Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 311 The goal is a wealthier capital

Chapter 311 The goal is a wealthier capital

He Wanmin asked curiously.

Gu Jinnian and Xiaodao showed the same curious expression.

Su Yun curled her lips and stood up, picked up the pen on the table, and pointed to the map hanging on the wall.



The three of them yelled at the same time.

The corners of Su Yun's lips turned up slightly, and the pen in her hand was drawn to one side.

"To the south of Beijing and Hong Kong, this location."

She circled a location on the map.

That location is neither the very center of Beijing and Hong Kong, but the straight-line distance from Beijing and Hong Kong is not far.

After Su Yun died in her previous life, she saw in the white light the rapid development of future generations.

In the years after decades, the traffic has been very developed.Many commodities can quickly reach all parts of the world through aircraft and ships.

She had studied the map, and the place she chose was not only by the sea, but also very close to Beijing, Hong Kong and Beijing.Moreover, this is not a port that has been developed, so the price will not be too expensive.

Now the one over there is still under development, and the land is not expensive and easy to get, so it is the best choice for the new factory.

Su Yun is ambitious, and her cloud records will never stop at home.

She wants to start from home and go to the world.Let those foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes also become Yunji's customers.

"I want to build Yunji's main factory in this place, and I want to buy all this land!"

Su Yun took a pen to outline her blueprint for future career development, and the three people sitting underground were all impressed by her vision and courage!
As soon as Su Yun finished speaking, He Wanmin slapped his palms.


"That's it, I'll go to Director Zhao for a loan."

He Wanmin was so excited, Su Yun's words made his blood boil, as if he had returned to his youth.

He now feels that his body is full of momentum, in a word, just follow Su Yun and it's over!
"Wait a minute Mr. He, there is still something to finish!" Su Yun smiled and stopped He Wanmin who was about to go out, "It's not too late to leave after I finish talking."

He Wanmin sighed, and slapped himself on the forehead, "I'm so happy and confused, tell me if President Su has anything else to do."

The longer he gets along with Su Yun, the more He Wanmin admires this lesbian who is much younger than him and can almost be his daughter.Her vision and courage, not to mention her peers, even for him who is almost 40 years old, it is difficult to compare.

He Wanmin admired Su Yun from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing that they were all sitting upright, waiting for her to announce some important event, Su Yun couldn't help but laugh.She told what Secretary He had discussed with her.

"Secretary He means to build this factory into a model of public-private partnership. If the factory makes money in the future, the profit will be divided according to how much everyone pays."

"What do you think?"

He Wanmin and the others certainly have no objection.

Su Yun understood what they meant and nodded, the topic was passed.Then ask them if they have any ideas about what kind of factory to build.

He Wanmin said he would listen to Su Yun.

Gu Jinnian also said that he would listen to Su Yun.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched. It's a good thing that her partners and employees are so obedient.But now this matter needs to be brainstormed, and it is not enough for them to just be obedient!
"Xiaodao, tell me."

Su Yun threw the problem to Xiao Dao.

Xiaodao let out a laugh and said, "Sister, can I have any good advice? I think there are only a few that are suitable for female workers, leather factories, textile factories, shoe factories..."

In Xiaodao's memory, there are many female workers in these types of work.

Su Yun frowned and thought for a while, "Where is the clothing factory?"

"Garment factory?" Xiaodao was a little surprised. He didn't mention the garment factory not because he didn't know there was such a factory, but because two garment factories in their city had lost money in the first half of the year and couldn't even pay their wages.

He didn't want Su Yun to invest money in it and lose everything in the end.

After Su Yun heard Xiaodao's worry, she was not too worried but rather happy, "Let's go, let's go to the closed garment factory you mentioned."

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Xiaodao asked.

"Integrate resources!" The corners of Su Yun's lips curved into a beautiful arc. Since there are ready-made clothing factory resources, the task for them to establish a clothing factory will be much easier.

As for the loss?How can there be no loss in this business?

There must be a reason why the previously closed factories lost money.As long as Su Yun and the others find out the reason and develop a corresponding method to solve it, then it will not be a problem.

Su Yun happily followed Xiaodao out of the company to inspect the garment factory.He Wanmin went to apply for a loan, and Gu Jinnian hurriedly listed all the money needed to build the new factory.

They divided the labor and cooperated, and soon each gained something.

Let's talk about He Wanmin's side first. Under his soft and hard thinking, Director Zhao agreed to give him a loan of 20 yuan.Hearing this number, Su Yun was surprised.

I didn't expect Director Zhao to be so easy to talk to!

On the other hand, Gu Jinnian also calculated the corresponding price for the construction of the factory.Su Yun immediately decided to ask Gu Jinnian and He Wanmin to go to Beijing and Hong Kong for field inspections, and if possible, immediately take the land and prepare for the construction of the factory.

And she herself went to Director Zhao the next day and asked him for a loan.

Gu Jinnian and He Wanmin's train ticket was in the afternoon. When Su Yun went to find Director Zhao in the morning, Gu Jinnian and Xiaodao went with her.Su Yun glanced at the two who looked like two guardians, and couldn't help laughing, "You don't want to ask Director Zhao for a loan, do you?"

The two who also had this idea in mind were caught by Su Yun at a glance.

Gu Jinnian was a little embarrassed.

Xiaodao laughed and said, "Sister, I also want to invest a little money in like Mr. He, and participate in the company's dividend."

Gu Jinnian didn't speak at the side, but his expression betrayed his true inner thoughts.

"You guys are selling yourself to me? What if you lose money? I don't have that much money to pay you!"

Su Yun laughed and teased the two of them.

This time, Gu Jinnian said, "No, Mr. Su, you can't lose your vision!"


Trust her so much?
So what can she do?We can only lead them to work hard and rush forward.

"Okay, just think about it clearly."

If someone else proposed to join the gang at this time, Su Yun would definitely not agree.But these two people are her right-hand men, and she can't refuse them even if they have contributed a lot to the company.

So she readily agreed.

Gu Jinnian and Xiaodao smiled together.

The three of them entered the lobby of the post office. When the staff in charge of handling the loan saw Su Yun and the others, a big smile appeared on their faces.

"Boss Su, are you here? Director Zhao has been waiting for you for a long time."

Su Yun was a little surprised. When she came here a few times before, whether it was the person who received her or Director Zhao, they all showed an expression of bitterness and hatred. Why did she receive her with a smile today and waited for her for a long time? up?
There is a problem with this attitude!

Su Yun nodded slightly, and walked into Director Zhao's office.

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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