Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 260 I'm Not Kind To Other Women

Chapter 260 You Are Not Gentle To Other Women

She relied on the fact that no one heard her whispered complaint, so she could not admit it?
Xiao Lin snorted.

Wu Zhiyong pulled Wu Xiaoli back, and he took two steps forward to apologize to Xiao Lin, "I'm sorry, Comrade Xiao, my sister was spoiled by the elders in the family, you don't care..."

"If you are spoiled, you should keep it at home instead of letting it out to bark."

Xiao Lin interrupted Wu Zhiyong's words without mercy.

Wu Zhiyong: ...

Where did Wu Xiaoli, who was held in the palm of her hand since she was a child, ever suffer such humiliation?Her eyes were wide open, tears welling in their sockets.He raised his finger and pointed at Xiao Lin's face, his lips were trembling for a long time, but he couldn't say a complete sentence.

Xiao Lin snorted, "You are pampered by your family, and you will be wronged if you say that you can't do it. My wife is also pampered by me, why do you say her?"

"You who think you are self-righteous, what kind of onion are you?"

It has to be said that this man's tongue is so venomous that he really has nothing to do with women.

No, after Xiao Lin's two sentences, Wu Xiaoli didn't dare to reply, tears rolled in her eyes for a long time, and she burst into tears.

"You bully people!"

She held her face and wailed.

Xiao Lin frowned, almost killing a fly.He looked at Wu Zhiyong disapprovingly, "Captain Wu, is this how your Public Security Bureau handles cases? Bring a messy relative or friend to the crime scene?"

"No wonder you haven't been able to destroy a bandit den in these two years."

"Your professional ability really needs to be improved."

Wu Yong, whose face was swept away in public, also had a hot face, especially his sister Wu Xiaoli was still crying sadly.He was ashamed and angry, and asked people to take Wu Xiaoli away quickly.

Then he forced an embarrassing smile and said to Xiao Lin, "I'm really sorry, it's my problem. I thought you were injured and brought her here. I'm sorry."

Xiao Lin pursed the corners of her lips, noncommittal.

Although Wu Zhiyong hated Xiao Lin for embarrassing him, he didn't dare to act rashly until he found out Xiao Lin's identity.He continued to say good things with a smiling face, and his appearance really didn't look like what a policeman should look like.

Xiao Lin's eyes were a little dark.

He remembered that he had an old comrade in arms here, maybe he could talk to him about Wu Zhiyong?

There was a faint smile on the corner of Xiao Lin's lips.

"If there's nothing else, we'll leave first. The businessman's car is the lifeblood of the meal, and we can't afford to waste time."

Li Wei on the side also quickly added.

"Yes, yes, please Captain Wu to worry about the security here in the future. Only when the road is unimpeded, can this business be done?"

They also have good things to say.

Wu Zhiyong nodded and didn't ask too much, "I will try my best to ensure the safety of the road I manage." As for any accidents in other places, it has nothing to do with him.

"Thank you Captain Wu."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Xiao Lin and the others thanked Wu Zhiyong, turned around and got in the car to leave.

Looking at the car in the distance, Wu Zhiyong also had an unclear light flashing in his eyes.

"Captain, what are they going to do?"

A police officer came up to ask.

Wu Zhiyong glared at him, "Take him back to the bureau for strict interrogation, otherwise what do you want to do?"

As he spoke, he walked towards Wu Xiaoli, who was still crying, with his hands behind his back.When passing by Xu Baotou, Xu Baotou gave Wu Zhiyong a hard look.

Wu Zhiyong curled his lips where no one saw him.

Xiao Lin and his car were still moving forward.

He hurt his arm, so he sat in the back seat.

The driver was still Li Wei, and Yu Hu sat in the co-pilot and concentrated on studying with Li Wei.

"Hey brother, what did that bitch say about my sister just now?" Li Wei asked gossip while driving.

Xiao Lin's eyelids moved, "It's just the nonsense of an unmarried woman."

Don't think he doesn't understand what Wu Xiaoli is thinking.

Although Xiao Lin said he had been serving as a soldier before, there would always be lesbians approaching him in the clinic, and he knew exactly what they were thinking.Fortunately, the lesbians in the military clinic were better educated than Wu Xiaoli, so when he rejected them, it was respectable.

For a woman like Wu Xiaoli who has an inexplicable sense of superiority because of her better family background, he doesn't need to save face for her.

They won't see each other anyway.

Li Wei didn't ask, nor did it prevent him from guessing.

"That woman probably has her eyes on you, and she wants to pry my sister's corner! Let me tell you, Lao Xiao, if you dare to forgive my sister, don't blame me for not recognizing you as a brother!"

Yu Hu echoed from the side, "Yes, brother, my sister-in-law is so nice, she is beautiful and good at doing business. Except that she is not from the city, she is better than the city people in every way. You can't make mistakes in principle , don’t forget, my sister-in-law is the dream lover of many gay men in our village.”

"If you feel sorry for sister-in-law, they will definitely not let you go."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xiao Lin opened his eyes, glanced impatiently at the two people in front of him, and kicked Yu Hu's stool.

"So much nonsense?"

"Hurry up and drive hard, earn more money so you can go home. Don't affect me if you don't want to go home after being out for so long."

He really wanted to go home.

It's been half a month since I came out, and falling asleep listening to Li Wei and Yu Hu's snoring every night has become the greatest torture in my life.Even though it was often the case when living in a dormitory, Xiao Lin can't get used to it now.

He wants to go back to his wife, to be able to kiss and hug her fragrant and soft daughter-in-law every night, and to have in-depth exchanges... This kind of life is the life people live.

Yu Hu and Li Wei didn't know that they were disgusted by Xiao Lin, so they recovered their senses and focused on looking ahead, before heading to the next city, which was the last city of their trip.

Hong Kong!

Wu Xiaoli returned to the city with her brother Wu Zhiyong.

In their mountain city, although the Wu family is not considered a big family, several uncles of Wu Xiaoli's family work in relatively important positions, and they all love her, so it is not wrong to say that Wu Xiaoli was born with a golden spoon in her mouth.

More importantly, the Wu family has a very good relative in the capital, which is also the reason why the Wu family has been able to live well in the mountain city.

At this moment, Wu Xiaoli returned home with red and swollen eyes, and immediately went to her grandparents to cry.

Mrs. Wu, Mr. Wu's face immediately changed when he heard that his most precious granddaughter was being bullied.Ask someone to go to the police station and call Wu Zhiyong back.

Regardless of whether it is working time or not, he has to come back first.

Come back first and explain to them why Wu Xiaoli was wronged.

When Wu Zhiyong came home, Wu Xiaoli's eyes were as swollen as walnuts.He sighed and said, "Xiao Li, everyone has made it very clear that he is already married, and your crying is not a solution, it can't change anything at all."

"Besides, he is still a second-rate dealer who hangs his life on his head and runs around. Is it worth your concern?"

Wu Xiaoli immediately retorted, "Why isn't it worth it? He is infinitely better than those around you. If I want to marry, I must marry such a person. Only he can be worthy of me."

"No, didn't you understand? He's already married."

"So what if you're married? Can't you leave after you're married? Even if you can't leave, you can still be widowed, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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