Chapter 281 Shameless?
Su Yun asked.

Xiao Lin nodded.

"It seems to be her. I didn't pay attention to what she looks like, but the voice is familiar to me."

Su Yun: ...

Wu Xiaoli, who felt insulted again: ...

Mo Huaiyu, who watched for a while, coughed. Originally, this was just a simple dispute between two people, but now it seems to be a three-person dispute?Of course, he must have believed in the character of their battalion commander.

If the battalion commander was the kind of person who sees differences and wants to change, then when he was in the army, he wouldn't reject the girls in the clinic and art troupe.

Therefore, the result must be that Wu Xiaoli is lying.

Mo Huaiyu coughed, and decided to come out and say something fair, "This comrade, Wu Xiaoli... Comrade Wu Xiaoli, right? You see, as an unmarried lesbian, don't you have to pay attention to influence when you speak?"

Wu Xiaoli was crying, she couldn't listen to Mo Huaiyu's words at all.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched and sneered.

"Don't think that I can't sue you for being a hooligan to my man now that there is no crime of hooliganism. Let me tell you, you'd better take back what you just said, or I will sue you."

Wu Xiaoli raised her head in surprise, tears still hanging on her face.

But no one felt sorry for her, only people thought she was boring.

"What did you say? You, a country girl who relies on men to suck blood, still wants to sue me? Do you know who I am?"

"I know, why don't I know?" Su Yun sneered, not giving Wu Xiaoli any face, "You just look at the toad who looks like a human being, and your eyes are fixed on the men of other families, and you want the toad to eat swan meat. I tell you, you are not worthy!"

"My Su Yun's man is not something you can miss."

Wu Xiaoli looked at Su Yun with wide eyes, pointed at her tremblingly, her lips kept trembling for a long time but she couldn't say a word.

She never dreamed that Su Yun could be so eloquent.

The other two gay men in the office were all convinced by Su Yun's extremely domineering words.

Xiao Lin lowered his eyes, looking at her with tenderness in his eyes.

"young married woman……"

The voice calling her was so lingering that honey was about to be squeezed out.

Su Yun gave him a sideways glance, and he will settle his debt at home.

She took a step forward, "Officer Mo, where can I sue someone for being a hooligan? I'm going to sue Comrade Wu Xiaoli for trying to be a hooligan to my man and insult my man's reputation. Her intentions are too sinister. I hope the police officer can help me." Justice."

Is this probably called murder?
Wu Xiaoli made such a fuss, but she didn't get any advantage, Xiao Lin didn't even look at her, let alone Su Yun sued her?What kind of deal is this that loses a lot of money?

Wu Xiaoli didn't do it, and even thought of rushing towards Xiao Lin, causing physical contact with the established fact.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she rushed over, Su Yun lifted her foot without hesitation, and kicked Wu Xiaoli's stomach, kicking her down on the ground with a "puchi" sound.

Su Yun frowned, "Lesbian, where's your face?"

"Even if you are shameless, you have to save some face for your family, right?"

"Pounce on other men at every turn, is it your family's education or family tradition?"

What's wrong with Wu Xiaoli?Can't understand human language?
Su Yun was annoyed by the shameless Wu Xiaoli.He no longer saves face for Wu Xiaoli when he speaks.

Xiao Lin squeezed her hand and coaxed distressedly, "Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, I know who her family is, I will contact them and ask them to bring this person back."

He really didn't want his daughter-in-law to be affected by such a mess.

Su Yun curled her lips, a little unhappy, but agreed to him.


After saying that, she glanced at Wu Xiaoli who was lying on the ground and said: "If I see you trying to pester my man to ruin his reputation next time, then I will hit you every time I see you."

After she finished speaking, she raised her head slightly, let Xiao Lin stay to deal with this matter, and went next door to find Song Yinyin and Zhao Meiyu.

Next door, Song Yinyin and Zhao Meiyu had just finished listening to Li Weidao, and Wu Xiaoli was entangled with them.

Both of them took a breath at the same time, both were stunned by Wu Xiaoli's shamelessness.

"No wonder, she came to Nancheng to chase someone, that's why she looks like everyone owes her."

Song Yinyin spoke first.

Zhao Meiyu immediately added, "Don't even look at her? Still want to fight with Xiaoyun? She is not worthy to lift Xiaoyun's shoes."

"That is, what is she without the support of her family?"

These girls seem to be weak, but their personalities are not soft at all.

Of course, they would not refuse to extend their hand to those blind people who leaned over and wanted to be beaten.

When Su Yun came in, Song Yinyin and Zhao Meiyu immediately stood up, looked at her worriedly and asked, "Xiaoyun, are you okay?"

"That Wu Xiaoli is shameless, don't be afraid that we will follow you and tear her apart."

Song Yinyin pulled her sleeves and arms, completely forgetting that she was still pregnant.

Su Yun was a little funny.

"I am fine."

"It's as long as it's fine, where's Rinko?" Li Wei was the only one among them who was more 'calm'. He was afraid that Dr. Song would really go to fight, so after Su Yun said she was fine, he immediately spoke out.

I'm just afraid that if I speak too slowly, I won't be able to stop my pregnant daughter-in-law.

Su Yun pouted at the corner of her mouth and pointed to Mo Huaiyu's office next door.

"Brother, what happened to that Wu Xiaoli?"

Although Su Yun has heard what Xiao Lin said, but now she is bored, she can listen to Li Wei again.

Li Wei sighed, and told Song Yinyin and Zhao Meiyu how he met Wu Xiaoli and the others just now. After he finished speaking, he looked at Su Yun and asked with some concern, "Sister, you don't want to give birth to a child." Are you angry? I really don't blame him for this matter, it's that Wu Xiaoli who seems to have never seen a man... Don't blame Linzi for attracting bees and butterflies."

Xiao Lin who just came to the door was quite happy to hear Li Wei's previous words, but not so happy to hear the latter words.What do you mean he attracts bees and butterflies?

"What are you talking about?"

Xiao Lin strode in.

He stopped beside Su Yun and lowered his eyes and said, "The matter has been settled, and Comrade Wu's guarantee letter has been written and handed over to Huaiyu. If she comes to make your wife angry again, I will ask Huaiyu to send the guarantee letter to you." to her family."

"Not only to send to her family, but also to publish in the newspaper for everyone to see how she tried to seduce other people's men." Song Yinyin added on the side.

Zhao Meiyu and Li Wei nodded together.

Su Yun raised her eyebrows, "Where's the person?"

"I don't know, should I be ready to go?"

"Who told her to go?" Su Yun glared at Xiao Lin, pulled Zhao Meiyu around and went out, and stopped Wu Xiaoli who was going out wiping her tears.

"Hey, Comrade Wu Xiaoli, you want to leave before you apologize?"

Although it was said that there was a beating, it was her beating.Wu Xiaoli pushed it to Zhao Meiyu, whoever should apologize should still apologize.

Wu Xiaoli turned around and opened her mouth to scold.

But seeing Xiao Lin standing aside with a cold face, looking at her like garbage, Wu Xiaoli was forced to take back the words that came to her lips.


She lowered her head and apologized in a low voice.

Just wait, one day she will let Su Yun kneel at her feet and watch her and Xiao Lin love each other for a lifetime.

Su Yun didn't know that Wu Xiaoli was daydreaming, she smiled and said, "Comrade Wu, you haven't eaten? You pulled my hair with much more strength than this."

"Did she pull your hair?" Xiao Lin said nervously.

Wu Xiaoli, who originally planned to play weak: ...

(End of this chapter)

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