chapter 237
Master Zhang looked a little apprehensive, and walked over holding the hem of his clothes.

"Excuse me, does Comrade Su Yun live here?"

The old lady groaned, and looked Master Zhang up and down. Even if he didn't say anything about the scrutiny, Master Zhang knew that the other party was doubting his identity.He quickly explained, "My name is Zhang Gang, and I used to be the master chef of the pork stall in a department store."

Master Zhang told the old lady about Su Yun telling him that he could come to her after he was out of work.

The old lady heard that it was Xiaoyun who hired her, so she dispelled her doubts.

"Master Zhang, you came here by accident. Xiaoyun went out to work. How about you leave an address, and I will let Xiaoyun come back to find you? Or can I trouble you to come over again tomorrow morning?"

Master Zhang quickly waved his hand, "I'll come over at night, and I'll come back after dinner."

"Will this be too troublesome? Is it convenient to go back at night?"

"Convenient, convenient, there is a tram."

Master Zhang wanted to get the job done as soon as possible, so he couldn't wait until tomorrow morning to come over.

Since he insisted on coming at night, the old lady didn't say anything, but nodded to express her understanding, and Master Zhang left.

The old lady took Xiao Hei for a walk, chatting with the old ladies in the alley.It was quite lively listening to Zhang's parents and Li's family being short. Of course, she didn't participate in their conversation.

The old ladies knew that Mrs. Xiao was Xiao Lin's grandma, and treated her very friendly.Of course, some people wanted to catch the old lady's words, and wanted her to speak ill of Su Yun, but they didn't succeed.

Mrs. Xiao ignored those who wanted to make stereotypes.

Let her talk about her granddaughter-in-law in front of outsiders?As long as people's brains are not broken, they can't do such things.

Among these people was Zhu Guihua, the old lady of Li who wanted to take advantage of Su Yun's house last time but failed.

She looked at Mrs. Xiao with her small eyes. After Mrs. Xiao noticed and looked over, Mrs. Li smiled again and said, "Old sister, you are so lucky to have a granddaughter-in-law who can make money!"

Old lady Xiao is not stupid, she has already seen through Zhu Guihua's eyes that she is not a good person.

Still want to talk to her now?
Mrs. Xiao scoffed.

"That is, ordinary people are not as lucky as me."

Mrs. Li, who thought Mrs. Xiao would be humble:? ? ? ?

No, what happened to the old lady of the Xiao family?Don't understand others flattering her?Still so proud?
"Let me tell you, old sister, your granddaughter-in-law should have come into contact with a lot of gay men when doing business outside, right? Her appearance..."

Mrs. Li didn't finish her sentence, but she winked. The meaning was too clear.

"Are you sure she's outside? According to me, the girl's family should be more peaceful, honestly stay at home and take care of the man..."

"Can you say that again!"

Mrs. Xiao interrupted Mrs. Li.

"What did you say about Xiaoyun just now? Say it again."

"No, what did I say about her?" Mrs. Li likes to gossip, she is small-minded, but has a big temper.

Seeing that Mrs. Xiao did not give her face in front of everyone, she immediately became angry.

"You don't know what I'm talking about? With the looks of your granddaughter-in-law, you can't find a foxy girl in ten miles and eight villages..."


A loud voice sounded, and the sole of the shoe in Mrs. Xiao's hand slapped Mrs. Li's cheek.

There is a shoe print on the thin cheek.

Mrs. Li was beaten into a daze.

The old lady Xiao didn't stop, she took the mille-soled cloth shoes in her hand and slapped old lady Li.

"I'll beat you to death, you old bastard. If you pretend to be shit, don't come out. Do you think my Xiaoyun is your daughter-in-law and can't walk when she sees a man?"

"Shameless old thing, did you seduce other men when you were young?"

Granny Xiao was beating and cursing at the same time, very angry.

Mrs. Li hid aside, raising her hand to tear up with Mrs. Xiao.The other old ladies on the side quickly pressed Old Lady Li's hand.

"Forget it."

"Zhu Guihua, you too. If you talk about someone's grandson's wife in front of others, no one can bear it."

"That's right, you just can't control your mouth. I said earlier that if you can't control your mouth, you will be in trouble sooner or later."

"Yeah, Old Sister Xiao just slapped the soles of your shoes and it's already good. If you encounter other things, you'll have to beat your head and bleed."

These people are talking to Mrs. Xiao when they say what they say.

Mrs. Li was so angry that she almost rolled her eyes.

The old lady Xiao opened her posture, holding the cloth shoes in one hand and putting the other on her waist, "Don't stop her, let her come. If I don't smash her mouth today, I will write Xiao's characters upside down."

Mrs. Li flinched.

Everyone came to persuade Mrs. Xiao again.

"Old sister, don't be as knowledgeable as Zhu Guihua, she is famous for her bad mouth in the alleys."

"That's right, her mouth smells worse than someone's feet that haven't been washed for three months. Don't be as knowledgeable as her, just take what she said as a fart."

"Yeah, it's not worth being angry for such a person..."

Old Mrs. Li, who was separated, became more and more unhappy the more she heard it.

Why is it that this group of old people are the ones who scold her no matter whether they are persuading her or the old lady of the Xiao family?Are the old people pushing themselves out like this?Mrs. Li was so angry that she knew she couldn't get any better, turned around and left cursing.

On this day, Mrs. Li's curses were heard from time to time in Tianshui Hutong.

When Su Yun came back from get off work, as soon as she reached the entrance of Tianshui Hutong, she saw a figure jogging into the house of Mrs. Li, who was two neighbors to their house. After a while, she came over on her bicycle. Come out with a basin of water.

Su Yun leaned to one side to avoid the splashing water, and the bicycle almost fell into the ditch.

If she hadn't supported the wall with her hands, she would have fallen into the ditch with the car.

Su Yun got a little angry. Looking at the red palms, she straightened her bicycle and parked it on the road, and went forward to knock on the door of Li's house.


A male voice came from inside the door.

Su Yun took a deep breath, trying to control her temper and said, "I'm the neighbor next door, I want to ask who poured water on the road in your family just now?"

At this time, she hadn't thought that the Li family had poured water out on purpose, so she could still ask patiently.

When Li Jiabao heard Su Yun's soft, crisp and sweet voice, he immediately regained his energy.After spitting twice, he stroked the hair on his head with his palm, and his fingers grabbed the hair into a big back.

After tugging at the clothes on his body, he opened the door with a smile on his face.

"Yo, Comrade Su Yun?"

Li Jiabao called comrades in his mouth, but his eyes scrutinized Su Yun unscrupulously.

Even though Su Yun was wearing a thick padded jacket, Li Jiabao looked at her with chills.

She took two steps back, and Li Jiabao approached with a smile.

"Sister Su Yun just got off work? Isn't it hard to run outside every day in the freezing cold? It just so happens that my brother's house has made tea. Would my sister come in and have a drink..."

"Did you splash me with water on purpose just now?"

Su Yun interrupted Li Jiabao and asked.

Li Jiabao was stunned for a moment, "What? You were splashed with water?" He looked at Su Yun, and found that the clothes were dry and not wet at all. He was very disappointed.

It's a pity that I couldn't see her beautiful body curve.

Su Yun's face became darker and darker, and her patience was exhausted.She stretched out her hand, and her white palm was flushed.

"Sister Su?"

"Should I make an apology or go to the Public Security Bureau? Choose one of the two."

(End of this chapter)

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