Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 169 Come to the door to discuss cooperation, one day off

Chapter 169 Come to talk about cooperation, take a day off

When He Wanmin said this, Su Yun knew his identity.

This person is Secretary He's family.

"So it's Comrade He, hello."

"Boss Su, do you have time for a chat?" He Wanmin directly opened his mouth to state his purpose, Su Yun nodded and explained a few words to Xiaodao, then took his own things and left the shop with He Wanmin.

The two went to a nearby teahouse.

He Wanmin is a gentleman, he first asked Su Yun what he likes to eat, and then started to order.

Su Yun has never been to such a teahouse in her two lifetimes, and she was not used to it for a while.Fortunately, He Wanmin is just like his elder brother He Wanjun, a person who is easy to contact.

After chatting for a while, Su Yun relaxed.

"Comrade He, you just said that you want to cooperate with me? How do you cooperate with me in Beicheng?"

"My idea is this. Boss Su, you provide the roast duck sauce. I'm in charge of opening the store. We cooperate with each other and earn [-]-[-]% of all income except expenses."

He Wanmin was only in his forties, and he was the manager of the Beicheng State-owned Hotel before.Since the beginning of this year, some private businesses have appeared on the street.

He Wanmin, who has been the manager of a state-owned hotel for more than ten or twenty years, immediately sensed the change in the direction of the wind.

In the future, it will be the world of private enterprises.

With the relaxation of policies, more private enterprises will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

He has always wanted to do something, but he hasn't made up his mind yet. After eating a meal made by Su Yun last night, he decisively decided to enter the catering industry and cooperate with Su Yun who can cook delicious food.

He Wanmin's sincerity is very high, five to five points is already a very conscientious share.

Su Yun thought about it carefully, and this cooperation is indeed possible.

"Then we need to sign a specific contract to clarify the division of responsibilities for future cooperation?"

"Boss Su is really a straightforward person, I appreciate you very much."

He Wanmin laughed, very hearty.

Su Yun also showed a slight smile, "Boss He will ask two people to come over some other day to learn the technique of roast duck?" Although the most important part of roast duck is the seasoning, it is also very important to grasp the temperature of the oven.

If you are a layman who has never done anything, you will definitely not be able to roast delicious duck meat at the beginning.

Since He Wanmin showed sincerity, Su Yun would not do nothing.

The two reached a preliminary cooperation agreement, and the next step is the specific contract details.And Su Yun told He Wanmin that she has registered Yunji Food Co., Ltd., as long as the business license is issued, they will have a company.

He Wanmin was very surprised, he did not expect that Su Yun had already registered the company in advance.

"Very good, very good, Boss Su really is a person who does great things!"

How many people can think of registering a company in advance?With Su Yun's courage, He Wanmin felt that there was nothing wrong with cooperating with her.

The two returned home happily.

When I got home at night, Su Yun told Xiao Lin about what happened today. Her tone was brisk, and it could be heard that she was in a good mood.

"Brother Lin, do you know that I'm really surprised. I didn't expect Secretary He's younger brother to think of cooperating with me, and promised to share half of the profits with me."

"Am I capable, brother Rin?"

Xiao Lin is also proud of his capable daughter-in-law.

"The daughter-in-law is getting more and more capable."

Su Yun raised her chin triumphantly, "That's for sure, you don't even look at who I am!" Don't mention how embarrassing that small appearance is.

Xiao Lin couldn't help chuckling, stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek and hugged her into his arms.

"Daughter-in-law is so capable, as your man, I have to work harder." He can't be left behind by an excellent wife.

Su Yun raised her eyes and looked at him with a smirk, "Are you afraid that I won't want you when I'm rich, Brother Xiao? Don't worry, I won't want you even if I'm rich."

"Well, then I have to work harder to serve my daughter-in-law, so as to repay her for never leaving me."

Xiao Lin leaned over and kissed her as she said that, Su Yun tilted her head and giggled, she didn't dodge for a while
Xiao Hei, who has grown up quite a bit, buried his head in his nest

Don't listen, don't listen, single dogs don't listen.

Xiao Lin really fulfilled his promise, and he doesn't know when it will end.

When she was tired and sleepy, a doubt flashed in her heart,?Or is Xiao Lin an exception?

She couldn't figure it out.

The next day, Su Yun managed to sleep until the sun was up!

She actually woke up early, just, um, couldn't get up.

She decided to take a day off for herself today.

Xiao Lin immediately rushed to the store to inform Xiaodao and the others of the news.

After three poles in the sun, Su Yun still couldn't get up, it was Xiao Lin who picked her up and put on her clothes, coaxed her to brush her teeth, wash her face and have breakfast, and then carried her to the yard to bask in the sun.

The sun in winter is very mild and warm on people.There is a reclining chair in the yard, Xiao Lin is sitting on the chair, she is leaning in his arms.

The two chatted without saying a word.

"How did you tell Xiao Dao when you went to the store?"

Xiao Lin pinched her flesh that had grown a little, but said softly with her still small hands, "I'm telling the truth."


Su Yun, who was still weak at first, turned into the roar of the Hedong lion in an instant, sat up straight and stared at Xiao Lin, as if if he dared to say a wrong word, she would eat him alive.

"How dare you say that?"

Is she shameless?
As long as she thought of her man telling her employees that their boss was going to miss work for a day because of the excessive mischief last night, she felt her cheeks burning.

I can't wait to bite this man to death.

The appearance of blowing hair made Xiao Lin chuckle muffled, afraid that the little girl would become angry from embarrassment, so he had a hard time holding back his laughter.

"Xiao Lin, don't laugh, tell me the truth!"

"It's not clear that I'm not finished with you."

"Well, daughter-in-law, our life is endless and there will be a next life."

"What is this life and the next life?" Su Yun murmured his words, and when she met his burning gaze, she instantly realized, "I'm serious with you, what are you talking about in this life and the next life? Why don't you explain it clearly to me?"

Su Yun bared her teeth, like a cat whose tail has been trampled on, with fierce tits.

Xiao Lin kept laughing, his daughter-in-law is really too cute.

But he couldn't bear to tease her anymore, he held her hands with a smile, and explained softly, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I said we have something to do today."

"Working? What are you doing?" Su Yun subconsciously thought of what she was going to do at night, and she said it almost reflexively.

After she finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong, and then raised her head to look at Xiao Lin, the man who was still holding a smile in his eyes now changed into the eyes of a hungry wolf!

Su Yun's legs trembled faintly.

"young married woman……"

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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