Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 209 It's just a hug, it's New Year's Eve

Chapter 209 It's just a hug, it's New Year's Eve
Because the rooms in the house are not very far apart, Su Yun dare not make her voice unscrupulously like when she was in the city.

Several times she had to bite her lower lip or Xiao Lin's shoulder tightly in order to avoid broken voices coming out of her mouth.

This situation of wanting to make a sound but not being able to make a sound is really uncomfortable.

Originally, Xiao Lin wasn't enjoying himself to the fullest, but Su Yun pushed him on the shoulder not to allow him to continue.

He had no choice but to get out of bed in despair, pour the water from the kettle into the enamel basin, wet it with a bath veil, wring it out, and carefully clean up the dirty place for Su Yun.

Su Yun squinted her eyes to enjoy his service.

After Xiao Lin cleaned up for her, he also cleaned up casually.Seeing that there was still a useless bottle of hot water left, Xiao Lin felt a little ready to move.

"Daughter-in-law, I brought in two pots of hot water."

When pouring hot water, he planned not just for one time.

Now things backfired, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Su Yun leaned in his arms and glared at him angrily, "Do you want grandma or mother to hear?"

Let people listen to the corner?She doesn't have this hobby.

Xiao Lin sighed, feeling helpless, but he also knew that the sound insulation of the house in his hometown was indeed not very good.Although he still has something to say, he can only give up.

"Then you have to promise me that you have to make up for me when you return to the city."

Su Yun: ...

This person really knows how to push an inch, and he wants to make up for it?Why doesn't he go to heaven?
Su Yun didn't bother to pay attention to him.She kicked him with her toes, rolled up the quilt and rolled into the bed, "Go to bed early and get up early tomorrow."

"Obey, leader."

Xiao Lin went to bed, hugged his wife and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Yun woke up.

Today's Chinese New Year is the first year she came back from rebirth, and it was also the first year she came to Xiao's family. She attaches great importance to it.

After getting up in the morning to sweep the yard and tidy up the house, Mrs. Xiao and Xiao Lin did all the work. Su Yun was 'rushed' to the kitchen by them, saying that they asked her to cook and make delicious food.

As for sweeping or something, she is completely useless.

Su Yun knew that it was because they cared about her and didn't want her to work.Otherwise, what time is it now?Who starts cooking New Year's Eve dinner as soon as they wake up?

But she is also idle when she is idle, Su Yun thinks about it, she can also prepare the dishes for the New Year's Eve dinner in advance.

She washed her hands with the hot water in the pot, took out a large piece of pork belly that she brought back from the cupboard and started to process it.After processing the pork belly, she threw it in the pot to cook.

Then he took out the beef and planned to stew it with potatoes.

Xiao Lin, who was sweeping outside, came in, holding two big fish weighing about five or six catties strung together with straw ropes.

Su Yun was very surprised to see such a big fish.

"Where did the fish come from, Rin?"

"Yu Er went fishing."

"How cold is it to catch fish in such a cold world? Why do you have the nerve to ask for two big ones?" She gave him a reproachful look, but also took the fish from his hand.

"I'll be ready to cook the meat in a while, you can give some to others."

Yu Hu and Xiao Lin have a good relationship, and he would definitely not take money if he gave Yu Hu two such big fish, why not give them some food, which is considered a reciprocal gift, and will not mess up the relationship between the two. Get rusty.

Xiao Lin nodded, and didn't have any opinion on the arrangement of his daughter-in-law.

"it is good."

"Daughter-in-law, you raise the fish first, and I'll come in and kill them later."


With hardworking men around, Su Yun would not take the initiative to kill fish.She agreed kindly and continued to work on herself.

Xiao Lin turned around and walked to the kitchen door.

But he didn't go out, but closed the kitchen door, then walked behind Su Yun who was busy standing in front of the stove, and embraced her.

Su Yun's hands froze, "Why?"

She glanced at the door anxiously, and was relieved when she found that the door was ajar.But he didn't dare to let Xiao Lin hug him for too long, there are other people in this family after all.

"What do you want to do? Why don't you go sweep the floor in broad daylight?"

"I'll go in a while, let me give you a hug." Xiao Lin felt a little off, he buried his head on Su Yun's shoulder, and his voice was muffled.

"Brother Rin?"

She didn't chase him away, but asked him softly, "What's the matter? Is something wrong?"


Xiao Lin's voice was still dull, but his mood seemed much higher than before. "I've always thought that one day someone who truly loves me will wash his hands and make soup for me. I didn't expect this day to come true..."

Don't look at Xiao Lin looking at the invulnerable big man who is invulnerable to swords and guns, he still longs for this ordinary and warm warmth in his heart.

Just now when he saw Su Yun wearing an apron and busy in front of the stove with a gentle smile on his face, his heart softened completely at that moment.I just wanted to hug her without doing anything.

Just simply hug her.

Su Yun didn't move, and didn't push him away.

Xiao Lin hugged her for a while, and his mood returned to normal. He turned around holding her face, gave her a sneaky kiss on her lips, and said happily, "Reward!"

Su Yun, who was 'sneaked' upright:? ? ?

"This is to reward you again, right?" She said angrily.

Xiao Lin smiled even more, "Daughter-in-law is so smart!"

Su Yun: ...

"Come on, stop being glib, and go to clean up quickly, or I won't be eating tonight."

"It doesn't matter if you don't eat, just let me eat meat, Su Rou, I love Su Rou."

"Pfft..." Su Yun almost laughed to Xiao Lin, "Why don't you just say that you like to eat meat called Su Yun?"

"Daughter-in-law is smart..."

"Go out you!"

Su Yun didn't want to talk to him anymore, so she pushed him out of the kitchen, and hummed a tune in a happy mood to prepare for the New Year's Eve dinner.

In addition to braised pork and beef stewed potatoes, Su Yun plans to cook eggplant stew, as well as stuffed tofu that they must eat during the Chinese New Year... As for the two fish, Su Yun thought about it and braised one tonight. , the remaining one will be eaten tomorrow.

Although it is said that their family's conditions have improved a lot, they have not yet reached the point where they can be wasted.The New Year's Eve dinner that Su Yun prepared would not be too much, just enough for the four of them to eat.

At noon, she finished the preparations for the New Year's Eve dinner. She cut a bowl of fried but not yet steamed braised pork, and asked Xiao Lin to send it to Yu Hu.

Xiao Lin let out a hey, go and come back quickly, and soon came back with a bowl.

Granny Xiao found them and asked them to pay homage to Xiao Lin's grandfather and father, so they don't have to go when they have dinner later.

Xiao Lin nodded in agreement, went to the kitchen to pack some food, took a bottle of Erguotou and incense paper, and went out with Su Yun.

There is a custom in their village to go to the mountains to worship the deceased ancestors on the day of the Chinese New Year.So Su Yun and Xiao Lin walked on the way to Xiao's old grave, and met many villagers who had gone to burn paper.

When they saw Xiao Lin and Su Yun, almost no one stopped to say hello.The popularity of the husband and wife left Su Yun speechless.

It was as if those who were saying hello passed by, Su Yun took Xiao Lin's arm after walking a long way.

"Brother Lin, this time you came back by driving your brother's car and directly won a wave of popularity for you!"

There was too much joking in her tone.

"How? Did it swell all of a sudden?"

Xiao Lin showed a doting smile, and looked at her helplessly, "It's not like you don't know how they treated me before, daughter-in-law."

When the Xiao family was in ruins, how far did these people hide from the Xiao family when they saw the Xiao family? How could there be such a thing as taking the initiative to stop and greet with a smile?
Seeing that their family is a little better now, they come together, this behavior...

Although we all know that this is human nature, it makes people feel a little contemptuous.

As a native of Zhaojia Village, how could Su Yun not know about these situations?She just wanted to make fun of Xiao Lin.

"In that case, I'm still brother Lin's nobleman!" She said mischievously sticking out her tongue.

Xiao Lin took the opportunity to grab her hand and hold her, "Well, Xiao Yun is a nobleman of our Xiao family."

"Then you'll be fine in the future..."

Before Su Yun finished speaking, she inserted a sincere call.


 The second update is over,
  Catch bugs for a while.

  Thank you to all the cuties who voted for Wenwen, thank you for your support.I will continue to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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