Chapter 317 Figured it out
Su Yun couldn't help but laugh.

"How can I have time to recite it? Besides, I didn't know that they didn't want to come before I came!"

So these are really improvisations.

Moreover, after Su Yun finished speaking, she thought about it carefully, and found that she was actually not very good at teaching people ideological education, because what she said seemed to be messy and very disorganized.

"No matter what, you're still amazing!"

Zhao Meiyu was supportive as always.

Su Yun smiled and stood up, "Let's go, let's go see if my nonsense has any effect."

"Okay, where should I go?"

Zhao Meiyu asked curiously.

Su Yun pointed out the window, "It's getting some fresh air outside, let's take a look."

"it is good."

They walked out of the office and walked under the big locust tree outside the village office. While blowing the wind, they looked at the scenery of the family village. Not long after, they saw a few shy people secretly heading in their direction outside. wait and see.

Zhao Meiyu looked at Su Yun.

Su Yun nodded, and Zhao Meiyu walked towards the lesbians who had been watching but did not dare to come forward.

"Are you here to listen to the Women's Federation class? Let's go this way, the director of the Women's Federation has arrived."


Those lesbians looked at Zhao Meiyu timidly. There was a slight fear in their eyes. It was a natural reaction to strangers after being oppressed for a long time, or after being suppressed.

They did not dare to answer Zhao Meiyu's question directly.

Zhao Meiyu didn't take it to heart.

"You... are you the Comrade Su who spoke just now?"

These people asked timidly again.

Zhao Meiyu shook her head lightly and smiled, "I'm not, I'm not as good-tempered and kind-hearted as Xiaoyun!"

The eyes of these questioners widened slightly, and Zhao Meiyu continued to smile and said, "I choose the road and live my own life. Everyone has a brain, and they can't figure out their own life and life. It's just white."

"I'm not your parents either, I have no obligation to advise you how to go, am I?"

These few words of hers directly frightened the timid people to the point of crying.


Su Yun, who had been listening from the sidelines, smiled and walked over, "You scare the lesbians."

Zhao Meiyu curled her lips, "I'm calling my words rough and reasonable. Besides, how can a person be so courageous that a few words can scare you? You escaped from the traffickers alone before, and you didn't see them. Are you scared?"

"Have you been caught by traffickers too?"

"You still escaped?"

Those lesbians looked at Su Yun in unison and spoke.

Su Yun smiled and nodded in agreement.


"You are amazing, how did you do it? Human traffickers are so scary, how did you do it?"

"Yeah, won't they beat you? There is nothing to eat to make you hungry."

Hearing that Su Yun was also caught by human traffickers, the timid lesbians suddenly talked a little more, they circled around Su Yun and asked.

Su Yun didn't pretend to care too much, she thought for a while and said, "Because I want to live."

There is one more important point.

The person who loves her and the person she loves are still waiting for her, so she can't just accept her fate like that.Of course, this sentence may be a bit cruel to girls who are not in a good situation and are even rejected by their families.

So she didn't say anything.

But just her words of wanting to live are enough to shock people.

This made these lesbians involuntarily recall that when they were arrested, they really didn't do anything except crying and hugging each other in fear and wanting to go home...

Compared with Su Yun, they are really much worse.

"Did your family dislike you after you came back?"

one of them asked.

Not all of these girls who were abducted by traffickers were forced to sleep with each other.Some people met people who were a little better, and they didn't directly force them to have children to carry on the family line.

Maybe buyers also want to tame them physically and mentally?

But they forget that a buyer is a buyer, there is no such thing as taming, and abducted people will leave if they have the chance.No, when Mo Huaiyu brought someone to find them, they left without saying a word.

It's just that they didn't expect that when they returned home, they would be rejected by their biological parents and brothers who had always regarded them as their own.

Some parents don't dislike it, but brothers and sisters-in-law dislike it, and their parents have no choice but to point at their sons to live, and can only listen to their sons and daughters-in-law...

To be honest, when Mo Huaiyu came to them and said that someone was willing to pay for the construction of a factory and let them work in the factory as workers, they were very happy.

After all, for ordinary rural children, it is a great thing to be able to work in a factory as a worker.

Originally, I thought that my family would take a high look at me like this, and I could integrate into the family again, but who knew that the family relationship was even worse...

These girls have not read much, and it is understandable that they will be dominated by their families.

After all, the current society is like this, and it is far from the freedom and diversity that Su Yun saw in the later generations in the white mist.

Su Yun wasn't too aggressive either, she smiled and said, "A real family member won't dislike you."

While talking, Xiao Lin came over.

He held her hand without words, but the breath flowing between the two was enough for them to understand that what Su Yun said was true.

Real family members will not despise them.

These people suddenly figured it out, and suddenly had the courage to leave the village to live.

The few people who were timid at first suddenly showed a firm light on their faces, indicating that they had found their way.

"Thank you, thank you, Comrade Su."

The few of them held hands, bowed to Su Yun and the others, and then ran into the warehouse.From the reluctance to come at the beginning, to the fear that I will lose my position if I take a step too late, it only took a few hours.

Such a dramatic shift in attitude in just a few hours.

It's no surprise.

It started with these few girls, and then many people came one after another.Some of them came together, some came alone, and there was even a disheveled one who was said to have got out of a broken dog hole under the wall of the house.

The family members were afraid that she would occupy the factory quota and make it impossible for the brothers in the family to enter the factory, so the sisters-in-law teamed up and locked the girl in the woodshed...

Su Yun laughed angrily when she heard this.

Really, there are excellent products everywhere.

Xiao Lin squeezed her hand to tell her not to be angry.

"Daughter-in-law, go in and sit inside, and I'll go for a walk around the village."

"Don't hurt or maim people, lest you have trouble explaining them when you get there." Su Yun knew her man very well and knew what he wanted to do.She didn't stop him, but she had to remind him to act softly.

Few people could bear the blow of that big fist.

Can Su Yun remind him to pay more attention?

"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin, who had been guessed, was extremely soft in his heart, wishing he could hold this girl in his arms and love her enough.

"I know, I promise not to kill or maim people."

(End of this chapter)

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