Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 210 Come to ask for peace again?drunk

Chapter 210 Come to ask for peace again?drunk

Su Yun and Xiao Lin looked over there together.

Su Jianguo, who seemed to be 20 years older, was standing not far away, looking at her excitedly.And beside Su Jianguo, stood Li Cuifen.

Su Yun blinked.

Didn't Su Jianguo live with Widow Liu?Did he find out after going around outside that the yellow-faced woman at home was more suitable for him?
This is really strange, Su Jianguo would know how to turn back when he lost his way.

But it's strange, Su Yun doesn't plan to get entangled with these two.She didn't even agree to Su Jianguo calling her "sincerely".

"Brother Lin, let's go."


Xiao Lin took her hand, and the husband and wife passed by Su Jianguo and Li Cuifen, their footsteps were not slow at all.

"Xiao Yun..."

Su Jianguo's voice sounded again, "You and your son-in-law come back for dinner on the second day of junior high school. Your mother and I will cook at home and wait for you."

Su Jianguo still felt that it was not enough to say this, and he was afraid that Su Yun would not be able to say anything, so he quickly added, "Don't worry, my name is not Su Ying. She has done such a thing, so she is not worthy of entering the door of our old Su's house." of."

I don't know where Su Jianguo's confidence comes from. Su Yun will go to his old Su's house for dinner?Are you afraid that she won't specifically add that her name is Su Ying?

Seems like they take themselves seriously?

Is she missing that meal?Or do you want to find happiness because life is too moist?

Otherwise, she would go to Lao Su's house for dinner?
Ha ha……

She still didn't answer.

Su Jianguo didn't dare to do anything, Li Cuifen really wanted to scold Su Yun, but when Su Jianguo stared at her, she immediately gave up.

Su Jianguo finally came back from Widow Liu's flirtatious woman's bed, and she couldn't be more aggressive.

Otherwise, when Su Jianguo went to live with Widow Liu, Li Cuifen's life would really be impossible.

But even if he didn't dare to curse Su Yun loudly, Li Cuifen could still complain about Su Yun in a low voice.

"I just said that this damn girl Su Yun is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and she doesn't appreciate your kindness to her at all."

"Shut up!" Su Jianguo turned his head and gave Li Cuifen a hard look. They were all this stupid woman. If she and that idiot Su Ying hadn't offended Su Yun, how could Su Yun be so unfeeling to them?

Thinking of the small car that Xiao Lin drove back, and the thing that looked like a hill that he said brought back, Su Jianguo regretted so much that his guts were green.If the two idiots in the family didn't offend Su Yun, then as Xiao Lin's father-in-law, why didn't Xiao Lin take him to the city to eat and drink with him?
Idiots, blame these two idiots!

Su Jianguo shot Li Cuifen fiercely again, "My life was ruined by you idiot!"

Li Cuifen was a little wronged!
If she knew that this dead girl Su Yun was so promising... No, if she knew that the cripple from the Xiao family would be so promising, then she would never have agreed to change marriages for this dead girl Su Yun!
How good would it be to send Su Ying there to enjoy the blessings?
Li Cuifen was so regretful that her intestines were turning green.

Su Yun didn't want to know what the couple was thinking, and she didn't bother to guess.

The two came to the Xiao family cemetery, Xiao Lin took out a hatchet and cleaned up the weeds around the cemetery.Su Yun placed her things in front of the tombstone, looking at the tomb that was almost the same size in front of her, she asked, "Didn't you find grandpa later?"

Grandpa Xiao never came back after he left home, and the tomb contains the relics left by the old man at home.

The Xiao family set up this tomb for Grandpa Xiao just to have a place to rest their thoughts.Where the real Grandpa Xiao is in this world, and whether he is still alive, the Xiao family doesn't know.

Xiao Lin bent over to mow the grass and replied, "When I was in the army, I asked my comrades to check the team that my grandfather left with, and the result was that they had experienced a very tragic battle at the beginning... there is a record in the book. All the members died..."

Thinking of that tragic history, Xiao Lin fell silent.

Su Yun was also silent.

She silently arranged the things, and when Xiao Lin came back after cutting the weeds around, she lit the incense and burned the paper.

Xiao Lin took out Erguotou and three wine glasses.

"Grandpa, Dad, I'm here to see you. My leg is healed, and now I have a job in the city. Everything is going well, so don't worry."

After introducing his situation, he filled the wine glass, took a sip himself, and pulled Su Yun beside him to introduce, "This is my daughter-in-law, your daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law, her name is Su Yun, and she is the kindest and kindest woman in the world." Nice girl."

Su Yun was a little embarrassed by Xiao Lin's praise.

She lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Grandpa, Dad, I'm Su Yun."

Xiao Lin drank a glass of wine, talked with the tombstone for a while, then turned to ask Su Yun if she wanted a drink too.

Su Yun's alcohol tolerance is definitely not good, she has never drank alcohol in her two lifetimes combined.But today is Chinese New Year, and it is the first time to pay homage to the elderly, so we can make an exception.

"Then I have a drink?"

she asked tentatively.

Xiao Lin smiled, "Okay, if you can't drink it, don't force it, your man is here!"

It's okay if he didn't say it, but it aroused Su Yun's competitive spirit.

"Who said women can't drink? Fill me up."

She said very boldly.

It's just that no matter how bold she is now, she will become so drunk after drinking.

When they came to the cemetery, the two walked hand in hand. When they went back, Su Yun lay on Xiao Lin's back with a flushed face, her eyes closed tightly, and she was so drunk that it was difficult to open her eyes.

This is the result of she only drank half of the glass and Xiao Lin gave her the remaining half.

If she drank the whole cup...

Su Yun couldn't imagine how drunk she would be!

In broad daylight, people would definitely see Xiao Lin walking with Su Yun on his back. Those who also came to sweep the grave saw this scene, and although they didn't say anything, they couldn't help but feel that Su Yun was a little too immodest.

It's not as strict as it was in previous years, but it's not like they were either.

Su Yun really has...some tricks.

Most of the people who think this way are the women in the village.They said they didn't like Su Yun for Xiao Lin to recite, but in fact, only they knew the true thoughts in their hearts.

It's just jealousy.

Liu Meimei also came to visit the grave with Zhao Qiming, and on the way back, she happened to see Su Yun lying on Xiao Lin's back, who was drunk.Looking at the person being carried by the tall man, Liu Meimei was so envious that her eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

Xiao Lin's tall figure, that strong arm, that tall and slender legs, and the hard side face, every bit is giving out a fatal attraction.

Liu Meimei couldn't help but wanted to walk over.

Zhao Qiming tugged at Liu Meimei's arm.

"Meimei, what are you going to do?" His tone was not very good.

Obviously, she knew what Liu Meimei wanted to do.

Liu Meimei turned her head and glanced at Zhao Qiming, her eyes fell from his face to his waist, and then looked down.Although she didn't speak, the threat was already obvious.

If Zhao Qiming dared to stop her, she would tell Zhao Qiming's inhumane things.

Zhao Qiming only felt a chill in his lower body, and he understood the threat of Liu Meimei, a poisonous woman.

It was because of knowing his secret that this poisonous woman was able to act unscrupulously in their house, going out to fool around with different men every night, but he couldn't say anything, and even pretended not to see it.

She was fooling around with those ignorant men in the village, and it was fine to cuckold him. Anyway, he didn't like Liu Meimei, a poisonous woman who was more flirtatious than her aunt Liu and the widow.

But Zhao Qiming couldn't bear her staring at the cripple of the Xiao family.

Xiao Lin has hatred for taking his wife away from him, and he owes everything to Xiao Lin today, so even Liu Meimei, a woman he doesn't want, can't have anything to do with Xiao Lin.

While he was thinking about it, Liu Meimei had already walked in front of Xiao Lin with small steps.

"Brother Xiao, come here, put Sister Yun down quickly."


(End of this chapter)

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