Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 264 Who Says Women Can't Do Business?

Chapter 264 Who Says Women Can't Do Business?

Xiao Hei, who was basking in the sun on his stomach in the yard, sneezed.

Something always felt wrong, as if someone was talking about it.

Su Yun was amused by Xiao Lin's serious words. After she laughed, she felt much better. Thinking about it, she seemed to be too pessimistic. Although Qinjia Village can't produce rabbits for a while, there should be rabbits for sale in other places. of.

After all, this is not the past few years.

Su Yun figured it out, and she was in a good mood.

He raised his eyes and looked at the people around him, "Then I'll go to a meeting and we'll go home later?"

"Okay, I'll wait for my wife here."

"Aren't you coming with me?"

Su Yun tilted her head and looked at him.

Xiao Lin had a doting smile on his face, "Daughter-in-law's internal company meeting, wouldn't it be good for me to attend?"

"What's wrong? Aren't you the proprietress?"

She still remembered what Zhang Wu called Xiao Lin!
"Besides, you are our partner agent, and your participation in this meeting is completely in line with your status!"

"Okay, listen to General Manager Su."

Xiao Lin laughed, rubbed her head, and followed her to the meeting.

The meeting place was set at the village committee of Qinjia Village. In a small room, a dozen or so people sat around a table. Su Yun brought Xiao Lin in and sat down in the seat reserved for her.

Xiaodao immediately gave up his position to Xiao Lin.

"Brother, sit here."

"No need." Xiao Lin raised his hand to stop the knife, stretched out his hand to pull a stool next to him, and sat down behind Su Yun.

"I'll listen, you talk."

Xiao Dao looked at Su Yun.

I feel that his brother has been wronged.

Su Yun bent her lips, "It's okay, let's start."

"it is good!"

Xiaodao spread out the book, and first read the situation of the rabbits infected with the infectious disease this time.

"Qinjia Village has a total of 480 six rabbits, including 120 female rabbits, [-] male rabbits, and [-] rabbits ranging from one to three months old. The rabbits infected with acute stomatitis this time were between one and three months old. all the cubs."

"After culling, all infected rabbits have been eliminated. Disinfection of the rabbit house has also been initially completed!"

Xiaodao read out the information he had learned, and then handed the words to Su Yun.

Su Yun's fingers had been caressing the handle of the enamel cup unconsciously, and when the knife finished speaking, she took a sip of water and opened her mouth.

"I just have a few words to say, long story short."

She sat up straight and said in a serious voice, "First, I am also very sad about the large-scale infection of rabbits this time. The raw materials cannot be supplied here, and the orders promised by our company cannot be issued. .So if you kill the rabbit, you will not only suffer losses, but our company will suffer even greater losses."

"Second, in order to avoid such a situation from happening again in the future, please invite the village head to hold a meeting with all the villagers to discuss, select two or three young people who are willing to learn to be obedient, and learn from Dr. Zhang how to prevent, discover, and deal with sick rabbits. .We strive to never have a situation like today happen again.”

"Thirdly, the same sentence, the most important thing to do in business is conscience. Especially in the food industry, we have to hang the word conscience on our heads all the time. Resolutely put an end to shoddy behavior .”

"I put my ugly words first. If such a thing is really discovered by me, then it will not be as simple as compensation."

There is still a little girl who is only 20 years old in a few months, but when she starts to sullen her face in a meeting, her aura is enough to frighten those who are much older than her.

After she finished speaking, Xiao Lin interjected a few words.

"When doing anything, if you want to go far and long, you can't just focus on the immediate interests. Otherwise, this business will not last long after all! The same goes for raising rabbits!"

The village head already knew Xiao Lin's identity, so after Xiao Lin spoke, he kept nodding.

"Don't worry, Boss Su, I will definitely pass on your thoughts to every villager."

Su Yun nodded.

She had finished what she wanted to say, and the rest was up to the village chief and the others.

She got up to go back to the city.

"Sister, you and brother go back first, and Dr. Zhang and I will stay and have a look. Dr. Zhang said that by the way, we should choose someone who is suitable for studying veterinary medicine." Xiaodao came over and said to her.

Su Yun nodded, "Thank you for your hard work, and tell Dr. Zhang that you have worked hard. We will try our best to meet his needs, you know?"

"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely do things with confidence."


Regarding Xiaodao, Su Yun was really at ease.Otherwise, nothing will be handed over to him.

Xiao Lin patted Xiao Dao on the shoulder, and without saying anything, he led Su Yun and left Qin's Village.

When he got out of the mountain col, knowing that the people in the village could not see him, Xiao Lin stopped immediately, turned around and hugged him tightly in his arms, "I miss you so much, my wife."

The deep voice did not conceal his missing of her.

He hugged her tightly, as if trying to strangle her to the bone.

Su Yun's heart was so soft that she put her arms around him, "I miss you too."

"Huh? What?" Xiao Lin let go of her hand a little, bent down to look at her, "Daughter-in-law, what did you just say?"

His face was so close that his breath sprayed on her face as he spoke.This made Su Yun a little uncomfortable and a little hot.

She turned her face away and moaned, and before she could say anything, her cheeks were held by both hands.

The callused palm was warm, but it burned Su Yun's cheeks to the brim.Seeing her face so close, thinner and tired but still hard to conceal her handsome face, her heart beat like a drum.

With a dry mouth, she subconsciously licked her lips.

"young married woman……"

After the warm kiss fell, Su Yun gently closed her eyes, grabbed the shirt on his chest with both hands, raised her head slightly, and welcomed the tenderness that belonged to him.

If this were the previous Su Yun, she would absolutely never dare.

Although this place is on a mountain road, generally no one would come here, but the former Su Yun was also timid, thinking that kissing in broad daylight is too frivolous.

But now, maybe it's been a long time since seeing him, the longing and the love hidden in her heart overcame all her worries, making her not care about so much, and she was immersed in his tenderness.

Xiao Lin's tall figure almost completely enveloped her.

I don't know how long it took, Su Yun felt that the strength in her limbs was about to be drained.She thumped his chest, and Su Yun's pupils suddenly widened as two voices spoke in her ears.


"It's okay, don't worry." Xiao Lin let go of her instantly, and at the same time hugged her who could no longer walk, turned and hid behind the big stone on the side of the road.

She leaned in his arms, waiting for the people on the road to pass by with her heart beating like a beating.

The conversation was getting closer.

"Do you know who those people we met in the morning are? I heard that they are the boss of Qinjia Village. That woman is the one who asked Qinjia Village to raise rabbits."

Is the topic still related to Su Yun?

Su Yun raised her head, and looked at Xiao Lin, whose eyes were filled with water mist, who also had scarlet eyes.

Not only was she in love, but so was he.

"Hey, it's okay." He lowered his eyes and said to her silently.

Su Yun nodded, and continued to lean in his arms to listen to what the passing people were saying.

"A woman? Now that the situation is better, women can show their faces outside. If she was a restless woman like her before, she would have to be pointed out."

"Who says it's not? Now the situation is better, and women can also do business."

The two villagers walked away with each sentence.

After their figures disappeared, Su Yun said aggrievedly, "Who stipulates that women are not allowed to do business?"

 The fourth update is over, catch bugs later!

  Thank you for the little cuties who voted for Wenwen, I hope you can continue to support, vote and comment a lot!

  Bow thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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