Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 310 It's time for Yunji to build a branch factory

Chapter 310 It's time for Yunji to build a branch factory
What Secretary He meant was that Su Yun and the others had such a good intention.They had no reason to ask Su Yun and the others to pay, but they didn't get any reason in return.

After all, everyone's money is hard earned.

Like Su Yun, it was her hard-earned money that was used to spend a lot of money. She wanted to give those poor lesbians a place to go and more hope of living. That was Su Yun's kindness.

On their side, a person like Su Yun who has great love in his heart cannot be chilled.

Su Yun couldn't reject Secretary He, and because Secretary He had already considered everything, she could only follow what Secretary He wanted.

"Okay, then follow the secretary's wishes."

She pondered for a moment and opened her mouth.

He Shu's goal was achieved, and he nodded with a smile, "Comrade Su is a rare good material for doing business. With your unique vision, what do you think the factory you want to open is good?"

This is throwing the problem to her again?

Su Yun smiled and replied, "Secretary He, you are too flattering. I'm just an ordinary person who only knows how to get something to eat. I really don't have any unique vision."

"Well, it's actually like this. This time, it's the first time our government has cooperated with your self-employed. I've discussed it with those leading groups. We want to set this cooperation as a model for future cooperation. Find a suitable path."

"Comrade Su is troubled, what kind of factory should I start for reference?"

Secretary He spoke very modestly.

Being able to speak so modestly in such a high position as Secretary He shows that the future is boundless.

Since Secretary He sincerely requested it, Su Yun absolutely had no reason to refuse.Moreover, she also intends to make friends with Secretary He and make friends with him, which will be convenient for future business.

She nodded, "Okay, since Secretary He can trust me, I'll ask the senior to investigate?"

"Hey, okay, Comrade Su, don't worry, our public-private cooperation will definitely be very successful."

Secretary He is full of confidence.

Su Yun was infected by him and was also full of confidence.After sending him away with a smile, she also went out to the company.

Now her home is very close to the company, and it only takes a few minutes to walk.Because she was pregnant with a child, she didn't walk as fast as usual, but she came to the company in 10 minutes.

"Sister, why are you here? Why don't you rest at home? Are you feeling unwell? Come in and sit down and I'll call my brother."

When Xiaodao saw her, he stood up and asked questions one after another.

Looking at his tense posture, it feels like Su Yun is not just found out that she is pregnant, but the one who is about to give birth.She smiled and said, "It's not that exaggerated."

He stopped Xiaodao who was about to call Xiao Lin, and called him back.

"Don't go, I finally let your brother go to work today."

After she was tied up and came back, Xiao Lin watched her at home every day, and didn't plan to go to the company.As for Xiao Lin's jobs, Yu Hu sent them to him every day, and his home became his second office.

But it would be fine if he worked hard at home, Su Yun had no objections.

He happens to be working at home, and all his heart is on Su Yun.It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Su Yun frowned, Xiao Lin would immediately notice it and become very nervous...

Su Yun felt that if this continued, Xiao Lin would make her nervous and weak even if she was not too nervous.

That's why she persuaded Xiao Rin to let him go out to the company today by talking about it.

If Xiaodao's phone call passed, I'm afraid she would really not even be able to leave the room door in the future.

"Xiaodao, you go and ask Mr. He and Accountant Gu to come over, I have something to announce."

"Okay, sister, you wait here, I'll go right away." Xiaodao didn't forget to pour a cup of hot water for Su Yun before leaving, and then ran out to find He Wanmin.

He Wanmin and Gu Jinnian checked the production situation of the workers in the factory behind the company, and then checked the orders received recently.Looking at the factory buildings that have been operating at a high speed but are still in short supply, He Wanmin is happy but also a little troubled.

Their workshop is still too small!
When the factory was first built, I didn't expect the business to be so good. The houses we built were not big enough. Now that there are a little more orders, they have to keep rushing to work. It feels too rushed.

Maybe we should discuss the expansion with Mr. Su?
He Wanmin thought about it, so he casually mentioned something to Gu Jinnian.

Gu Jinnian smiled, "Boss Su probably has other plans."

He Wanmin snorted, and looked at Gu Jinnian in surprise, with anticipation hidden in his eyes, "President Su, what else is he planning?"

"Mr. He, Accountant Gu, Mr. Su told you to come over."

The sound of a knife came from outside, He Wanmin and Gu Jinnian glanced at each other, and left together with smiles on their faces.

While waiting for them to come over, Su Yun drew a random picture in her notebook, when there was a knock on the door outside, she raised her head and "come in."

He Wanmin walked in with Gu Jinnian and Xiao Dao.

They saw the sketch in Su Yun's hand with keen eyes, and they all speculated whether it was the drawing of the new factory building.

"Mr. Su..."

He Wanmin rubbed his hands, and said firstly, "Is that the new factory building map in your hand?"

Su Yun hummed.

When the last stroke was made, she put down the pen with a smile, "Mr. He can't control himself and wants to expand his business?"

He Wanmin chuckled, "It's a good saying, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. It's the same in business, a person who doesn't want to be bigger and stronger is not a good businessman."

Especially the person they follow is Su Yun, a courageous, courageous and far-sighted boss, they will definitely want to become bigger and stronger.

Su Yun agreed with He Wanmin's words.

She pushed the sketch in her hand forward.

"Gu will calculate, if we build such a factory, how much will it cost?"

Gu Jinnian took the sketch, looked at a total of four five-story buildings, and said with a smile, "Boss Su is a big project."

Su Yun nodded approvingly, "So, I plan to borrow another 20 from the bank!"



"20 million!"

No wonder the three of them were too surprised, because 20 is really a huge amount for the early 80s. (Well, although it is 79 years now, and it is only a few months before 80 years, it is still considered the early 80s)
Gu Jinnian still remembered Director Zhao's expression of toothache when they borrowed 20 last time, he remembered it clearly.It has only been half a year, and they came to the door to borrow another [-]...

He could already imagine Director Zhao's expression.

Originally thought this was the news that shocked them the most, but Su Yun, who had just thrown out the news, continued to speak in an uncommon tone, "Mr. He, do you think we can share the loan? You owe ten Wan, how about I borrow 20?"

Su Yun thought about it carefully, 20 is still a bit small, 30 is enough.

"President Su, where do you want to build the branch factory?"

(End of this chapter)

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