Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 280 In addition to fighting back, fight back

Chapter 280 In addition to fighting back, fight back

Wu Xiaoli didn't expect to meet a colleague from the hospital here, who was also a doctor.The corner of her mouth moved, "Who told her not to look at the road?"

"I said you..." Song Yinyin took a step forward to continue the theory, Su Yun stood up, "Yinyin, come and see Meiyu."

Song Yinyin was worried about Zhao Meiyu, she glanced at Wu Xiaoli and turned around.

Su Yun stood where Song Yinyin was originally standing.She looked at Wu Xiaoli coldly, with invisible pressure in her eyes.

Wu Xiaoli smiled indifferently, "What's the matter? You guys want to fight with each other? Are you arguing with me in turn?"

The condescending air is really very obvious.

Su Yun snorted.

"Comrade, you are mistaken."

Wu Xiaoli looked at Su Yun with doubts on her face.

Su Yun continued to say in a flat tone, "No one wants to argue with you. If you bumped into someone, you should know that you need to apologize without being reminded."

"Apologize? Why should I apologize?"

Wu Xiaoli glanced at Zhao Meiyu proudly, then turned her gaze back to Su Yun, "Seeing how well-dressed you are, why do you have such rustic friends?"

Song Yinyin:? ? ?

Zhao Meiyu:? ? ?

Su Yun laughed angrily.

"I don't bother you to worry about what kind of friends I have. Please apologize to my friend immediately."

"What if I don't apologize? What can you do?" Wu Xiaoli looked at Su Yun arrogantly, not paying attention to her at all.

Su Yun frowned, "You really don't want to apologize?"

"I won't apologize, what can you do?"

"Can you still hit me?"

Wu Xiaoli poked her probe in front of Su Yun, her provocation was obvious.


As soon as the words fell, Su Yun suddenly raised her hand and pushed Wu Xiaoli to the ground.

The sudden change made Wu Xiaoli unprepared and fell flat.The other people on the second floor were taken aback by Su Yun's sudden move.


"This comrade..."

"Xiao Yun..."

Su Yun had an indifferent smile on her face, and this time it was her turn to cross her arms and stare at Wu Xiaoli condescendingly, with a look of surprise on her face, "Oh, comrade, are you all right? You said you are fine, why do you ask me to beat you?" Woolen cloth?"

"Really, this is the first time I've heard someone make such a request when I grow up."

"Comrade, what do you think of the strength I pushed you just now? Is it satisfactory to you? If not, get up and I will push you again?"

Su Yun had a pure face.

Wu Xiaoli, who was pushed down, came back to her senses, her mouth almost crooked in anger.

"You bitch, how dare you push me?"

She got up from the ground and rushed up to grab Su Yun without saying a word.

"I am going to kill you."

Apart from fighting back, Su Yun of course only had to fight back...


Xiao Lin, whose daughter-in-law was dragged away to go shopping, went to the company, and when he was dealing with company affairs in the office, he received a call from Mo Huaiyu.

Said that Su Yun started a dispute with someone in the foreign trade store, and asked Xiao Lin to go to the Chengnan branch.

As soon as Xiao Lin heard this, he immediately put down the work at hand and wanted to go there. Li Wei came in from the outside and learned that Su Yun had gotten into a fight with someone, so he immediately followed.

His doctor Song said today that he wants to go shopping with his sister.If the girl got into a fight, then Dr. Song must be there.

"Drive over."

Without much delay, the two immediately headed towards the Chengnan Sub-bureau.

Chengnan Branch.

As soon as Mo Huaiyu hung up the phone, Wu Xiaoli over there rushed over and snatched his phone, "You wait for me, I'll call and ask my brother to clean up you."

Wu Xiaoli thought this was a mountain city, and she was still the eldest lady who was held in the palm of Wu's family.

Therefore, the behavior style has never converged at 01:30.

She snatched the phone and pressed a long series of numbers. As soon as the phone was connected, Wu Xiaoli burst into tears, "Brother, I was beaten."

Xiao Lin came outside Mo Huaiyu's office, and when he heard a familiar female voice, he frowned slightly and walked in quickly.

"young married woman……"

Wu Xiaoli, who was on the phone, turned her head, and the moment she saw Xiao Lin walking in, the phone in her hand fell to the ground with a thud, and the tears in her eyes fell even more fiercely.

"It's you?"

Wu Xiaoli looked at Xiao Lin with red eyes, like a little daughter-in-law who has been greatly wronged.

Xiao Lin frowned fiercely, without stopping her eyes on Wu Xiaoli, she quickly walked towards Su Yun who was sitting on the innermost bench.

"How are you, daughter-in-law? Did you get hurt anywhere?"

His tone was very anxious, and he kept looking at her, for fear that she would get hurt somewhere.

Su Yun was fine at first, after all, although she looked Jiao Didi, she was very powerful when fighting.In addition, she was tearing up with Wu Xiaoli consciously, so she would definitely not hurt herself.

Wu Xiaoli was torn off by her with a large amount of hair, and she kicked her several times in invisible dark places under her clothes, but she didn't have any injuries on her body.

Even the somewhat messy hair was messed up by herself afterwards.

After all, you have to show the appearance of fighting each other, right?

You can't let others see her neat and tidy, so that others won't believe that she was also beaten by Wu Xiaoli.

Originally, Su Yun was in a good mood after planning well, but when Xiao Lin came in, when Wu Xiaoli spoke in a tone that seemed to be abandoned by Xiao Lin, she was in a bad mood.

So when Xiao Lin knelt down and asked her if there was anything wrong, Su Yun's lips moved and she didn't want to speak.

Xiao Lin thought she was injured, bent down and was about to pick her up and take her to the hospital.

"We're going to the hospital, we're going to the hospital, don't be afraid, daughter-in-law, we're going to the hospital right now."

He was really nervous, his body was tense, and his tone trembled slightly.

Su Yun sighed, and the depression in her heart dissipated.She squeezed his arm: "I'm fine."

"Really?" Xiao Lin lowered his eyes, still extremely worried.

Su Yun nodded solemnly, "I'm really fine." After speaking, she nodded her chin slightly, motioning for Wu Xiaoli, who came in from Xiao Lin, and never left her eyes on him, and asked Xiao Lin, "Do you know that person?"

Xiao Lin frowned and looked at Wu Xiaoli, not quite remembering where she met this person before.

"Maybe I've seen it before? I don't have any impression, daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, no one can bully you."

There is nothing more uncomfortable than when the person you miss doesn't remember you at all.Listening to Xiao Lin's words, Wu Xiaoli's tears dripped down her cheeks.

"How could you do this? Woooooooooooo... Do you know what I gave up for you? I ran to this unfamiliar place alone, didn't you have a word of comfort, and you said you didn't know me?"

"Have you forgotten what happened to us before?"

Wu Xiaoli cried very sadly, covered her face with her hands and accused Xiao Lin, feeling that he was a heartless man who abandoned others.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, squinting at Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin wanted to tear Wu Xiaoli's insanity away. He hugged Su Yun and explained, "Daughter-in-law, don't listen to her gossip, I don't know her at all... Oh no, I remembered, daughter-in-law, do you still remember me?" As I told you before, isn’t that police officer who brought his family with him on business?”

"So it's this one?"

 update completed

(End of this chapter)

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