Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 259 Eyeing Xiao Rin's Woman

Chapter 259 Eyeing Xiao Rin's Woman
Xiao Lin is an adult.

He is used to seeing too many vicious and vicious people, so he will not believe that there are really people who turn their backs.Of course, this is not to say absolute!But there are very few people who come back.

For a person like Xu Baotou, his conscience has long been wiped out.

So, don't think that he has completely repented when he knelt down and begged for mercy, it's just a means for him to live.

If today's Xiao Lin and the others were replaced by other people, I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to bring goods to this group of people.

So for this kind of person, Xiao Lin will not show any sympathy.

It is true that Xu Botou bowed his head to Xiao Rin to save his life. He did not expect that Xiao Rin would not follow the routine at all, and his methods were even more bandit-like than he, a bandit.

He clutched his shoulder in pain, looked at Xiao Lin and asked, "Who are you?"

Xiao Lin crossed his arms and looked at Xu, and pointed to the truck behind him.

"Did you see it? Ji'an Trading."

After answering this sentence, he looked around at the people lying on the ground crying for their parents, and said word by word.

"Keep your eyes open and see clearly. In the future, Ji'an Trade will have the final say on this road."

"Whoever wants to be an emperor on this road will have to ask the steel pipe in my hand if I agree!"

After he finished speaking, he threw the steel pipe in his hand like a sharp arrow flying out of the string, and the steel pipe with the gust of wind stably inserted into the mud between Xu's head and legs.

The distance between the steel pipe and Xu Batou's crotch is only a few centimeters!
Xu pissed his head in fright.

It was really scary.

The unpleasant smell of urine mixed with the smell of blood spread around, Xiao Lin stood against the wind and stood in the night, the headlights of the front of the truck hit him, reflecting the incomparably hard wheel hub face.

It seems that he has an innate aura of a king, making people afraid to look directly at his face.

"Brother, let me bandage you up." Yu Hu came over and asked softly.

Xiao Lin shook his head.

"No, just come by yourself."

At this moment, he turned back into the Xiao Lin that Yu Hu knew.

"You stare at him and break his legs if you want to run." Xiao Lin pointed at Xu's head and told Yu Hu.

Yu Hu nodded.

Only then did Xiao Lin leave, went to the car and took out the white wine in the car, tore off his sleeve, grabbed the mouth of the jar with one hand, and poured the whole jar of white wine on his arm.

When high-grade wine is poured on a fresh wound with blood, one can imagine how sour it tastes.The people next to him couldn't help frowning, but Xiao Lin, the person involved, didn't even frown as if nothing happened.

The wine washed the wound clean, and he took out the trauma medicine that Su Yun packed for him before leaving and sprinkled it on the wound, then wrapped it with gauze a few times and tied it in a knot.

The convoy stayed overnight on the road in the mountains.

All the ruthless truck drivers who had met Xiao Lin slept soundly.

Early the next morning, Xiao Lin asked Yu Hu to report to the police, and then the local police came to arrest Xu, who had been under surveillance, and some gangsters who were injured and couldn't move in time. Living.

Wu Zhiyong, the captain of the public security team, shook Xiao Lin's hand and said that he would thank them anyway.It was they who eradicated a major disaster for the police.

Xiao Lin showed a faint smile, "It's okay, it's a matter of little effort."

"Your effort is too great. My brother and the others deliberately came here many times without success." A female voice intervened, and Xiao Lin raised her eyes slightly.

I saw a lesbian wearing a white coat standing aside, looking at him with a smile.

Xiao Lin nodded slightly, and looked away after saying hello.

Wu Zhiyong interrupted Wu Xiaoli with a smile, "How did Xiaoli talk?" After speaking, he turned around and apologized to Xiao Lin, "I'm sorry, Comrade Xiao, my sister was spoiled by the family and has a reckless personality. Don't mind."

"It's okay."

Xiao Lin had no intention of continuing to chat with the siblings, he turned to leave, but Wu Xiaoli chased after him.

"Hey, big man, is your arm hurt? Let me show you that I'm a nurse."

Wu Xiaoli is indeed a nurse at the local hospital.Today she happened to be at home on vacation, and after hearing from her brother that Xu, who had committed crimes, had his head picked up, she was curious to know who he was, so she followed him.

When her brother was talking to Xiao Lin just now, she had been standing not far away and watching.

She always thought that her brother was already a pretty good person, but now that she saw Xiao Lin, she realized that there are really good-looking men in this world.His face is not like the Chinese character face that everyone recognizes, but a girl's oval face, but the lines are very rigid and full of strength.

The sharp and sharp eyebrows, the narrow and deep eyes, the high nose bridge and the thick and thin lips, every point exudes a fatal attraction.

Wu Xiaoli feels that she is in love.

It was love at first sight for this man named Xiao Lin.

Even though the clothes he was wearing were a little dusty at the moment, but at this moment, she saw his attractive inside through his plain appearance.

So when Xiao Lin raised his foot to leave, Wu Xiaoli chased after him without hesitation.

Xiao Lin frowned slightly.

Wu Xiaoli's intention to catch up was too obvious, which made him feel even more unhappy.

The moment Wu Xiaoli was about to reach out to touch him, he turned to one side, and when Wu Xiaoli caught the air, Xiao Lin said indifferently, "Sorry comrade, my wife doesn't like other lesbians touching me. Please also comrades Don't make things difficult for me."

His words have been made very clear.

But Wu Xiaoli only cares about whether he is married or not.

"you are married?"

Wu Xiaoli looked at him disappointedly, and then thought that it must be normal for such an outstanding man to get married.

But being married doesn't mean she has no chance. Moreover, she graduated from a health school, so she will definitely be better than the wife this man married in the village.

Therefore, Wu Xiaoli pursed her lips, and said dissatisfiedly, "What does it have to do with treating your wounds whether you are married or not? Does it mean that all married men in this world can't let lesbians treat their wounds when they are injured?"

"Then why do you need a hospital? There are a lot of female nurses in the hospital now. If other men's wives think like your wife, I'm afraid they won't be able to survive."

After Wu Xiaoli muttered, she added in a low voice, "It's just that women in the countryside who don't know much are so small-minded."

"This comrade!"

Xiao Lin's tone rose, and his voice became several degrees colder.

He looked at Wu Xiaoli sternly, "Please pay attention to your words. If you slander my partner, I have the right to shut you up."

Xiao Lin didn't take extra care of Wu Xiaoli just because she was a lesbian.

On the contrary, if she still speaks ill of Su Yun just because she is a lesbian, then he is even more unforgivable.

His voice attracted the attention of others.Yu Hu and Li Wei walked over.

Wu Zhiyong, who had been talking to his subordinates, also hurried over.

"What's the matter? Xiaoli, what's going on?" Wu Zhiyong grabbed Wu Xiaoli and looked at her with disapproval.

Wu Xiaoli pursed her lips, and said aggrievedly, "I just saw that he was injured, and wanted to help him deal with the wound. Who knew he was so fierce? And said I slandered his wife?"

"I don't even know who his wife is. Why do I slander her? Is it necessary?"

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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