Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 301 Still pregnant with triplets?

Chapter 301 Still pregnant with triplets?

The old doctor whose eardrums were damaged only felt that his ears were buzzing.Who are these people?Why is one voice louder and louder than the other?Are they having a loud competition?

The old doctor looked at Xiao Lin and Zhao Meiyu who were especially happy, and was a little afraid to say the rest.

If they knew that this little comrade was pregnant with a third child, would the roof of the hospital be torn down?For the sake of the hospital, the old doctor considered whether to call these people to the open space outside.


As for the pregnant woman herself, Su Yun looked at the doctor with a soft smile and asked, "Is there more than one child in my belly?"

The old doctor let out a cry.

"how do you know?"



There were two surprised voices from behind, and the old doctor turned his head and glared at Xiao Lin and Zhao Meiyu, "Shut up, you two, if you don't want to scare the baby in the pregnant woman's belly, shut up!"

"The child will be frightened silly by your surprise if he doesn't make a sound in a while."

Needless to say, the old doctor disliked him, from his expression to his tone, every strand of hair revealed his dislike for Xiao Lin and Zhao Meiyu.

The two who were disgusted were dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Xiao Lin came back to her senses quickly, and hurried to Su Yun's side and stood beside her.

He just went to the hotel to take a shower and tidy himself up, but he couldn't fall asleep in bed.I got up and went to the hospital again, but I just heard an old doctor say that his wife was pregnant.

He is going to be a father?
The 26-year-old is finally going to be a father?
Xiao Lin was overjoyed, his face almost wrinkled from laughter.If it weren't for the fact that there are still many people in the ward, he would definitely hold his wife in his arms and kiss her enough without hesitation.

There is nothing more exciting than the fact that the person he loves the most is pregnant with his child.

Xiao Lin was always so excited that he automatically blocked if the old doctor disliked him.The man stood beside Su Yun, staring intently at his daughter-in-law.

That straightforward look...

Su Yun gave him an annoyed look, telling him to calm down a bit.I pretended to be serious and turned my face to talk to the old doctor, "It's like this. I had a dream a few days ago. I dreamed that there were several little dolls calling me mom together, so I boldly guessed whether it was pregnant or not. more than one child."

"Daughter-in-law, did you dream about it?"

"Xiao Yun, what did you dream about?"

The two enthusiastic 'crowds' were much more excited than Su Yun.The old doctor sneered and automatically blocked the existence of those two people.He put his hand on Su Yun's pulse again and listened, then nodded.

"There is a pulse..." The old doctor was halfway through speaking, and looked up at Xiao Lin and Zhao Meiyu who were on the side, and his eyes signaled them to cover their mouths quickly.

The two immediately covered their mouths.

Only then did the old doctor speak with satisfaction, "There are three pulse tests, but you have to wait for a while to find out the specifics."

Xiao Lin was too happy to speak.

Zhao Meiyu was too surprised to speak.

Triplets, triplets!How rare is this?However, it is very dangerous for a woman to give birth to one child. Would it be more dangerous to have three at the same time?

As long as Su Yun's comfort is involved, Xiao Lin can't care about his own happiness, and immediately let go of his hand and asked the old doctor seriously, "Is my wife in danger? She is so thin, can she have three children at the same time?" ? If not we..."

"Brother Rin."

Su Yun interrupted Xiao Lin in time, she knew what Xiao Lin wanted to say.

"Meiyu, help me send the doctor back!" Su Yun said to Zhao Meiyu on the side.

Zhao Meiyu nodded, and Su Yun asked Xiao Lin to give the old doctor some consultation fees, and the old doctor waved his hand, "You don't need to give me anything, I am a doctor in this hospital, you are here to see a doctor, how much should you charge?" Over there, I will figure it out myself, and I don’t need to give me extra money.”

Even so, the old doctor didn't intend to report the fact that he came to read it for Su Yun today.After all, for him, it was really just a matter of lifting his hands, and there was no need to collect money from the young couple.

Although this young couple doesn't look like they will be short of money, but don't forget that the lesbians still have three unborn children in their stomachs!Some families find it difficult to raise one child, let alone three. How stressful is it?

The old doctor was kind-hearted, not only refused to accept the money, but even thought to himself, this rare triplet was diagnosed by himself, should he help think of some way to make the lesbian life better in the later period?
The old doctor walked away frowning, Zhao Meiyu kept whispering in his ear, but he didn't hear a word.

After only the husband and wife were left in the ward, Xiao Lin was finally able to hold Su Yun in his arms without any scruples.He lowered his eyes and kissed her fiercely, "Daughter-in-law..."

As soon as he said two words, Su Yun raised his hand to block his mouth.

"I don't allow you to say that you don't want children. They will be sad when they hear it." The dream she had at the beginning came true, so she believed that these children must also be able to hear their parents' words and feel their parents' feelings.

She didn't want her kids to know before they were born that Dad didn't want them.

Xiao Lin kissed her hand, and said softly, "Why don't I want them? That's my daughter-in-law, you and my child." He let go, sat down on the hospital bed, and carefully moved Su Yun who was sitting on the hospital bed. He hugged her into his arms and let her sit on his lap.

"But I'm worried about your health. It will be very hard to carry three children at the same time."

"I'm fine." Su Yun leaned in Xiao Lin's arms, took Xiao Lin's hand, and placed it on her flat stomach. "For their arrival, I took medicine for conditioning my body for a long time. They came It proves that my health is good, and I can give birth to the three of them at the same time."

"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin kissed her hair, knowing that although Su Yun never said anything, she still cared about whether she had children.So he couldn't bear to say anything more to hurt her heart.

"This time, I will definitely not let your mother and son have trouble."

"Well, the child and I trust you."

The news that Su Yun was pregnant with her third child reached the old lady Xiao in Nancheng in the evening.The old lady was a little confused when she heard it at first, not knowing what Song Yinyin was talking about.

Song Yinyin repeated it again, and the old lady grabbed Song Yinyin's hand, "Yinyin, tell me, you said Xiaoyun is pregnant with three children? Is she pregnant? There are three more children in her belly?"

Song Yinyin smiled and nodded, "Yes, grandma, you are going to be a grandma."

"Am I going to be a grandma? Am I going to be a grandma?" Mrs. Xiao was so excited that she walked up and down, speaking incoherently.She didn't expect, she never dreamed that she could be a grandma in her lifetime!
"Blessed by Amitabha, I have to tell Anzi his grandfather and his father about the good news. I have to tell them."

The old lady turned around for a while, then turned and went to the house to burn incense.

Song Yinyin saw the happy look of the old lady, and she was also happy for Su Yun from the bottom of her heart.As for the risk of triplets, there is definitely a risk, but she knows that there is already a caesarean section in the capital, and that kind of operation can reduce the risk of childbirth to a relatively low level...

She thought about her former classmates, and it seemed that some were really in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Song Yinyin decided to contact the other party immediately!
Su Yun, who was still in the north city, didn't know that in the south city, the old lady and Song Yinyin were already preparing for her childbirth.After the old doctor checked her pulse, she went to the obstetrics department to draw blood again.

Although I am sure that I am pregnant and I have no reason to run away, I still wait for a blood test to confirm it!
She and Xiao Lin sat on the bench outside the obstetrics department and waited. They saw many couples with happy faces coming out of the doctor's office, and some couples with disappointed faces.

A young couple came out of the obstetrics and gynecology department. The wife covered her face and cried in front, while the husband followed behind with a bag, also looking depressed.

When they passed by Su Yun, Su Yun stopped them.

(End of this chapter)

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