Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 261 Su Yun's Mind Is Only Studying

Chapter 261 Su Yun's Mind Is Only Studying
Wu Xiaoli is really spoiled, so that she can say such words so mindlessly.

But having said that, the Wu family's education concept is indeed a bit problematic.Like Mrs. Wu and Mr. Wu, after hearing such words from their granddaughter, not only did they not educate Wu Xiaoli, they even felt that what she said was right.

Mrs. Wu was the first to speak, "Yes, Xiaoyong, you are Xiaoli's real brother. Your sister has never been wronged since she was a child. There is no reason why you let her be wronged now that she is grown up."

"Not grandma..."

"Xiaoyong, tell grandpa first, who is Xiaoli looking for." Mr. Wu interrupted Wu Zhiyong and asked.

Wu Zhiyong took a breath, and slowly told Mr. Wu what happened today...

Su Yun, who was far away in the south city, didn't know that someone was thinking about her man, and he was crazy enough to want to kill her.She got up in the morning and ate breakfast, and went to the branch office to find Mo Huaiyu as agreed.

Not long after Mo Huaiyu was transferred to the city, he was still in charge of the criminal investigation department.

He saw Su Yun waiting outside right after he got to work, and immediately handed over the information in his hand to another police officer, and walked up to Su Yun in a few steps.

"Sister-in-law is here."

Su Yun smiled and nodded.

"Officer Mo, Yinyin said that you have something to ask me."

"Well, shall we go to the office and talk?"


Su Yun followed Mo Huaiyu to his office, Mo Huaiyu pointed to a stool beside her to let her sit down, turned around and poured a cup of hot water for her in front of her.

He turned around and walked aside, and sat down opposite Su Yun.

Mo Huaiyu didn't say much, he handed one of the documents to Su Yun.

"This was confessed by Li Jiabao after our colleague interrogated him yesterday. I went to my sister-in-law's house yesterday afternoon, but my sister-in-law was not at home, so I didn't mention it to grandma."


Su Yun suspiciously took the document from Mo Huaiyu's hand, she lowered her eyes and glanced at it, before she was utterly annoyed by the above testimony.

It recorded the motive and purpose of the police interrogating Li Jiabao, but he actually said that it was all because of her?Dozens of question marks appeared in Su Yun's head.

Li Jiabao is a scoundrel, a social scum, and he has bad intentions. He even said in his testimony that who made her have a seductive face?He also said that he finally waited until Xiao Lin went out, and wanted to get some medicine to poison Xiao Hei to death.

As for the latter, they were all very disgusting words, and Su Yun was very angry even just looking at the words.

She really wanted to swear.

What are these things?
She was so angry, and at the same time, she also understood why Mo Huaiyu had to tell her about it when she came over. If he told her grandma, grandma would definitely be even more angry than her.

"Thank you, Officer Mo."

Mo Huaiyu smiled, "Sister-in-law, you're welcome. When we were in the army, the battalion commander took care of us a lot."

For Xiao Lin, the battalion commander, Mo Huaiyu has always been grateful and admired.I am grateful to the battalion commander for taking care of them, and I admire the battalion commander's family conditions are not good, but he still anonymously donates most of his income to the families of his comrades all year round.

Taking care of the elderly and children left behind by comrades in arms...

This approach made Mo Huaiyu very admired.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Lin has been a soldier for so many years, but is still very poor.Most of his allowance was given to the orphans of his comrades who were more difficult than him.

Su Yun hummed, and she didn't stay here much even though she was busy with class.

"Then I'll go first."

"Good sister-in-law. I'm now transferred to the branch office to work. In the future, sister-in-law can just contact me if you have anything to do."

"Okay, thank you. When Brother Lin comes back, you go home to have dinner."

"That's a good thing, I'll miss that stutterer."

The two came out of Mo Huaiyu's office talking and laughing. Mo Huaiyu sent her to the door and watched her go away before turning back to the bureau.

As soon as he walked in, someone came forward to inquire about Su Yun's identity.

"Old Mo, who did that lesbian work for just now? Your partner?"

"Okay, she looks pretty enough."

These young police officers are actually quite gossipy when they are together.

Mo Huaiyu glanced at them lightly, "Don't think too much, this is my sister-in-law."

"Oh! So it's sister-in-law!"

"I really can't see it, so young."


Everyone thinks that Su Yun prefers unmarried girls.It really doesn't look like she's married.

Mo Huaiyu didn't bother to pay attention to them, "Hurry up and get to work, this case doesn't end here."

Although it is said that the lame boy who sold the drug was arrested and brought to justice, it is still unknown who produced the poison, where it was produced, and how many other places there are.

They have far more to do than meets the eye.

The police officers groaned and dispersed to work.

Su Yun came to the school, parked her bicycle under the shed and locked it up. Just as she turned around, she almost bumped into a male classmate who was standing behind her at some point.

She quickly took a step back.

"Student, what's the matter with you?"

Su Yun looked suspiciously at the male classmate who was born in front of her, wondering what he had to do to block herself in the carport.

Chen Jianjun sighed, lowered his eyes and did not dare to look into Su Yun's eyes, and muttered in a low voice, "I...I, Su Yun...Classmate Su Yun..."


"That... I think... I want to ask you... can you..."

"Huh? What can I do?"

Seeing that the class time was about to arrive, the male student in front of him was still hesitating to delay the time. He didn't say a complete sentence for a long time, so Su Yun trotted away to the side.

Class is important, there is no time to delay.

With his head down, Chen Jianjun made a draft in his heart, mustered up the courage to raise his head to confess, but found that there was no one in front of him.

Chen Jianjun:? ? ?

Where did people go?
Su Yun trotted to the classroom, 2 minutes before class.

She quickly ran to her seat and sat down, took out the books from her bag and placed them on the table, while adjusting her breathing.

"Hey Xiaoyun, did you meet Chen Jianjun from the next class just now?"

Sun Hong at the same table asked her.

Su Yun let out a sigh and shook her head.

"Who is Chen Jianjun?"

"No way, Xiaoyun, you don't even know the class monitor next door? He's always the first and second person in our grade. I heard from the teacher that Qingbei is set."

"So powerful?" Su Yun also showed envy in her eyes.

There are such powerful classmates in their school, why has she never heard of them?
But then again, it's their business to be good, and it seems that no matter how good others are, her math will not get better.

It's business to immerse yourself in learning your own.

Su Yun opened the book after thinking about it, preparing to preview it.

Sun Hong touched Su Yun with her elbow, and wanted to say a few words to her, but the teacher had already arrived.Sun Hong had no choice but to swallow the words that came to her lips, and also took out her Chinese textbook.

Another day of busy study, Su Yun didn't delay at all after class, ran to the carport, stepped on her bicycle and ran to the company.

So much so that those who wanted to talk to Su Yun couldn't even see her figure.

The classmates were very puzzled, wondering what Su Yun was doing so busy every day?They asked Sun Hong about this tablemate, but Sun Hong didn't know what Su Yun was doing.

All in all it was busy.

"Maybe she's going home to cook?"

Sun Hong guessed so.

I don't know who misunderstood Sun Hong's guess, and in the end it turned out to be Su Yun, the prettiest girl in the review class. The family conditions are very difficult, and she has to rush home to cook as soon as possible after class every day. It's too late to go back, and I can't even enter the house...

When Su Yun heard the rumor, half a month had passed.

Su Yun, who was rumored that her family was so difficult that she would have nothing to eat if she didn't go back quickly, was full of question marks in her head at the moment.

Sun Hong touched her arm, "Xiaoyun, that Chen Jianjun's family is pretty good."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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