Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 265 I Want To Live Outside

Chapter 265 I Want To Live Outside

"No, they are talking nonsense, so don't worry about it, daughter-in-law."

Xiao Lin lowered his eyes to coax her, seeing her bright and alluring lips, he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her again.

The two people who were already deeply in love would be prone to accidents if they kissed too much.

No, when Su Yun came back to her senses, they had already rolled into the thick grass.Her clothes were also pushed up, making a mess.

"Brother Lin..."

She raised her head, with a little panic in her misty eyes.

Xiao Lin came back to his senses.

He leaned over and kissed her, straightened her messy clothes, and raised his hand to slap himself.

"Brother Rin, what are you doing?"

The crisp sound made Su Yun forget to fasten the button, and quickly reached out to hold his hand, "What's wrong with you? How can anyone hit themselves?"

"I'm sorry, daughter-in-law." Xiao Lin held her hand behind his back and hugged her in his arms. "I was confused and forgot that this is the wild." It would be quite disrespectful to do such a thing to her outside. Performance.

No matter how beastly Xiao Lin is, he can't do this.

"Well. I don't blame you."

she whispered.

Xiao Lin lowered his eyes, met her dodging eyes, and suddenly he chuckled lightly, as happy as a swallow in the mountains.

"Daughter-in-law, come up, let's go home."

He squatted on the ground to carry her on his back.

Su Yun is not very happy, this mountain road is difficult to walk.Walking alone is tiring, and carrying another person must be even more tiring.


"Come up!"

With a big hand, he firmly grasped the person on his back.

Su Yun lay on his shoulder, listening to him complaining to herself.

"We separated for 36 days, 860 four hours and 840 [-] minutes. You still don't want me to carry you on your back? Why are you so cruel?"

She couldn't help but smile, this man really is.

"Brother Xiao, are you sure you are expressing your miss for me? Or are you showing that you count?"

"It's all accurate to the minute, why not accurate to the second?"

She made things difficult for him on purpose.

Xiao Lin was indeed stumped for a moment, he was silent for a while, and then said, "310 seconds."

Su Yun fell!
She was sure he was showing that he was right.

But having said that, he is also a person who has received a high school education (she is now taking the review class to take the college entrance examination, so she has received a high school education!), how can he be so much better than herself?
In mathematics, she really seems to have no talent at all.

Su Yun couldn't help but think of those math problems that gave her a headache.

"Brother Lin..."


"Are you saying that you and I can only count on one person? As good as you are at the baron, I will be more talented!" She has become a control group for her man, and compared with her man, it is a complete failure!

Xiao Lin laughed out loud.

"Perhaps this is a natural complementarity? My wife and I are meant to be together?"

"Huh? Then why can't I be smart and brother Lin not so smart?"

"The daughter-in-law is already very smart."

The skill of boasting a wife is self-taught by Xiao Lin, and he is a master of the world.

His words made Su Yun laugh endlessly.

On the mountain road, the girl's crisp laughter came from time to time, which made people feel good when they heard it.

Xiao Lin who was walking down the mountain with her on his back was very steady, and Su Yun felt at ease lying on his back.She feels that even if the sky is falling now, she is not afraid.

The two went down the mountain and had to pass through a forest to get to the road.

More than a month ago, Su Yun and the others came back from Qin Family Village, where they met Lin Erchun who was tied into the woods by human traffickers.When passing by again this time, she became alert to the woods.

I don't know if she is too sensitive or what, but she actually smelled a faint smell of blood in the woods, which drifted past the tip of her nose together with the wind.

"Brother Lin..."

The voice of speaking is lowered a little.

"Am I thinking too much? Otherwise, why would I feel the smell of blood?"

"No." Xiao Lin shook his head, he also smelled the smell of blood in the air.

The atmosphere in this forest is very ghostly, and it is not impossible for someone to kill and steal in this place.In addition, Su Yun just said that she had encountered human traffickers here before.

So it is very likely that they have encountered human traffickers again.

"Are we going to have a look?"

Su Yun asked.

Just as Xiao Lin was about to answer, there was a noise from the woods over there, and a figure ran towards them, followed by several policemen in uniforms chasing after him.

"Don't run, stop."

"Stop now, or we'll shoot."

This voice contained Mo Huaiyu's familiar Su Yun and the others, and she blinked at Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin nodded, and put the man off his back.

"Daughter-in-law, wait for me here."

"Okay. Be careful Brother Rin."


After Xiao Lin finished speaking, he quickly ran through the woods a few steps to the person who was running forward, tripped the person with his foot, and controlled him before the person had time to get up.

"battalion commander!!"

Mo Huaiyu ran close and found it was Xiao Lin, his tone was full of surprise.

"When did you come back, battalion commander?"

Xiao Lin got up and handed over the prisoner under control to other police officers. Looking at the happy Mo Huaiyu, he showed a slight smile, "I said I am no longer in the army, so don't call me the battalion commander."

Mo Huaiyu was a little embarrassed.

"I'm used to it, and I haven't changed my mind for a while."

Just now when they saw Xiao Lin's sharp skill from a distance, it was as if they saw him in the army.So I forgot for a moment that they were no longer in the army.

After being reminded by Xiao Lin, Mo Huaiyu changed his mind when he spoke again.

"Brother Xiao, when did you come back?"

"Well, I just arrived today."

When Xiao Lin was talking, he glanced at Su Yun and found that she was fine, so he said a few more words to Mo Huaiyu, "Who is this person?"

He lifted his chin slightly, indicating the person who was taken away by Mo Huaiyu's colleague.

Mo Huaiyu explained the situation of this person.

"Before in Zhaojia Village, the lame-headed accomplice who sold medicine to Su Ying, I found him in the past few days, and today I found that he was trying to escape to the mountain city, so I took people to arrest him."

"Mountain City?"

Xiao Lin frowned invisibly.

The mountain city didn't leave a good impression on him, so when Mo Huaiyu talked about the mountain city, he kept an extra eye on "Mountain city? Does he still have accomplices over there? Or is it theirs over there?" Production base?"

"According to the clues we have, the poison seems to have flowed from there. We have already reported what we have found to our colleagues in the mountain city. Let them continue to check along this line."

"Well, okay, thanks for your hard work. I'll go back first." Xiao Lin patted Mo Huaiyu's shoulder, walked to Su Yun's side without much delay, and walked towards the main road together holding her hand.

He opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

"Brother Lin, what do you want to say to me?"

Su Yun asked curiously.

Xiao Lin shook his head, "It's okay, I just heard Huaiyu mention the mountain city, and I thought of the strange things we encountered there."

"What strange thing? Tell me!"

"It's okay, it's just that when a policeman went to handle the case, he brought his family with him."

Xiao Lin didn't want to tell Su Yun about Wu Xiaoli.

Because he felt that people like Wu Xiaoli had no right to dirty his wife's ears.

It's still important to talk about business.

It's just that his serious business seems a bit unserious!For he opened his mouth and said:
"Daughter-in-law, why don't we go live outside tonight!"

 Hey, fewer and fewer people read the article, and I have nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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