Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 314 New ideas, opening another studio

Chapter 314 New idea, open another studio
The more Su Yun thought about it, the more something was wrong. Could it be that Xiao Lin was fooling her?

Xiao Lin, who was riding in front, also felt something was wrong. Oops, he accidentally revealed something terrible.

"Be honest, did you deliberately try to scare me?"

The hand on the waist slowly moved towards the soft flesh on Xiao Lin's waist.

"Brother Lin, tell me the truth, or don't blame me for torture!" the little girl threatened with a 'bad voice'.

Xiao Lin chuckled softly, "Daughter-in-law, why are you so cute?"

"What's cute?" Su Yun was confused. Didn't he say that he hid the fact that he could ride a bicycle and deliberately teased her?Why did he shift the topic to himself again, saying that he is cute?

Xiao Lin's muffled chuckle became louder, and after a burst of hearty laughter, he said in that mellow voice, "Daughter-in-law, that's because I deliberately wanted to get close to you, but I couldn't find a suitable reason , that's why you did that?"


Riding like a novice because you want to be close to her but can't see why?

All right?This is also the reason?

Su Yun's cognition was refreshed by Xiao Lin, and Xiao Lin's deeds of deliberate mischief also left a mark in her heart.She should be careful in the future, otherwise she might be deceived by him again.

The young couple came to Tianshui Hutong, and brought fresh pork, a chicken, a handful of green vegetables and two eggplants they had just bought at the market, and entered Xiaodao's house.

Xiao Lin cooks the dinner, and Mrs. Xiao is helping.

Su Yun and Lin Sanchun wanted to help, but they were kicked out by the old lady.

"You two hurry up and sit outside. Ask Anzi to wash some grapes for you to eat, and enjoy the shade under the tree in the yard. Don't go to the kitchen to cause trouble."

Su Yun was dumbfounded by the old lady's exaggerated movements.

Saying that Xiao Lin is exaggerating, the old lady is exaggerating many times more than Xiao Lin!Now she has an illusion every day that she is not pregnant with a child, or that she becomes a porcelain doll that is easy to break when she is pregnant.

Don't let her get involved in anything, for fear that something will happen to her.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is now stretching out her clothes and opening her mouth.

Facing such an exaggerated grandparent and grandson, Su Yun could only suffer with a cheeky face.

She and Lin Sanchun enjoyed the shade under the tree as promised. Lin Sanchun's belly was already big, and the baby was about to be born in two months. She was sewing diapers for the baby in her stomach.

Su Yun looked at Lin Sanchun's dexterous hands, quickly cut the old clothes and folded them together, then put a clean white cotton cloth on the top layer, and then sewed it up with needles and threads.

A diaper is ready in no time.

Su Yun has nothing but admiration.

"Sanchun, your hand is stronger than a machine!"

She picked up the diaper that Lin Sanchun had made and looked at it carefully. The stitches were really the same every stitch, as precise as a machine.

Lin Sanchun showed a shy smile, "I have learned sewing from my grandma since I was a child. When grandma was still there, I helped grandma embroider insoles to exchange for food."

Lin Sanchun's parents died early, and she was raised by her grandmother.She has completely learned the old man's admirable needlework.

Su Yun sighed, no wonder!

"Then are you good at embroidery?"

I haven't discussed this with Lin Sanchun in depth before, or in other words, Lin Sanchun used to be more introverted than now.If Su Yun didn't ask about many things, Lin Sanchun wouldn't take the initiative to bring them up.

So she didn't know that Lin Sanchun still had such a unique skill.

Lin Sanchun showed another shy smile.

"Not very good at it, but I will."

As she spoke, she picked up a piece of cloth, threaded needles and threads quickly on the cloth, and after a while, a lifelike Chinese rose appeared in outline.

Su Yun was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth.

"Sanchun... Are you embroidering the rose plant under the courtyard wall?"

Lin Sanchun hummed.

Her hand speed was so fast that Su Yun was dazzled. Lin Sanchun had already embroidered the budding rose flower on the white cloth.

"Oh my God……"

Su Yun gasped!
While admiring Lin Sanchun's craftsmanship, she thought about how the garment factory can make a profit.If it is not enough to simply make clothes, she can add a little ethnic characteristics to the clothes they make!

There must be many craftsmen like Lin Sanchun in the folk. If she gathers people who are good at embroidery and embroiders patterns on the clothes that symbolize auspiciousness and wealth, then the clothes will definitely sell well.

Su Yun even boldly thought that she could also make some oriental accessories and clothing, and sell them in Xiangjiang and abroad...

A huge picture scroll slowly unfolded in front of her eyes.Su Yun is gearing up, she can't wait to have a big fight right away!
Because of this inspiration, Su Yun was in a state of excitement.Before dinner, she kept asking Lin Sanchun about embroidery knowledge, and it was not until Xiao Lin and the others called for dinner that Su Yun stopped to drink.

"What are you so excited about?"

Song Yinyin just got off work, walked in from the outside and saw Su Yun asking with a smile.

Su Yun waved to Song Yinyin.

"Doctor Song, I have a business, let's talk about it."

"Oh, what business is Mr. Su so interested in?" Song Yinyin walked to Su Yun, and Su Yun picked up Lin Sanchun's embroidered rose and showed it in front of Song Yinyin.

"How is it? Is it beautiful?"

Song Yinyin nodded, and then looked at Su Yun suspiciously, "Beauty is very beautiful. But you still have this skill?"

Su Yun: ...

Look at Song Yinyin's questioning tone, do you believe that she embroidered it?Fortunately, she did not embroider it in the first place, so Su Yun was not dissatisfied when questioned.

She sighed, "Doctor Song, you are superficial."


Dr. Song has always been the one who hits others, so where is it their turn to hit her?Doctor Song stared at Su Yun very dissatisfied, as if she was about to tickle her unless she said she was ugly.

Su Yun was a little flustered, no wonder!
But now is not the time to joke, the idea in her head can't be messed up by Dr. Song.

"Listen to me about Dr. Song."

She took a sip of water, and then spoke out the thoughts in her heart in one breath.

"With the reform and opening up, the social situation will only get better and better in the future. There must be many craftsmen like Grandma Sanchun among the people. How about if we set up a studio to specialize in this kind of traditional craftwork ?”

"I heard that in Xiangjiang, there are those foreigners who like the mysterious oriental culture very much."

Start an embroidery studio.

This is what Su Yun thought of when chatting with Lin Sanchun.

Of course, embroidering some unique styles on the garments in the garment factory also needs to be implemented, and she set up an embroidery studio in private, not only to earn money, but also to preserve traditional skills.

Let the traditional skills be passed on.

After listening to Su Yun's idea, Song Yinyin nodded in approval, but she still didn't forget to ask her, "Your company is so busy, do you still have time to manage this studio?"

"So didn't I miss you? Dr. Song!"

Su Yun smiled obsequiously.

(End of this chapter)

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