Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 315 Brother Lin is getting more and more avant-garde

Chapter 315 Brother Lin is getting more and more avant-garde
Show the true colors of businessmen to the fullest.

Song Yinyin gave her an angry look, "I'm a doctor."

"It doesn't matter. Making money is not the main purpose of this studio. The main purpose is, as I said, to recruit folk craftsmen and pass them on."

In the process, you can definitely make money.

Su Yun is very confident.

You must know that the evaluation of the 80s by later generations is that as long as you stand on the tuyere, pigs can fly into the sky.

She, Su Yun, thinks she is a little bit smarter than pigs, so she doesn't want to fly to the sky, but just wants to not lose everything.

Good sisters are so trusted, what else can Dr. Song say?It is of course no problem to cooperate with good sisters to open a small studio!
"Okay, where is the studio established?"

"Let's go to the capital!"


Now it was Song Yinyin's turn to be surprised, "Comrade Su Xiaoyun, are you planning to give up Nancheng and go directly to the capital?"

"Hey, isn't it true that you have more rich people in the capital? I want to take a higher-end route, so I choose the capital!"

"Tsk tsk... Everything has been planned for the relationship."

Song Yinyin gave her an angry look, and the two reached an agreement so happily.

After convincing Song Yinyin, Su Yun went to talk to Lin Sanchun again, "Sanchun, you will have to work hard to support us when the time comes."

After discovering that Lin Sanchun has this unique skill, Su Yun will never work for Lin Sanchun in the roast duck restaurant anyway.These two hands should hold the embroidery needle and fly the needle and thread on the embroidered cloth. Going to the roast duck restaurant is simply wasteful.

She Su Yun is not a big idiot, she can't do such a thing.

Lin Sanchun smiled shyly.

"Okay, Miss Yun."

"So nice."

Su Yun felt a sense of accomplishment!
Song Yinyin gave her a disgusted look, and they entered the room chatting and laughing to prepare for dinner.

After dinner, Su Yun sat with Xiao Lin for a while, and then went home.

Because it was not very early, and there were still houses in Tianshui Hutong, so Xiao Lin and Su Yun lived in Tianshui Hutong.As soon as he arrived at the door of the house, Xiao Hei, who was locked in the yard, screamed and ran from the yard to the door, scratching the door with his paws.

Hearing Xiao Hei's cry, Su Yun felt a little sad.

She and Xiao Lin went to live in a new house, leaving Xiao Hei here to guard the yard for them.Except for three meals a day, Xiao Hei can see the Li family who come to feed it, most of the time it stays here alone.

Not only did it not run away, but it also loyally guarded the house for Su Yun and the others.

"Brother Lin, let's take Xiao Hei over this time!"

As for the house, it can be sold.

Xiao Lin was a little hesitant, "Daughter-in-law, you are pregnant. They say that pregnant people should avoid contact with cats, dogs, etc..."

This is another very important reason why Xiao Lin kept Xiao Hei here.Xiao Hei is a member of their family, of course he will not leave Xiao He here for no reason.

"It's okay, I just don't touch it."

She insisted on taking Xiao Hei there, Xiao Lin was reluctant to refuse her, so he nodded in agreement.

When the two entered the house, Xiao Hei kept following them around, wagging his tail and whimpering, as if he was reporting that he had taken good care of the house during this period, and also as if he was coquettishly telling them to come back home more often.

Subconsciously, Su Yun wanted to reach out and touch Xiao Hei's head.

Xiao Lin coughed, and she retracted her half-stretched hand.Looking up at Xiao Rin, he smiled sarcastically, "Brother Rin, I forgot."


The man who took advantage of it was so arrogant.

He snorted and drove Xiao Hei out of the door.

"Stay honestly in the yard. If you still want to join my wife when you go to the new home, I will send you back immediately."

Since Xiao Hei followed Xiao Lin to look for Su Yun last time, even if Xiao Lin got angry again, he couldn't tell Xiao Hei that he would stew her in dog meat hot pot.

The most ruthless threat now is to send Xiao Hei back.

Xiao Hei is extraordinarily intelligent, as if he understood what the man said, he yelled twice, raised his head towards Su Yun and wagged his tail, as if confirming Xiao Lin's words.

Su Yun burst out laughing, "Yes, that's right, we are going to bring you to live with us."


Xiao Hei suddenly looked up to the sky and howled, making a sound like a wolf howling.

Su Yun was startled by the voice, and subconsciously looked at Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin who just decided to treat Xiao Hei more gently, now his fists are itching again.

"Perhaps the dog meat hot pot can be arranged?"


Xiao Hei let out another whine like a puppy, and ran out, running away without a trace in an instant.

Su Yun blinked.

"Brother Lin, has Xiao Hei become a spirit?"

Otherwise, how could there be such a human dog?No, specifically, otherwise how could there be such a human wolf dog?

From the wolf howl that Xiao Hei made just now, Su Yun has already judged that this Xiao Hei is undoubtedly a wolf dog (the offspring of a wolf and a dog).

Xiao Lin squeezed his wife's hand.

"I don't care about it, no matter how good I am, I can't find my Wuzhishan."

"Are you still the Buddha in the storybook?" Su Yun joked with a smile.

Xiao Lin immediately shook his head in denial.

"No, I'm not."

"What? Others can't ask for it. Why are you denying it so quickly, Brother Rin?" If someone praises Su Yun as the Tathagata Buddha, Su Yun will definitely be very happy.

Because it means that she is capable to the sky!
So Xiao Lin's refusal made her very puzzled.

Just listening to Xiao Lin saying word by word, "Buddha in the mythology is all about emptying the four elements. How can I be empty of the four elements as a person with a daughter-in-law?"

Exchange the position of Buddha for his wife?


As long as his brain is not broken, he will not choose the former.

Su Yun was overwhelmed by Xiao Lin's reason, he was indeed a man who had been to Xiangjiang, his thinking became more and more avant-garde, admiration, incomparable admiration!
The young couple stayed here for one night, and went to have breakfast with Mrs. Xiao the next morning, and told the old lady about selling the house in Tianshui Hutong.

The old lady has no problem with this.

And Su Yun said that she would take Xiao Hei to her new home, and she had no objection either.

Just to tell Su Yun not to get in touch with Xiao Hei.

"Grandma, don't worry, I will pay attention."

Su Yun smiled and agreed, and the old lady nodded and watched the young couple, and Xiao Hei left.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and soon it was the day that Mo Huaiyu and Su Yun agreed to let her do ideological work for those lesbians who were rescued after being trafficked.

Su Yun is actually not very good at persuading others. Before leaving, she dragged Zhao Meiyu along.

The two of them, together with Xiao Lin and Mo Huaiyu, joined the three people from the Women's Federation, plus Secretary Liu from the Municipal Office, and the group headed for Zhangjia Village, where the most victims were.

Zhangjiacun is a big nearby village, and people from several surrounding villages are not far from here, so it was a good choice for Mo Huaiyu to set the location in the big dining hall of the village office in Zhangjiacun.

This big dining hall was set up when eating big pot rice.Later, the big pot of rice was cancelled, and it became a warehouse in Zhangjia Village. Later, the grain fields were distributed to each household, and the big warehouse became empty.

Mo Huaiyu took his colleagues from the Chengnan Branch Bureau, together with Zhangjiacun's village cadres, to clean up the warehouse and use it as a place for temporary meetings.

When Su Yun and the others came to the outside of the warehouse, they were surrounded by people.In the warehouse that should be full of people, there are only a few lesbians.

They sat in a corner with their heads bowed.

Su Yun:? ? ?
 update completed.

(End of this chapter)

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