Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 312 Daughter-in-law is the most important

Chapter 312 Daughter-in-law is the most important
Director Zhao was sitting behind the desk, and the enamel cup on the table to his left had been refilled several times.When he was about to continue again, Su Yun and the others finally ushered in.

"President Su!"

Director Zhao stood up with a smile on his face, "Oh, Mr. Su, you are here!"

Su Yun burst out laughing, Director Zhao is so enthusiastic.

It's weird!

"Director Zhao, I'm here to ask you for a loan again!"

In order to find out what medicine Director Zhao was selling in his gourd, she directly explained her purpose.

Who knew Director Zhao not only did not show a embarrassed expression, but nodded, "The loan is good, the loan is good. President Su, please sit down, please sit down and let us discuss in detail."

Is the loan no longer a bitter face?Still so enthusiastically greeted her to sit down?
Su Yun smiled and sat down on the sofa beside her. Director Zhao personally poured tea for her, "Mr. Su, I've heard about your glorious deeds. Mr. Zhao admires you so much!"

Su Yun:? ? ?
She was full of doubts by Director Zhao's exaggerated words, and she didn't know what Director Zhao was up to.

Director Zhao hecked twice, and explained to Su Yun, "I know about the fact that you used money to help those poor lesbians, Mr. Su. Our leader said that for a self-employed person with affection, righteousness, and conscience like Mr. Su, , your difficulties are our difficulties, if you need anything, just ask, and we will definitely cooperate!"


Su Yun really didn't expect Director Zhao and the others to know about this incident?

How many people don't know?
The corner of her mouth twitched, faintly wondering if everyone in Nancheng knew about it?Why is she inexplicably embarrassed?

But now it is impossible to verify whether everyone in Nancheng knows about it, because Director Zhao has already taken out the loan contract and asked her how much she wants this time.

The feeling of the question was as if the bank was opened by her family, and everything was decided by her.

Since she was the one who asked her to speak, of course Su Yun would do as much as possible.Instead of letting her speak, it's better to see how much Director Zhao can give at most.

"Director Zhao, how much can you give at most?"

Director Zhao sighed, and without hiding anything from Su Yun, he directly told Su Yun the maximum amount he could give.

"This number."

He stretched out three fingers.

Su Yun thought that the two people beside her still had to borrow money from Director Zhao, so she didn't bother Director Zhao to give her more.I happily signed the loan contract, and soon received a deposit slip with a face value of 30.

She collected the order here, and Gu Jinnian and Xiaodao successfully got the loan they wanted.

Each of them borrowed [-] yuan.

Director Zhao gave them the loan without saying anything, it was for Su Yun's sake.

The three of them returned with a full load, came out of the bank and returned to the company, Gu Jinnian went to the train station to take the afternoon train to the capital.

Su Yun checked the latest accounts at the company. Mo Huaiyu came to the company to find her and said that most of the lesbians who were rescued were able to enter the factory. They were very happy.

Su Yun nodded.

"Do you have any other questions?"

She felt that if it was that simple, then Mo Huaiyu would not have come to her.

Sure enough, after she asked this question, Mo Huaiyu's expression changed slightly.

"It's such a sister-in-law. Most people think it's good to be able to work in a factory, but a small number of people wonder if this is another scam."

"Also, their families seem to be reluctant to allow them to come out and enter the factory."

Mo Huaiyu has been running around in the countryside for the past few days, and the information he has collected has made him so angry that he almost ran away.The families of the trafficked lesbians immediately changed their expressions when they heard that their daughters or sisters might enter the factory and become workers.

What originally disliked them so much turned into flattery immediately.

Their purpose of doing this is nothing more than one thing, that is to let those lesbians give up the opportunity to enter the factory to their families.

For example, a young and strong brother, or a sister-in-law's natal brother...

Su Yun laughed angrily when she heard Mo Huaiyu's words.

"Give up the opportunity to enter the factory to the brothers at home?"

"Why don't they want to go to heaven?"

Mo Huaiyu was a little ashamed. Su Yun not only contributed money but also worked hard, but he couldn't even handle this matter.Now I have to trouble Su Yun and ask Su Yun to help find a way.

He was really ashamed, and at the same time felt that he was too useless.

If the battalion commander knew about this, he would really be sorry for the battalion commander's teaching in the army.

Just when Mo Huaiyu lowered his head, feeling extremely guilty, Xiao Lin happened to come over.

"Daughter-in-law..." Xiao Lin's voice came from outside the door, Su Yun and Mo Huaiyu raised their heads together, Xiao Lin frowned subconsciously when he saw Mo Huaiyu, "What are you doing here again?"

Mo Huaiyu didn't have any 'good things' when he came here. Mo Huaiyu, who made his wife work hard every time, was already on Xiao Lin's blacklist.

As for their friendship in the army?I'm sorry, but in front of my daughter-in-law, all friendships have to be put in the back row!

The disgust on Xiao Lin's face was so obvious that Mo Huaiyu's head almost dropped to the ground.Without realizing it, Xiao Lin walked up to Su Yun, bent down and asked her softly how she was doing today.

"Are the little ones well-behaved? Have they made trouble with you?"

It is very difficult for others to conceive one at a time, but his wife is pregnant with three at a time, one can imagine how hard it is.

While Xiao Lin felt distressed, he was also faintly proud.

The fact that his daughter-in-law is pregnant with triplets also indirectly proves that he is very powerful?Holding three children at once?

Su Yun looked at him with some amusement.

"How can it be so exaggerated? Yinyin said, the child is still a little bean sprout now! They won't make trouble with me."

After she was pregnant, especially with triplets, Song Yinyin told her a lot about the knowledge and precautions during pregnancy, and Su Yun listened to her and kept it in her heart.She seems to be very busy, but no matter what she does, she pays attention to it.

Work is important, but her body is more important.

Knowing that everything is fine with his daughter-in-law, Xiao Lin's hanging heart was slightly relieved.Turning his head, he looked at Mo Huaiyu who was standing beside him angrily, "You still want to stay here for the New Year if you don't leave?"

Mo Huaiyu: ...

Even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it!

It's almost half a year before the Chinese New Year, so he can't stay here for half a year without eating or drinking, can't he?

But when the old battalion commander spoke, he didn't dare to talk back.He could only look at Su Yun with his eyes asking for help.

"What do you think my daughter-in-law is doing?" Xiao Lin, a narrow-minded man, has really good eyesight, and Mo Huaiyu just looked to Su Yun for help, and he found out and sternly refused.

Su Yun pinched Xiao Lin's arm a little amusingly.

"How big is it? Still like a child?" Su Yun gave Xiao Lin an angry look, and then walked to the side of the sofa with his support and sat down.

"Officer Mo, is there anything I can help you with? Tell me and I'll see if I can help you."

(End of this chapter)

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