Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 302 The doctor will ask Xiao Rin alone

Chapter 302 The doctor will ask Xiao Rin alone

The husband of the young couple stopped in his tracks. He pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Su Yun and said, "What's the matter, comrade?"

Su Yun pointed to the ground, "Your things have fallen."

It was the laboratory test report that their husband and wife had just checked out, and it said that they were not pregnant, and Su Yun saw it at a glance.

The young man bent down, picked up the paper on the ground, and was about to chase his wife.

"That comrade, wait a little longer." Su Yun called him again.

"What's the matter?" The man was a little impatient.Su Yun is not the kind who rushes to make people annoying, but she has experienced the pain of wanting to conceive but has not been able to conceive, so she said more, "You can go to see a Chinese medicine."

"Chinese medicine?" The young man looked at her suspiciously.

Su Yun nodded, "Yes, find a professional old doctor. Don't listen to other people's words. Find a qualified old doctor and ask him to help diagnose and prescribe the right medicine."

"So that's how you got pregnant?" The wife who had gone away turned back at some point, and asked Su Yun with expectations and doubts on her tear-stained face.

Su Yun nodded.

"Well, I took the medicine for several months according to what the doctor said, and then I calmed down and stopped thinking about it, and the baby came." As soon as she finished speaking, the doctor's voice came from the office.

"Comrade Su Yun, are Comrade Su Yun's family members here? Your test results have come out."

"The doctor here." Xiao Lin agreed, and carefully helped Su Yun up, and the two walked into the doctor's office.

She didn't take what she said to the young couple just now.I feel that if they believe her, they really go to a good doctor to take a serious look, maybe they can get what they want.

Of course, she had nothing to lose if they didn't believe her.

The couple came to the doctor's office and sat down. The doctor looked at the test sheet in his hand and nodded, "Comrade Su Yun, you are indeed pregnant. The current pregnancy week is about one week, so if you didn't check the obstetrics and gynecology department deliberately before In this area, pregnancy cannot be found."

This also explains why the doctors didn't detect Su Yun when he first came to the hospital.

Su Yun nodded.

Xiao Lin asked the doctor concerned about the pregnancy and the things to pay attention to during the pregnancy process.The doctor said a lot, Xiao Lin listened attentively.

When the doctor had finished speaking, he glanced at Su Yun and asked Su Yun to wait outside first.

"Comrade Su, you go outside first and wait, there are some things I need to explain to your husband alone."

Su Yun wanted to ask something, but when she saw the doctor's embarrassed face, she suddenly remembered what Song Yinyin had taught her...

Those 'teachings' are about how lesbians can be intimate with their husbands during pregnancy.When Xiao Lin went to Xiangjiang at the beginning of the year, she had the courage to do it with Xiao Lin once.

Looking back now, I still blush a little.

She hesitated and said yes, then turned and left the office.

After she walked out, the doctor in the office talked to Xiao Lin about the precautions for couples having sex during pregnancy.

"Under normal circumstances, you can't have intercourse in the first three months and the next three months, but you said that your wife is pregnant with three children, so this situation is a bit special. During the entire pregnancy period when your wife gave birth to the child , you can't share the same room."

"It's understandable that you are young and angry, but you must put your lover's safety first."

Forgot to say, the doctor is a male doctor.Therefore, when he said these words, his face was still a little red.

Xiao Lin listened very attentively, keeping all the precautions the doctor said in his heart.

As long as it is good for the wife, not to mention that it is difficult to have intercourse for ten months, even if it is a year, it doesn't matter, he can hold back. (It seems that there is not much difference between one year and ten months?)

After listening to the doctor's order, Xiao Lin came out of the office.When Su Yun who was waiting outside saw Xiao Lin, her face was a little unnatural, and her eyes flickered.

But I don't know if it's because of pregnancy?She actually wanted to know what the doctor ordered Xiao Lin alone?
"Doctor... what did he tell you?"

"The doctor said that during the period when your wife is pregnant, your man has to become a monk." Xiao Lin, who felt nothing when he heard what the doctor said in the office, felt so inexplicably wronged by his daughter-in-law's questioning. It popped up.

Like a puppy begging for a bone from its owner.

"He didn't say anything else?"

Su Yun was a little confused.

Xiao Lin, "What else?" He seemed to really not understand?
Su Yun sighed, forget it, don't discuss this matter with Xiao Lin, and ask Song Yinyin's 'professional' again when she returns to Nancheng!

If Song Yinyin knew about it, and Su Yun added a quote to the "professional" she had given her, then she would definitely jump up and protest. Isn't she a real professional?

Oh, forgot, she should be a real professional now, after all, Song Yinyin is also pregnant, isn't she?Su Yun can ask her for some advice, Song Yinyin's experience in Li Wei's personal practice...

The couple slowly returned to the ward.

Because Su Yun had already woken up, and the attending doctor came to check her again to make sure that she was fine, Su Yun and the others planned to return to Nancheng.

Of course, he didn't go back by car, but let Li Wei drive over to pick him up.

Xiao Lin stared at Li Wei's car and fell into deep thought. Their family is about to have three babies, and it's not good to borrow Li Wei's car all the time. It seems that they have to get a car and come back.

When Su Yun and the others returned to Nancheng, the Wu family far away in the mountain city was thoroughly investigated.I don’t know if I don’t check it, but I was shocked when I checked it. Wu Zhiyong, the most “proud” grandson of the Wu family, actually cheated on the other side of the mountain city. Talk about murder.

The Wu family has such a big deal, and all the Wu family members have been dismissed from relevant positions.Wu Zhiyong even went to jail, waiting for the higher authorities to investigate and pronounce the sentence.

Mrs. Wu was crying out of breath at home, beating her wife and telling her to contact the capital and let them release Wu Zhiyong.

Old man Wu found it difficult to speak up about this matter, but when he thought that Wu Zhiyong was the most present of his grandsons, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and dial the number in the capital.

The phone of Wu's family in the capital rang, and Wu Shishi happened to be at home after the exam.

She was in the living room calculating how much beef jerky she sold and how much money she made this semester. When she heard the phone ring, she lazily reached out and put the phone to her ear.

"This is the Wu family, who are you looking for?"

On the phone, the old man of the Wu family came in a cautious and flattering voice, "Are you Shishi? I am your third grandpa! Is your grandpa at home? You ask your grandpa to answer the phone and say that the third grandpa has something urgent for him."

Wu Shishi's eyelids moved, she glanced at her grandfather who was doing Tai Chi in the yard, and said without hesitation, "My grandfather is not at home, he went for a walk with the old lady."

After she finished speaking, she was about to hang up the phone.

"Hey, Shishi, Shishi, don't be too busy, do you know where your grandpa is? Your grandpa is not at home and your father is at home. Let your father answer the phone."

Wu Shishi glanced at her father who was busy cooking in the kitchen to please her mother, and lied without blinking, "My father is not at home either."

(End of this chapter)

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