238 Public Execution
With her patience exhausted, she no longer wanted to waste time with Li Jiabao.

Especially when the other party still looked at her with that wretched expression that made her want to vomit, which made her even more angry.

"Choose one speed, I don't have time to spend with you."

Su Yun's facial features are very soft, sweet and soft when she is not angry, but when her face is cold, her aura is a bit scary.

Li Jiabao originally wanted to play tricks with Su Yun, to gain some advantage from Su Yun.After all, I haven't seen a few girls who are more iconic than Su Yun, have I?But Su Yun's cold face gave him a feeling of arrogance and contempt for others.

He was also angry.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean you have to apologize or go to the police station? Well, if you want to bully, that's not how you bully, right?"

"Is it me who wants to bully someone or you guys who want to bully someone?" Su Yun squinted at Li Jiabao coldly, her eyes passed over his figure, and fell on the person in the room who was hiding behind the door.

She thought of the figure she saw when she first entered the alley.

I immediately understood the ins and outs of this.

"I don't know where I offended your family? Tell you to deliberately pour water on me when I pass by? Mrs. Li, you dare to do it or not, don't you plan to come out and explain?"

Li Jiabao turned to look at Mrs. Li hiding behind the door.

Old Madam Li had nowhere to hide, and thought that this was her own home, so she really didn't need to be afraid of Su Yun, a vixen.

After preparing herself mentally, Mrs. Li walked out from behind the door.She is majestic and high-spirited, and it feels like she has walked a thousand miles on a certain journey.

Like a general who has returned from victory after defending the motherland.

Su Yun:? ? ? ?

Is this old lady mentally ill?

Mrs. Li walked to the door, opened her mouth and said, "What? I need to report to you after I splashed water in front of my house? What evidence do you have that I deliberately splashed you?"

Su Yun snorted, "Didn't you slap me on purpose? If you didn't slap me on purpose, you wouldn't have been guarding the door and slapped me when I passed by."

"If I say no, it's not. It's just a coincidence. Also, who told you to stay out of the house all day? You deserve it!"

Mrs. Li is quite good at making strong arguments.

Su Yun laughed angrily. She didn't want to argue with her and planned to report to the police directly. Before she turned around, someone behind her yelled, "Xiao Yun, get out of the way."

She jumped sideways reflexively.

Mrs. Xiao rushed over with a basin in her hand, and poured all the contents of the basin on Mrs. Li without saying a word.

"Dog, let you bully people."

Li Jiabao was originally standing side by side with Mrs. Li, but when he saw Mrs. Xiao holding a basin of black feces, he shrank behind Mrs. Li in an instant.

Without the slightest hesitation, he pushed Mrs. Li in front of her to act as a human barrier.


There was a sound, and the feces and water, which had not yet been fully oxidized, splashed on Mrs. Li's body.

Feces and water dripped down.

Mrs. Xiao put her hips on her hips and cursed.

"Zhu Guihua, you shameless old bastard, it's not enough to gossip about our family during the day, and you still want to bully my Xiaoyun? See if I don't beat you to death."

He raised the basin in his hand, and beat Mrs. Li crazily.

"I haven't convinced you during the day, have I? Then I will let you know why the flowers are so red now."

Mrs. Xiao was like a real invincible general, who caught Mrs. Li and beat her up.

Su Yun was stunned as she watched from the side, her eyes kept showing admiration.

A good cow is a good cow, grandma is a good cow.

This is called the real "women don't give up their eyebrows!"
Su Yun happily decided that grandma will be her idol from now on.

She was watching vigorously, and suddenly a hand was wrapped around her waist, and she subconsciously stepped aside.

"My daughter-in-law is me." Xiao Lin brought her back and asked her with deep concern, "Are you okay? Have you been bullied?"

Su Yun shook her head, "I'm fine."

Xiao Lin was sure that she was fine, so she raised her head, frowned slightly and looked at Mrs. Xiao who was chasing Mrs. Li all over the yard, "Grandma, what is this?"

He just came back from get off work and saw Su Yun's bicycle parked outside Li's house from a distance. He thought something happened and walked over quickly, only to see his grandma chasing and beating her.

His wife must have been bullied.

"What's wrong with the old lady?" The old lady in his mouth refers to old lady Li.

Su Yun didn't intend to hide it for the Li family. She grabbed Xiao Lin's clothes and complained, "When I passed by their door, they deliberately poured water out, causing me to avoid falling into the ditch. I'm here to argue with them." , they messed around."

She spread her hand unintentionally, and Xiao Lin saw the red marks on it.

His eyes darkened.

"Report to the police."

After saying that, Xiao Lin called the old lady Xiao back, and said directly to report to the police.

Old Mrs. Li, who was covered in feces, became angry when she heard it. She opened her mouth to curse, and ate the feces dripping from her cheeks.

Li Jiabao said on the side, "Report to the police? You come to beat someone and you still want to report to the police?"

Xiao Lin glanced at Li Jiabao lightly, and the invisible coercion made Li Jiabao back away.

The corners of his lips parted slightly, and he said coldly, "This is no longer a neighborhood dispute, but a deliberate murder. You guys want to murder my wife, why can't I report it to the police?"

"Fart your mother!" Mrs. Li opened her mouth and cursed.

Xiao Lin glanced over with a cold look, the old lady flinched a bit but kept a tough face, trying to put on an appearance that she was not afraid of Xiao Lin.

It's just that no matter whether they are afraid of Xiao Lin or not, the police will report it.

Soon, the police came to Li's house. After listening to Su Yun's testimony, they visited several nearby neighbors, and they found someone who could prove that Mrs. Li deliberately poured water on Su Yun.

There is more than one witness.

"I saw her sneaking, and I thought she was trying to steal something, so I took a second look. Who knew that she was waiting for the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family to pedal a car to pass her door, and deliberately poured a basin of water from the house .”

Another witness also echoed, "I also saw that the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family almost fell into the ditch in order to avoid the sudden splash of water."

"Yes. I saw that too."

The neighbors I saw spoke out, and Mrs. Li, who was planning to play tricks, was frightened by the handcuffs shown by the police before she started to play tricks.

She shrank behind Li Jiabao, trying to find shelter.

But Li Jiabao himself was also afraid, what could he protect Mrs. Li?In addition, Mrs. Li is no different from the one just pulled out of the cesspit, Li Jiabao can't help but hate it.

From his point of view, there is no such thing as saying that his mother is not ugly.

On the contrary, Li Jiabao felt that Mrs. Li really humiliated him.

The police ignored Li's mother and son.

The others ignored them.

The police turned to ask Su Yun, the client, how he planned to deal with this matter.

Su Yun thought for a while and said, "We are all neighbors."

Mrs. Li's eyes lit up.

Su Yun slowly added, "It's not easy for the old man, let her tell the mistakes she made along the alley every morning, noon and night! Talking about it for ten days and a half months in a row will be fine."

Originally thought that Su Yun would let the Li family's mother and son go, the public security: ...

Su Yun's punishment is worse than making Li's family lose money. Losing money may be a bit painful, but every morning, noon and night, three times a day, she parades in the alleys and shouts that she is wrong. This is simply a public punishment!
This is much worse than losing money.

Mrs. Li didn't want to either.

The corners of Su Yun's lips curled up, and she raised her arms and raised her forehead to look as if she was about to fall to the ground, "Brother Lin, I really think I was frightened. I think I have to go to the hospital for ten days and a half months. Will the Li family pay for it?"

Xiao Lin who supported her nodded decisively.


Mrs. Li scolded, "I will pay your mother..."

"To shut up!"

The police yelled vigorously, hating such a naughty old lady the most, "You can either pay a few hundred dollars for medical expenses, or follow Comrade Su's words and apologize sooner, later, at night, for half a month in a row."

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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