found that with Secretary Liu 'unintentionally' leading the line in the middle, the loan matter really couldn't be easier.

Director Zhao asked the staff who received them to complete the formalities, and then the loan could be released to them.

Xiao Lin borrowed 2 yuan in one go.

When he said this amount, except for Su Yun, the rest of the people present gasped.

Twenty thousand...


No, rounded, almost 21 years.

Xiao Lin saw the surprised look on the faces of Director Zhao and the others, and he slightly hooked the corners of his lips. If the bank hadn't restricted the loan amount, he would have taken a loan of [-].

It's just that he didn't expect them to be so surprised when he borrowed 2 yuan. Fortunately, he didn't say [-] yuan.

Let’s take it slowly, and borrow some more after a while.

Everything was negotiated, and it was agreed that the required materials would be delivered tomorrow, and Su Yun and the others left the bank.It just so happened that Secretary Liu was leaving too, so he left with them.

After leaving the bank, Su Yun and his wife thanked Secretary Liu.

Su Yun said first, "Thank you, Secretary Liu, without your help today, our loan business would definitely not be so easy."

Xiao Lin also nodded and echoed, "Thank you Secretary Liu, you have been of great help."

He will keep this friendship in his heart.

Secretary Liu really didn't take this matter too seriously, he waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I didn't do anything, but I just happened to be familiar with Director Zhao."

He was modest and refused to take credit for it, but Su Yun and the others wouldn't really forget it.At the same time, the husband and wife were planning in their hearts to find a suitable time to repay Secretary Liu for his help today.

The three of them chatted for a few more words. Secretary Liu was still busy, so they said goodbye.

Su Yun and Xiao Lin went back to the shop together, Xiao Lin gave Su Yun a few instructions, and then left the shop to attend to his own affairs.

Su Yun then turned around and asked Xiao Dao, after they left, there was nothing wrong with the other side, right?
Xiaodao shook his head, "No, they're quite quiet." Speaking of this, Xiaodao happily described, "Sister, you don't know, and I don't know what the hell is going on today. They won't be doing the three yuan a roast duck event over there. Do you think they are going to close down?"

You must know that the roast duck on the opposite side can only be sold at a low price. Now that Li Ji does not make cheap roast duck, Li Ji still wants to compete with them?Dream it!

Xiaodao is very confident in their shop.

Su Yun smiled, and asked about Lin Sanchun's physical condition by the way.

Knowing that Lin Sanchun's health is as usual, she was relieved.

"It's better to eat more, she is too thin."

Xiaodao and Lin Sanchun both work in her shop. Although she didn't discuss the specific salary with Xiaodao before, she definitely wouldn't let him do it for nothing.

And when he went to work as the store manager in the new store, Su Yun had to discuss the exact salary with Xiaodao, so she couldn't ask him to work for her in such a vague way.

She was so preoccupied with thinking about things here that she didn't notice a guest standing in front of her for a while.

He Wanmin coughed.

"Boss Su?"

Only then did Su Yun come back to her senses, and she quickly smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, what do you want, comrade?"

He Wanmin glanced at the roast duck, roast chicken and Dongpo meat hanging in Su Yun's shop, and his mouth drooled unconsciously.

The dinner I had yesterday was really memorable, and I will never forget it for a long time.That's why he took the time to come to her today to see if he could discuss cooperation with her.


Su Yun was confused this time.

He Wanmin came back to his senses and laughed, "Look at me, I've been reminiscing about the dishes made by Boss Su yesterday, and my mind has been distracted. Let me introduce myself first, my name is He Wanmin, yesterday you went to our house to cook for my old lady."

 Three changes completed.

  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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