Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 313 Xiao Rin's Secret Was Discovered By Her

Chapter 313 Xiao Rin's Secret Was Discovered By Her
Mo Huaiyu didn't dare to say it.

Mainly because of his battalion commander's eyes, oh my god, it's too scary.

If he really said what he wanted to ask his sister-in-law for help, would he be torn apart by the battalion commander's eyes without the battalion commander doing it?Mo Huaiyu vacillated between being cut into pieces and seeking a solution to the problem.


Su Yun pinched Xiao Lin's arm again in a funny way, and her eyes signaled him to put on a good attitude. Didn't Officer Mo feel so intimidated by him that he didn't want to talk?
Xiao Lin certainly wouldn't care about Mo Huaiyu, but the person who asked him to do things now was his wife, the person he cared about most, so he could only hold his nose and speak reluctantly.

"Is there anything you don't want to say?"

"Do you really want to stay here for the New Year?"

Xiao Lin had already spoken, Mo Huaiyu could only speak boldly.

"It's such a sister-in-law. What I think is, can you talk to those people?"

"Huh? What did you say?" Su Yun asked.

Mo Huaiyu glanced at Xiao Lin shyly, then continued fearfully, "I just want my sister-in-law to do ideological work for those lesbians."

In Mo Huaiyu's heart, Su Yun is the representative of lesbians in the new era.Coupled with Su Yun's previous life experience...the credibility of her statement will be much higher.

Su Yun nodded after listening.

"Okay, you call them together, and then make an appointment for me to talk to them."

They have already gone 99 steps, so it makes no sense not to take the last step.

When Mo Huaiyu heard that Su Yun agreed, he immediately agreed excitedly, "I'll arrange it right away."


After Mo Huaiyu was sent away, only the husband and wife were left in Su Yun's office.Xiao Lin looked at her with an aggrieved face, as if she was a poor man who had been abandoned.Su Yun held Xiao Lin's hand a little funny.

Pull it over and shake it.

"What's wrong, brother? Who has wronged our brother?"

Xiao Lin glared at her pretending to be 'vicious', "You bad guy who doesn't care about his body."

He didn't want to be really fierce to her at all, so it looked extraordinarily funny to pretend to be fierce on purpose.Su Yun couldn't hold back a burst of laughter.

"Okay, brother, don't be angry."

She pulled him to sit down, stood up and sat on his lap, wrapped his arms around his arms and acted like a baby, "I'm really fine, I just went to enlighten them."

What she said was the truth.

She really can only enlighten them.She is just a guide, or rather, she just offers a choice to those poor girls who are in trouble.

As for how the girls will choose in the end, the choice is theirs.

Xiao Lin was still very unhappy, but after being coaxed by Su Yun, he reluctantly agreed with a straight face.However, Xiao Lin emphasized that Su Yun cannot go there alone, he must go with him, otherwise he is not at ease.

Su Yun smiled and blinked, "Don't worry brother, I won't go there alone."

She didn't think she was so great that she could face a group of girls with different emotions alone, as well as their relatives, three aunts and six wives...

Of course she had to find someone to go there with. As for who to find, she already had an idea in her heart.

Su Yun was about to get up to make a phone call, to tell her candidate in advance, but the hand around her waist did not let go.

"what happened?"

She blinked and looked at Xiao Lin suspiciously.

Xiao Lin snorted arrogantly, and told her with actions what he wanted to do.

He leaned over and blocked her slightly parted red lips.

Su Yun's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at the handsome face so close in disbelief.What does he want to do?This is in the office...

"Well...Brother Rin..."

She opened her mouth slightly, but it gave Xiao Lin an opportunity to take advantage...

Finally, when Su Yun left Xiao Lin's arms, her hands and feet were limp, her limbs seemed to have been drained of strength, and her lips were even hotter, and it hurt when she touched them.

She stared angrily at the man who was flattering and smiling.

"Where did you learn this?"

Why are you so unruly?In broad daylight, isn't he afraid of someone coming?

Xiao Lin chuckled, leaned over and squeezed her shoulders and beat her legs, "Daughter-in-law, last time I went to Xiangjiang, I saw that men and women kiss like this in their pictorials."

"What pictorial?"

Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin suspiciously, and a flash of light flashed in her mind.After she died in her previous life, the Xiangjiang side she saw in the white light had developed many years ahead of their side.

So besides the movie star, the pictorial that Xiao Lin mentioned could be from Footwashing City?
"Okay, Xiao Lin, have you learned badly, haven't you? Did you secretly go to some footwashing shop?"

"Daughter-in-law, I am wronged. I think every day how could you go to the foot washing shop?"

Xiao Lin was really wronged.

It's not that no one invites him to a footwashing shop, but he has a wife... Ah bah, he's a principled person, even if he didn't have a wife, he wouldn't be able to go to that kind of place.

It's even more impossible to have a daughter-in-law. He wants to guard his daughter-in-law like a jade.

"is it?"

Su Yun expressed disbelief.

Xiao Lin showed an expression that was about to cry and took her hand to coax her, "Daughter-in-law, if it weren't for your inconvenient body while pregnant with the child, I can prove to you right away that every inch of my body belongs to you. "

Su Yun didn't realize for a while, why can't she prove her pregnancy.But she only hesitated for a moment, then thought of what this man was referring to.

"Smelly rascal! What are you thinking?" She blushed slightly.

He raised his hand and pinched Xiao Lin's strong arm, but his thumb was the one that hurt badly.She snorted and didn't know Xiao Lin as well.

"You go out, I have to work."

"I'm here with my wife."

Xiao Lin worked overtime in the morning to finish the work, just to make time for his wife and children, how could he just leave like this?

Su Yun couldn't help it, and she didn't really want to drive people out, so she snorted twice and didn't dwell on this issue any more.

She went to the phone, made a call to Secretary Liu, asked Secretary Liu for the number of the Municipal Women's Federation, then called the Women's Federation, chatted with the director of the Women's Federation, and went to give the lesbians who were rescued by the police. We do ideological mobilization.

I have to say that Su Yun thought it was good to go to the Women's Federation.The Women's Federation is in charge of the rights and interests of women and children, and looking for them can be regarded as finding a home.

When the director of the women's federation on the other end of the phone heard that it was such a big deal, he immediately nodded in agreement, saying that he would definitely send a few staff members to try to give the girls the help they needed.

With the promise from the Women's Federation, Su Yun felt relieved a lot.

After hanging up the phone, it is impossible for Su Yun to let Xiao Lin wait for him in the office.So I packed up my things and got off work with Xiao Lin.

She glanced at the watch on her wrist, it was still early, they could go to Tianshui Alley, go to Xiaodao's house and have a meal with grandma.

Xiao Lin was riding a bicycle. She was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, holding the straw hat on her head with one hand, and his waist with the other, shaking her legs in the wind. ankle.

Xiao Lin rode the bicycle very steadily on the road, and she couldn't feel the slightest bump when she was sitting in the back seat.

Su Yun couldn't help but praise.

"Brother Lin, your cycling skills have improved!"

The breeze brought Xiao Lin's voice with a chuckle.

"When I was in the recruit company, I won the No.1 mountain bike race once."

"That's amazing!"

Su Yun narrowed her eyes and followed Xiao Lin's words, but suddenly she felt something was wrong.

"No. Brother Lin, since you are so good at cycling, why was your cycling level so poor when we went back to get the certificate last year?"

(End of this chapter)

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