Chapter 309

Su Yun shook the passbook in her hand, "Dr. Song specially sent me money on vacation."

After she finished speaking, she smiled and looked at Zhao Meiyu. Could it be that this girl also sent her money?
Facts proved that Su Yun's guess was correct, Zhao Meiyu did send money to Su Yun.It's just that the husband and wife both work for Su Yun, so there's no way they can spend 2 yuan all at once like Song Yinyin did.

Zhao Meiyu handed Su Yun a deposit slip with 2000 yuan on it.

"Xiaoyun, this is a wish from Jinnian and I. Although it's not much, we want to do our part."

After hearing that Su Yun wanted to pay for the establishment of the factory, Zhao Meiyu discussed it with Gu Jinnian. With the current situation of their family, they couldn't come up with too much money.

But it's not a problem to be able to take out two-thirds of your savings.

Yes, the 2000 yuan is already two-thirds of the savings of Zhao Meiyu and her husband and wife.Now all the money in her hands may add up to 1000 yuan at most.

This is what she kept to go to school in the capital.

I forgot to mention that Zhao Meiyu was also admitted, but it was not a university, but a technical secondary school.She was admitted to the technical secondary school in Beijing, and she will be able to report to the school in one month.

As for Gu Jinnian, needless to say his grades, he also passed the exam.Moreover, Gu Jinnian was also admitted to University B, and with a high score that exceeded the admission score by several tens of points, he was admitted to the School of Finance and Economics of University B.

The topic returned to the scene.

Su Yun looked at a passbook and another deposit slip in her hand, and said a little dumbfounded, "What are you doing? It makes me seem to be making money through this. Don't ruin my reputation!"

Of course she was joking.

Both Song Yinyin and Zhao Meiyu knew that Su Yun was joking.

Zhao Meiyu didn't speak, Song Yinyin had already said, "You don't want us to do good things, do you? You want you to do good things alone? Hmph, how can you be so bad? You are not afraid of spoiling my work. The son fucks the daughter and them?"

Zhao Meiyu said, "Godson, daughter?" She blinked her eyes, her eyes turned to Song Yinyin and Su Yun, "Xiaoyun, did you agree to let Yinyin be the baby's godmother? What about me?"

"What's wrong with you?" Su Yun asked.

Song Yinyin immediately replied, "You do it together too, silly Xiaoyu, there are three babies, of course two godmothers are needed."

Zhao Meiyu thought about it for a while, it really made sense.

"Yinyin said yes, so it's such a happy decision."

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched vigorously: ...

Is such a happy decision really okay?Do you want to ask the opinions of the babies in her belly?She didn't know that in the eyes of Song Yinyin and Zhao Meiyu who were anxious to be the godmothers of the children, the baby in her stomach must have agreed to them being the godmothers of the children.

Anyway, the children haven't been born yet, so it's up to them to say everything, right?

Ever since, things were decided so happily.

Whether it is to be the godmother of the child in Su Yun's belly, or they have to contribute some money to fund the establishment of the factory, they are all very "happy" decisions.

Su Yun pinched the passbook and deposit slip she just got, feeling that the paper in her hand became extremely heavy.

These sums of numbers are all about their trust in themselves!

Su Yun didn't expect that with Song Yinyin and Zhao Meiyu's beginnings, she would receive a lot of 'donations' in the next two or three days.

The one with the largest amount was He Wanmin, who also took out 1 yuan, followed by a knife. He gave a lot here, a total of 5000 yuan, and then there were other people, like the owner of a poultry shop. Wanshun, he donated 500 yuan.Mo Huaiyu also donated 500 yuan, and Aunt Li, who was watching the store for Su Yun, also donated 200 yuan with the whole family.

When Aunt Li handed over the 200 yuan to Su Yun, Su Yun refused.

"Auntie, you don't need it. Your family is not well-off. Although Brother Erniu and you and sister-in-law Erniu are all working, they don't have much salary, so you don't need to donate money."

She declined and wanted to return the money to Aunt Li.

Aunt Li waved her hand, and said indifferently, "Xiao Su, listen to me, this is the wish of our whole family. The money is not too much, but it can be regarded as a little support for those poor girls. "

Aunt Li is a person who came from hard times.She knows that in rural families, many are patriarchal.

Originally, as a girl, she was born to be humble at home.Coupled with the fact that he was abducted and trafficked by human traffickers, it would be even more embarrassing.

It's okay for some families to have a little conscience, and they know that raising a girl can make people come out of the nightmare.For that kind of heartless family, there is only one way to wait for the girls.

Either he was sold to the brothers in the family to collect the dowry, or he would spend his whole life as a cow and a horse at home, never being able to hold his head up...

No matter what it is, it is not what Aunt Li wants to see.

So when she learned that Su Yun was going to help those poor girls, she went back to discuss with Li Erniu and Wang Erni, and finally agreed to give 200 yuan to support Su Yun.

After listening to Aunt Li's analysis, Su Yun was very moved.

If the old ladies in the countryside were as sensible as Aunt Li, those girls who were forced to jump into the river before would not have jumped into the river.

Su Yun couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when she thought of those fresh lives and finally jumped into the river in despair.

She tightly held the money in her hand, bent down and bowed to Aunt Li.

"Auntie, thank you."

After Aunt Li left, if someone else wanted to donate money to support Su Yun, Su Yun didn't refuse anymore.She found a notebook and wrote down their names and the amount of donation in the notebook.

When Secretary He came over again, Su Yun took a look at the money in the notebook and found that it was almost [-].

Is this the same as when everyone gathers firewood?
Not to mention that Su Yun didn't expect it, even Secretary He was surprised.

Such a large sum of money can completely build a large-scale factory!This is everyone's strength?Secretary He fell into deep thought.

Su Yun put the received cash, passbook and deposit slip into a box, and handed it to Secretary He.

"Secretary He, all the money is here, and the rest is up to you."

Secretary He nodded. He took the box in Su Yun's hand, then frowned and said, "Boss Su, you have a keen eye for business. How about turning the factory we are building into a joint-stock system?"


Su Yun didn't expect Secretary He to say something suddenly, so she was a little surprised, "Shares?"

Her original idea was that she would take the lead in investing in the factory, and after the factory was built in the name of the government, the government would arrange for people who agreed to the conditions to go to work.As for the turnover and so on, it is all under the control of the government.

But what does the joint-stock system that Secretary He suddenly proposed mean?
Is it to get them involved too?
"Secretary He, is this not good? This is a caring enterprise. If it is transformed into a joint-stock system, will it change its taste?"

Merchants seek profit. Once they establish a factory that involves the interests of merchants, it is really hard to say what will happen in the future.

Secretary He had his own considerations, he raised his hand to signal Su Yun to be calm, and then shared his thoughts with Su Yun one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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