Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 258 Being robbed, Xiao Rin became terrifying

Chapter 258 Being robbed, Xiao Rin became terrifying

"It's that Mo Huaiyu."

Song Yinyin recalled what Mo Huaiyu said, and added to Su Yun, "By the way, he told you to go to the Chengnan branch to find him. He has been transferred to the city."


Mo Huaiyu looking for her?
Could it be that the matter of the Li family is really related to their family?Reminiscent of Xiao Lin's instructions before leaving, Su Yun had a rough guess in her heart, if it was true as she thought, then Li Jiabao was really disgusting.

Su Yun has something on her mind, so that she often loses her mind while reading tonight.She simply closed the notebook, went to take a shower and went to bed early.

It's just that she can't be safe in bed.I can always feel the beating of gongs from Li's house echoing in my ears, but I can't hear it after listening carefully.She knew that it was impossible for the word to reach their home, it was her hallucination.

Pulling the quilt to cover his head, trying to make himself fall asleep quickly, but when he closed his eyes, the vitriolic appearance of Mrs. Li in the morning kept appearing in front of him.

Su Yun rolled around for a while without falling asleep, she got up and went to the closet, took a piece of Xiao Lin's clothes and put it on her head.

The washed clothes have a slight soapy smell, which makes people feel at ease.

Su Yun took a deep breath and whispered.

"Brother Lin, I miss you so much..."

Holding Xiao Lin's clothes, she didn't know when she fell asleep in a daze, but she didn't sleep very well and kept having nightmares.

In the dream, she saw Xiao Lin and his convoy being stopped by a group of men with machetes and vicious looks.Xiao Lin stepped forward to negotiate, but the other party slashed at Xiao Lin with a knife...

"Brother Rin!"

Su Yun sat up startled from the dream, only to realize that she was dreaming.Turning on the light, I glanced at the watch on the side, and found that it was only two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Her pajamas were wet with sweat, and the clothes were wet and stuck to her body, and the coolness reached the bottom of her heart.

"Xiaoyun, what's the matter?"

Granny Xiao's voice came from outside.

The old man felt shallow, and was worried when he heard the movement from Su Yun, so he put on his coat and came over to ask.

Su Yun recovered and looked outside the door and replied, "I'm fine, grandma, I'm having a nightmare."

"Don't be afraid if you have a nightmare, dreams are the opposite."

"Well, I know, grandma, go to bed!"

"Okay, you go to sleep too. If you're scared, you can sleep with grandma or with Yinyin." There are only three of them in the house, and the old lady of Li's family just died, so it's understandable for the little girl to be scared .

Su Yun snorted.

"I know grandma, don't worry."


Only then did Mrs. Xiao turn around and go back to her room.

Su Yun got out of bed, took out a set of clean pajamas from under the cabinet, and changed the wet one on her body.After changing, I poured out the hot water from the kettle, wet it with a towel and wrung it dry to dry off the cold sweat on my body, and then I went back to bed and lay down again.

In order not to have nightmares anymore, she distracted herself and memorized the table of elements.With her back on her back, she fell asleep.

This time, no more nightmares.

Little did she know that her dream had indeed happened in reality.

Xiao Lin and the others who are thousands of miles away are really in trouble, and the reality is much more dangerous than Su Yun's dream.Xiao Lin's arm was cut long with a knife in order to protect Yu Hu when he was fighting with the road blocker.

Xiao Lin became ruthless, pulled out the steel pipe that he had kept in the car all the time, and hit each of the group of people with a stick.

The stick in his hand was ruthless and urgent, and the speed was dizzying.

Xiao Lin, who has been specially trained, is naturally not at the same level as those who are only ruthless, and they can no longer take advantage of Xiao Lin.

Li Wei is also ruthless, not to mention Yu Hu.

Just now because of his soft heart, his brother took a hit on his behalf, so he naturally became more ruthless and wanted to beat this group of people to the ground.

The three walked forward side by side, and wherever they went, all the people who rushed up were knocked down.Who still wants to struggle, Xiao Lin has a steel pipe in his hand and breaks his wrist.

He stared coldly at the boss who was standing behind and shouted to command his younger brother, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a cold arc.

" want...what do you want to do?"

The chief's surname is Xu, and everyone calls him Chief Xu.He was a forty-year-old, vicious man.

He has always been the only one who is more ruthless than others, but he did not expect to meet such stubbornness as Xiao Lin and the others today.Watching his brothers fall one after another, he was already in a situation where he could not do anything alone.

Xiao Lin, who had blood on his arm, also splashed a few drops of someone's blood on his cheeks, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and a pair of eyes fixed on Xu Bao's head.

The people around who wanted to besiege him were hit by him one by one, and they fell and couldn't get up again.

At this moment, Xiao Lin, who was walking towards Xu Baotou step by step, seemed to be the King of Hades who could kill people in the drama.

Even scarier than the blue-faced and fangsed door god.

Xu quickly took two steps back with his head, and knelt down towards Xiao Lin who was walking towards him with a puff.

"Big brother, big brother, hero, little brother has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai. If I offend you, please forgive me this time. I promise that as long as you are big brother's person, I will protect you properly. .”

Xu's condition is very generous.

Especially for Xiao Lin and the others who planned to run freight on this road.

Both Li Wei and Yu Hu were moved, they glanced at each other.

They are all waiting for Xiao Lin's final decision.

Only Xiao Lin snorted, and the sneer without a trace of warmth pierced the night, making the skin numb.

"Big Brother...Big Brother..."

Xu turned his head and felt the huge oppression invisible to him in the dark night, he began to panic and opened his mouth to beg for mercy.

Xiao Lin raised the steel pipe in his hand, a silver light flashed, and the steel pipe hit Xu Batou's shoulder heavily, smashing Xu Batou's shoulder bones on the spot.


Xu put his head on his shoulder with one hand, rolling and crying on the ground in pain, sweating profusely, he stared at Xiao Lin, gritted his teeth, and spoke with all his strength.

"I've already begged for your mercy, and I've granted you great benefits. don't even have loyalty..."

Xiao Lin glanced lightly at Xu and turned his head.

He replied in a neutral tone, "In the past few years, there have been many people begging for mercy from you, right?"

"What about you? How many have you spared?"

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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