Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 316 Su Yun is not the Virgin

Chapter 316 Su Yun is not the Virgin

How is this going?

She looked at the organizer Mo Huaiyu aside.

Mo Huaiyu looked at the village head of Zhangjia Village and his colleagues who stayed in the village to help with work, and he also had the same question mark on his face.

The colleagues in the Chengnan Branch looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Wang Xiujuan.

Wang Xiujuan took a breath, mustered up her courage and walked over.

"Captain...they...they don't want to come."


Mo Huaiyu thought he had heard wrong.

Otherwise, what you said was good, how could you not want to come?

"What happened? Can you tell us specifically?" Su Yun listened for a while, frowning and asked.

Wang Xiujuan nodded.

"Is such that……"

It turned out that early this morning, Wang Xiujuan, her colleagues in her unit, and the village cadres of Zhangjia Village went to each house to do mobilization work according to the names on the list.

I originally thought that the work this morning would be a simple notification.Because a few days ago, those lesbians had already expressed their views, and they cherished this opportunity very much.

So whether it was Wang Xiujuan or others, they all went to the rescued homes with confidence.

Who knew that not only did they not see anyone in the past, they were even ridiculed by the families of those girls.

In some families, the sister-in-law or mother-in-law speaks very excessively.It is said that girls who have been trafficked by human traffickers like them are already dirty.No matter where I go in this life, I will never be clean, so if I have the opportunity to enter a factory and become a worker, I might as well give it up to my brothers and nephews at home.

When the brothers and nephews are successful, find them a better marriage partner, so that they can live better for the rest of their lives...

There are countless words like this.Wang Xiujuan didn't say it out one by one, because she found that, it seemed that after just saying such a little, their captain's face was already as black as the bottom of the pot.

Wang Xiujuan was afraid that if she continued, Mo Huaiyu's face would be darker than the bottom of the pot.

Mo Huaiyu was so angry that he could barely speak.He was really angry. He had made an agreement with those lesbians, but he had the cheek to ask Su Yun for help. Su Yun also invited the staff of the Women's Federation.

They were all present, but these people temporarily dropped their picks and said they wouldn't come if they couldn't come?

"I'll go and have a look!"

Mo Huaiyu said that he was about to leave, but Su Yun raised his hand to stop him, "What are you going to see? Are you planning to come to the door to invite one by one? If you don't come, you will be tied up?" Looking at Mo Huaiyu's current posture, it is really strange. It is possible to tie people up.

Mo Huaiyu stiffened his neck and didn't answer, the meaning was already obvious, Su Yun guessed it right.

Su Yun pinched her eyebrows, "What about after being tied?"

Mo Huaiyu didn't know anymore.

He was thinking right now that Su Yun and the staff of the Women's Federation should not be allowed to go for nothing.As for what they paid in the early stage, I won't mention it.

Su Yun sighed, sure enough, don't expect gay men to be able to do ideological work!She walked over and said hello to the director of the Women's Federation, and asked the director to take care of the place here, and she went out for a while.

"Xiao Su, where are you going? Shall I go with you?"

The director of the Women's Federation, surnamed Huang, is a bright and cheerful elder sister in her 40s with short hair.

Su Yun smiled and shook her head, "I'm going to do some ideological work for them. I can do this little thing by myself. Director, please stay here. Someone will definitely come over later."

"Can you do it alone?" Director Huang was a little worried that Su Yun would be too tired to run so many houses by herself.

Su Yun smiled mysteriously, "The mountain people have their own tricks!"

She said that she handed over the warehouse to the director, and then led by Wang Xiujuan, went to the village head of Zhangjia Village, and opened the door of the broadcasting room of the village office next door.

She looked at the old microphone leaning against the window, and the corners of her lips curled up in a beautiful arc.

With this loudspeaker publicity, she didn't have to go door to door.

Another very important point is that people who really want to change will make changes as long as they click on it.People who don't want to change, even if you break your leg and come to the door to fray your mouth, they will still be indifferent.

Su Yun is not the kind of saint who has to save everyone, she can only clarify her point of view.

The right to choose is in everyone's hands.

After all, everyone is an adult and has the right to make independent choices.

The village chief turned on the radio, and a sizzling electric sound rang out.The village chief tried the microphone first to make sure that the broadcast could be heard normally outside, so he moved away and let Su Yun come.

Su Yun nodded, glanced at Xiao Rin beside her and Zhao Meiyu on one side, she showed a smile, and walked to the microphone at the desk.

A beautiful female voice sounded from the speaker.

"My sisters who were supposed to attend the meeting of the Municipal Women's Federation today, hello everyone. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Su Yun, and I am one of the people who funded the construction of the factory this time."

As soon as she came up, she showed her identity straight to the point, without beating around the bush.

"Some time ago, I learned from Officer Mo that many sisters who escaped from the wolf's den chose to end their lives by suicide because they couldn't face the strange eyes around them."

"I don't know if anyone you know has committed suicide? If so, think about it, has this society changed for your acquaintances after they committed suicide? Has the sun risen from the west?"

"No, nothing. So for those who choose to commit suicide, their death is meaningless. No one will remember, and no one will change for them. Those who spread rumors are still alive and well, The indirect murderer is also alive and well."

"As human beings, why do you choose to end your life in the most stupid way? Maybe you have encountered injustice, which made you lose the courage to live, but since you have the courage to commit suicide, why can't you have the courage to live? "

"The people around you speak harsh words, just don't listen. Fate is unfair to you, just resist. Family members hate you? Then...just sever the relationship."

"Everyone is an independent individual, who doesn't live for anyone and doesn't need to be attached to anyone. Why can't you be bold, live the life you want to live and follow the path you want to go?"

"This is no longer the old society. Now is the new era, where everyone is equal. In the past, when there was injustice, there was no way to go. Now there is a ready-made way before your eyes."

"If you still don't even have the courage to choose to change, then you can only be a wimp for the rest of your life, and you don't have to complain about the injustice of fate, because it is all caused by your own cowardice, and you can't blame anyone."

When Su Yun reached this point, she paused, took a sip of water from the water bottle Xiao Lin handed over, and then said the last words.

"To me, you are complete strangers. I only planned such a path for you for the sake of being a lesbian. To put it bluntly, whether you choose or not, I have nothing to do with you." It has nothing to do with it. Your life and death have nothing to do with me."

"As long as you are willing to degenerate yourself, then everything I said above should be regarded as nothing I said."

Her face was slightly cold, and she raised her hand to turn off the microphone after speaking.

Zhao Meiyu ran over with a look of admiration.

"Xiaoyun, you are so powerful, how can you say so many words at once, you? Have you memorized them in advance?"

(End of this chapter)

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