Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 303 Husband and wife are true love, daughter is accident

Chapter 303 Husband and wife are true love, daughter is accident

Old man Wu on the other end of the phone:? ? ?
"Are they really not at home?" He was very puzzled. Now it's almost lunch time, why are the eldest brother and nephew not at home?Did they go out to eat?

"Shishi, do you know where your grandfather and your father went? If you know, you can help the third grandfather find them back, okay? It's the Chinese New Year, and the third grandfather asked you Zhiyong and your sister Xiaoli Would you like to buy candy?"

Old man Wu coaxed Wu Shishi like a child.

Wu Shishi snorted softly, this semester, she has earned thousands of dollars by selling the beef jerky sent by Sister Yun, so she doesn't care for the candy bought by Wu Zhiyong and Wu Xiaoli.

Moreover, she is not a child anymore, just want to send her away with a few candies?dream!
Wu Shishi groaned and said in great distress, "Third Grandfather, I really don't know where my grandfather and father have gone. I heard from my mother that they seem to be climbing a mountain? It probably won't come down for a few days."

"What? Going to climb a mountain?" Old man Wu knew his cousin, and the old man was not lucky to have a good life. There were so many high-ranking students, but he lived a miserable life all day long.

I am afraid that others will know that he is the teacher of those important officials.

Really stupid old stuff.

If he had such manpower, why did he ask the old man today?Old man Wu thought indignantly, Wu Shishi didn't know what he was thinking, but even if he knew, it didn't matter to her.

Anyway, Wu Shishi hated this relative in Shancheng very much.

What she hates the most is that her eyes are too high, she always feels that she is the unique cousin Wu Xiaoli in the world, and then there are old men and old ladies, and other uncles, aunts and cousins...

In short, she hates the whole family.

Wu Shishi hung up the phone here, and a lesbian in her thirties and forties with a cold and noble temperament came down from upstairs, her beautiful Danfeng eyes were full of coquettish anger.

"Shishi, you girl, really, you are naughty again." This is Wu Shishi's own mother, Ye Yun who works in a certain diplomatic unit.

With a good figure, she was wearing a modified blue cheongsam, a white fringed shawl on her shoulders, and a pair of five-centimeter black high heels on her feet. She walked down the stairs step by step.

In just a short distance, it seemed that she had walked out of the old Shanghai Bund.

Wu Shishi wrinkled the tip of her nose in disgust.

"Mom, you didn't get up until lunch time again."

Although her mother is resting today, is it too late to wake up this time?Her father also urged her to get up early every day, saying something like smelling chickens and dancing.

Why did his father's rules completely fail at her mother's place?
Wu Shishi disliked her very much.

Ye Yun's slender fingers tapped on the handrail of the stairs, and she looked at Wu Shishi with a sweet smile, "What? I have a problem with your mother?"

Wu Shishi wrinkled the tip of her nose and shook her head, who dares to have an opinion on her mother?Her mother is the overlord of the family, and she dare not have any opinion on her, otherwise her father will definitely catch her and read the scriptures for a few days.

"I'm going to play Tai Chi with grandpa." Wu Shishi put the things on the table into her bag, packed it, threw the bag on the sofa, and ran to the yard.

Ye Yun pursed her lips and smiled. Her daughter became more and more beautiful as she grew up, and she didn't know which brat would take advantage of her in the future?
Wu Ningxuan came out of the kitchen with chicken soup, and saw his wife standing there smiling, as beautiful as a person in a painting.His eyes darkened, he put the chicken soup on the table, wiped his hands before walking over.

"Yunyun woke up? Are you still feeling uncomfortable? Would you like some chicken soup first?" When Wu Ningxuan spoke to Ye Yun, he felt that Ye Yun was more like his daughter.That kind of coaxing tone, even Wu Shishi, the real biological daughter, could not enjoy it.

Ye Yun glanced at Wu Ningxuan, and put away the smile on her face, "I have an appointment with someone."

As she spoke, she turned her waist and walked out. Wu Ningxuan's face immediately changed when she heard it, and she didn't care about the professor's face. In my arms.

"Who are you dating? The boy who sent you back last night?"

When an old man in his forties eats vinegar, the smell of vinegar can kill him.

Ye Yun refused to admit defeat and gave Wu Ningxuan a look, "No way? You are allowed to kiss me with the female teaching assistant, and I am not allowed to date the younger students?"


There was helplessness in Wu Ningxuan's tone, but there was still an overwhelming pampering, "I said, the female teaching assistant from the Chen family, Chen Shennan personally asked me to take her with me, so I can point out the shortcomings of her courseware place."

Their school recently parachuted a female teaching assistant. The assistant who survived was Chen's family member, Chen Shennan's own sister.

Chen Shennan had some kind of friendship with him, coupled with the influence of the Chen family in the capital, Chen Shennan personally asked him, even if he didn't look at Chen Shennan's face, he still had to look at the old couple of the Chen family!
Unexpectedly, just when he was taking Chen Yuru to class and pointing out her lack of notes, Ye Yun, who was visiting their school, saw him.

Ye Yun didn't make trouble at school, but the next day, that is, yesterday, she asked a young boy to send her back.After getting off the car, the two were talking and laughing, which happened to be seen by Wu Ningxuan who was waiting for Ye Yun outside.

He overturned the jar of vinegar at that time.

It can be seen that in the relationship between the husband and wife, Wu Ningxuan is the one who is more impulsive.

Because of knocking over the jar of vinegar, Ye Yun naturally had a good meal last night, which was also an important reason why Ye Yun got up late.After waking up in the morning, Wu Ningxuan tried to please his wife again.

After Wu Ningxuan explained, he found that Ye Yun still pursed his lips and remained silent. He felt very distressed, "Okay, okay, I'll go tell Chen Yuru tomorrow to ask her to change to a professor."

Compared with the possible anger of the Chen family, his wife's emotions are more important.

"Can you stop being angry, Yun'er? My heart aches when you are angry and your body is ruined."

Wu Ningxuan coaxed carefully.

Ye Yun finally spoke, but she still didn't calm down, "You still know her name? Okay, Wu Ningxuan, tell me the truth, are you thinking about her?"

"I heard from Dad that the Chen family wanted to marry Chen Yuru to you."

When Ye Yun was messing around at home, there was no sign of a diplomat at all.She was just a young girl who acted like a baby to her husband.

Wu Ningxuan raised his forehead, his father is really serious, how can he tell Yun'er anything?I was really hurt by my own father.

"It's not Yun'er, you can't wrong me like this. I refused at that time!"

"I rejected it at the time, and it's inevitable that we won't feel the same again when we meet again decades later!" Ye Yun was just being unreasonable and just trying to mess around.

Wu Ningxuan glanced at the young and old who were doing Tai Chi in the yard, gritted his teeth, and went upstairs with his wife in his arms, "You don't know who I have feelings for? You just want me to die on you." Are you pissing me off on purpose?"

"Bah, that's not true, old rascal, blame me for being unscrupulous."

The couple went upstairs.

The grandpa and grandson who were serious about practicing Tai Chi stopped their movements in unison, hunched over and looked in by the window.

Wu Shishi listened to the conversation between her parents gradually fade away, she silently shook her head and sighed, "Oh, my mother is only relying on my father's pampering her to be able to run amok and lawless."

"Is lawlessness the way you use it?" Mr. Wu glared at his granddaughter, and said righteously, "This is called doing evil!"

After Mr. Wu finished speaking, he nodded in satisfaction.I use this idiom correctly!

Wu Shishi blinked, "Grandpa, have you returned all your culture to your private school teacher?"

"You said that if your husband's old man's bones hadn't been rotten into mud, would he open the coffin board and scold you?"

 The update is complete, good night everyone.

  If the little cuties who read the article have votes in their hands, please raise your cute hands and vote for me, I really need votes!

(End of this chapter)

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