Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 300 You Are Really Pregnant

Chapter 300 You Are Really Pregnant
There was pampering and helplessness in Gu Jinnian's tone.

He pressed Zhao Meiyu's arm that was eager to try, and coaxed a little dumbfounded, "We won't go, a murderer like Ma Liang who was condemned by God, he was thrown into a mass grave when he died. "

"Mass grave? Are there still mass graves?"

Zhao Meiyu blinked, feeling that her man seemed to be fooling her?
Seeing her puzzled little eyes, Gu Jinnian really wanted to pinch her face.The wife is getting smarter and can't be coaxed anymore.

Fortunately, at this moment, Su Yun's voice came from the ward and rescued Gu Jinnian.

"Meiyu, are you outside?"

When Zhao Meiyu heard it, Su Yun was calling her.Then she must go in!With a groan, she took off the lunch box hanging on the doorknob, pushed the door open and walked in.

"Xiaoyun, you are awake."

Zhao Meiyu, who had just returned justice to Bo Yuntian and wished she could go to the battlefield and sweep thousands of troops with a single gun, called Su Yun at this moment, and tears immediately burst into tears.

"Xiaoyun, do you know that I'm almost dying of worry."

After giving the lunch box to Gu Jinnian, she rushed over, squeezed Xiao Lin away and held Su Yun's hands, "You're awake, if you don't wake up, I'm going to beat Ma Liang to ashes!"

The exaggerated tone made Su Yun laugh.

She smiled and pinched Zhao Meiyu's hand, turned to Xiao Lin who was on the side and said, "Brother Lin, Meiyu is here to accompany me, you can go wash up and sleep, and come back later?"

Xiao Lin looked very haggard, his eyes were sunken, and there were bruises under his eye sockets. He had a long beard and long hair, and he couldn't see his previous appearance at all.

More like a sloppy uncle who hasn't cleaned up for a long time.

Xiao Lin was reluctant to leave, but he knew that what Su Yun said was true, he nodded, and asked Zhao Meiyu to take care of Su Yun, and he would come later.

Zhao Meiyu glanced at the watch on her wrist and waved her hand, "Come over when you have dinner, it will be fine if I accompany Xiaoyun here."

It's noon now, let Xiao Lin come over after dinner, just to give him a rest.

Su Yun nodded approvingly, "Brother Lin, you can only come here after dinner. I feel pretty good now, and I won't faint again."

With her repeated assurances, Xiao Lin left with confidence.

Xiao Lin left, and only Su Yun and Zhao Meiyu were left in the ward. Before Su Yun could speak, Zhao Meiyu glared at Gu Jinnian and said, "Why don't you leave? Want to hear our sisters chat?"

Gu Jinnian didn't mean that, he just wanted to ask Su Yun if he wanted to report on the company's current situation.But after thinking about it, Su Yun just woke up. Although she seems to be in good spirits now, it is really not suitable to worry about the company's affairs right away.

"Okay, I'll go now. I'll go and see the situation of our store. Let's see how the preparations for the new store are going!"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Su Yun nodded, and sent Gu Jinnian away again. Zhao Meiyu hugged Su Yun's waist again with a groan, and buried her head on her knee, "Xiao Yun, you are really scaring me to death."

"I'm fine, am I fine?"

Su Yun rubbed Zhao Meiyu's hair. The two of them grew up together. Although they are not related by blood, they are no different from sisters.She was missing and Zhao Meiyu was impatient, if Zhao Meiyu had disappeared, she would also be restless.

Zhao Meiyu nodded.

"It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise I think Brother Rin might have gone with you. Wuwu Xiaoyun, you don't know how scary Brother Rin's face was when you disappeared."

"I dare not look at him, for fear that he will pinch and break my neck if he is in a bad mood."

Su Yun laughed, "Is that an exaggeration?"

"Really." Zhao Meiyu was afraid that Su Yun would not believe her, so she raised her head and told Su Yun vividly what she had seen Xiao Lin these days.Su Yun was amused by Zhao Meiyu's exaggerated tone and vivid movements.

She pinched Zhao Meiyu's cheek lightly, "Go and help me find a Chinese medicine practitioner."

"Huh? What's the matter? Xiaoyun, are you feeling unwell?" Zhao Meiyu, who was still playing tricks just now, became serious in a second.She looked at Su Yun nervously, her face full of concern.

Su Yun shook her head, she raised her hand and gently pressed her lower abdomen.

"I feel like I'm pregnant, I don't know if it's true." Because this is her feeling, she is not sure yet, so she dare not let Xiao Lin know, lest he be happy in vain.

Moreover, she had been in the hospital for so many days, and the doctor didn't say that she was pregnant, so she was even more unsure if she felt right.

Therefore, she would ask Zhao Meiyu to find a Chinese medicine doctor when it was just her and Zhao Meiyu.

"Ah? You're pregnant?" Zhao Meiyu exclaimed, and Su Yun covered her mouth, "Keep your voice down, I'm not sure yet, I'm just feeling, feeling."

She always felt that the dragon and the big bird fighting in the dream were very strange, and the big white tiger pounced on her.They all turned into milk dolls calling her mother, which should be a hint.

Of course, she didn't tell Zhao Meiyu about this dream.

It feels like dreaming or something, which may be a bit mysterious.As for whether she was thinking too much, or if there was a sign, Zhao Meiyu could find a Chinese medicine doctor for her.

Zhao Meiyu nodded.

"wait for me."

She stood up with a whoosh, turned and ran out.

Not long after, she dragged an old Chinese doctor back.

"Xiaoyun, I asked. This is the most famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the hospital. Let him show you."

The old professor who was dragged over by Zhao Meiyu was panting heavily. When the lesbian called her, she said that there was a life-and-death matter that required him to help.He didn't say anything and ran over in a hurry.

It was only when I came to the ward that I realized that this was the lesbian ward that was sent in by many people a few days ago?Lesbians who were unconscious a few days ago are now awake and eating lunch.

She was the only one in the ward, and she didn't know where the important matters of life and death were.

The old doctor took a breath and adjusted his breathing before asking, "Little comrade, where do you think that matter of life and death is?"

Zhao Meiyu didn't feel at all that she used the wrong adjective. She raised her finger and pointed to Su Yun who was sitting on the bed and drinking porridge, "Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun is not feeling well. Doctor, please show her, please show her quickly."

"She's not feeling well, why are you looking for a physician? Why are you looking for me?" The old doctor glared at Zhao Meiyu with his beard blowing out, but he flicked his sleeves and sat down on the edge of the hospital bed.

"Reach out."

He spoke angrily.

Su Yun bit her chopsticks, and stretched out her left hand in a daze.

The old doctor put his finger on her wrist, closed his eyes and listened, and stroked his beard with the other hand while saying, "It's nothing serious, and the child is also healthy."



Two voices sounded at the same time, and the old doctor had to open his eyes because of the noise from Su Yun and Zhao Meiyu.He glared at Su Yun displeasedly and said, "This is going to be a mother, how can I take care of the child after being surprised?"

Su Yun was stunned.

Zhao Meiyu also stared blankly at the old doctor for a while, and after a while she came back to her senses and let out a roar louder than before, "Doctor, doctor, do you think Xiaoyun is pregnant? Is Xiaoyun pregnant? "

Her tone was too excited, if she hadn't been a lesbian, the old doctor would have thought that Zhao Meiyu was the father of the child.

The old doctor was about to nod, when there was a bang sound from outside the door, and then the door was pushed open, Xiao Lin walked in with a shocked face.The volume also increased uncontrollably.

"Is this true? Does my wife really have a child?"

(End of this chapter)

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