Chapter 304

As soon as Wu Shishi's words fell, she was hit on the forehead and collapsed.

She groaned, covered her forehead and jumped over to the side, "Grandpa, you don't practice martial arts, you just hit people if you can't say it, how can you be like this?"

"Hey, my old man teaches his granddaughter to teach martial arts? Do you believe that I will still whip your ass with a bamboo whip?" Mr. Wu threatened aggressively.

Wu Shishi is not afraid of her grandpa's threats. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a fashionable little old lady walking towards their house not far away, and said with a wicked smile on her face, "Really? Is my grandma suing?"

"Heh, what is your grandma? You beat me like an old man when you get in a hurry!"

As soon as Mr. Wu's words fell, his ears were grabbed by someone, "Who are you going to hit when you are in a hurry? Hit me, Wu Changyou? You can do it, Wu Changyou!"

Old Mrs. Wu's gloomy voice sounded behind her, and Mr. Wu's face turned pale instantly.

He glared fiercely at Wu Shishi at the side, accusing her with his eyes of daring to betray her own grandfather?
Wu Shishi spread her hands and blamed her, who told grandpa not to talk about martial arts first?

She stuck out her tongue, "Grandma, please take good care of grandpa. He is old and culturally degraded, and he didn't let me testify his mistakes. You see, my forehead was hit by grandpa. It hurts!"

When Mrs. Wu heard that her sweetheart had been beaten, what would happen?Immediately put on an expression that life has no way to go on, and said 'distressed'.

"Oh my god, I'm not going to live anymore. Wu Changyou, you beat us Shishi, you despise us lesbians, don't you? I want to divorce you, divorce!"

Mr. Wu: ...

"My mother, open your eyes and take a look, this is the man you chose for me!"

The old lady beat her chest and stamped her feet, but she was sad.

Mr. Wu panicked for a while, and quickly stretched out his hand to hold down his wife.

"My wife, my wife, don't scare me. Our mother hasn't been here for decades, why do you still tell her to open her eyes?"

"Who told you to bully her girl? Let me tell you, don't say that our mother hasn't been here for decades, even if our mother hasn't been here for hundreds of years, she will still open her eyes if you bully her girl."

"Can you still open your eyes after hundreds of years? Isn't that some kind of spirit?"

Mr. Wu muttered in a low voice.

"what are you saying?"

The old lady who was beating her chest just now stretched out her hand and twisted the old man's ear.

Wu Shishi covered her mouth and snickered, her mother and her grandma are both invincible masters, with the two of them around, the house is very lively.

She didn't realize there was anything wrong with what she was doing.

Wu Shishi put on two sheets of unity, left the family courtyard and went outside to make a phone call.

As for the two old girls and middle-aged girls who were arguing about divorce and jealousy, they were naturally coaxed by their respective husbands.

She, an invincible beautiful girl, is going out to contact her business!

Wu Shishi walked through the family courtyard, and many people greeted her with a smile when they saw her.

"Is Shishi going out?"

"Have you eaten, Shishi? It's sunny today, so you should be careful to hold an umbrella when you go out."

"Yeah, don't get sunburned."

These people who took the initiative to say hello had a very simple mind.

Wu Shishi is the precious little granddaughter of the Wu family, a girl from a truly scholarly family.If the son of their family can get along with others, is it afraid that the children born in the future will not be of high quality?

With such thoughts in their hearts, when they saw Wu Shishi, they laughed happily.

They all want to work hard to win points for their sons.

Wu Shishi smiled with these aunts and obediently agreed.

Exit the gate of the family area and go to the phone booth across the street to make a call.

Naturally, her call was to Song Yinyin. First, she chatted with Song Yinyin for a while about homework and cared about Song Yinyin's situation, and then asked Song Yinyin to tell Su Yun to send her more jerky.

"Sister, you don't know that I earn a lot of money in one semester."

Wu Shishi's tone was very excited, "When my baby nephew is born, my aunt will pay for the milk powder."

She patted her chest and promised.

Song Yinyin smiled: "You have to discuss this matter with your brother-in-law."

She paused, then said in a relaxed tone: "You said you want more jerky, and I will tell Xiaoyun when she comes back."

"Huh? Thank you, sister. Where did sister Yun go? Is she on a business trip?"

Wu Shishi enrolled from Su Yun for a semester, and became friends with Su Yun.

So when Song Yinyin talked about it, she asked one more question.

Song Yinyin sighed, and told about Su Yun being tricked by Wu Xiaoli to snatch the admission notice because Wu Xiaoli was kidnapped.

"Wait a minute, sister, the Wu Xiaoli you're talking about, shouldn't it be that idiot Wu Xiaoli from Shancheng?"

Song Yinyin murmured, "She is indeed from the mountain city."

"A nurse?"

"Well, yes. Shishi, do you know her?" Song Yinyin was a little confused. She had never heard that Wu Shishi knew Wu Xiaoli, no... Wu Shishi complained to her about a relative in the mountain city, shouldn't it?
Such a coincidence, right?
"Shishi, do you know a man named Wu Zhiyong? I heard from your brother-in-law that he was arrested for gang involvement, do you know?"

"Damn, it turned out to be like this." Wu Shishi cursed in a low voice, "No wonder that old thing must find my grandfather or my father, so he wanted to ask them to save Wu Zhiyong?"

After Wu Shishi finished talking to herself, she thought of the peeing behavior of her relatives in the mountain city, and her expression suddenly changed, "Sister, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going home."

After speaking, she hung up the phone with a snap, turned around and ran home, so anxious that she didn't even pay the phone bill.

The owner of the telephone booth saw Wu Shishi rushing into the family courtyard, so he was not in a hurry to ask for some phone bills, and even asked Wu Shishi to run slowly.

Anyway, he has lived here for more than ten years. Speaking of which, he watched Wu Shishi grow up, and he is not afraid of Wu Shishi's refusal.

Wu Shishi hadn't thought of any bad debts at all, and now she just wanted to hurry up, rush home quickly, and prevent grandpa and dad from being tricked by that old third grandpa.

She was running so fast that she didn't notice anyone else.

Lu Zhenghuan had just come out of the teacher's house when he turned around and was bumped into by a mass of light orange rushing towards him at a very high speed.

Her head slammed into his chest hard.

Lu Zhenghuan only felt a lesbian-specific fragrance wafting through the tip of his nose.

Just as he lowered his eyes and was about to speak, the light orange color had already jumped out of his chest. He covered his forehead with one hand and took out two cards of great unity in his pocket with the other.

One stuffed in his hand.

"Here, compensation."

After the words fell, she didn't even look at what the person she bumped into looked like, she walked around and continued to rush home, she was still at the gate of Wu's courtyard, so she couldn't wait to yell.

"Grandpa, grandpa, I have something to say, I have something to say."

Wu Shishi ran home at a sprint speed of [-] meters. In the living room, her grandparents, as well as her parents who obviously looked abnormal, were all sitting on the sofa.

When they saw her coming in, they all turned their eyes to her.

Wu Shishi rushed to the middle of them, she was so tired that she was out of breath, she couldn't take a break, panting, "Grandpa, you can't promise the third grandpa, he lied to you, his grandson is simply not human."

(End of this chapter)

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