Chapter 318 It was a success

Su Yun gave him an angry look, this person still wants to kill and maim him?Why doesn't he want to go to heaven?
"You hurry up and go."

"Okay, daughter-in-law, I'm going."

"Wait a moment."

Su Yun called Xiao Lin who was about to leave, "Are you going there alone?"

"I asked Mo Huaiyu to go with me." Xiao Lin would not be so stupid as to go there alone.

Knowing that he was not alone, Su Yun nodded in satisfaction and pushed him away.

"Hurry up and be careful."

"Okay, daughter-in-law, sit inside and don't walk around."

"Got it, go now."

This man is also true, he just went to the village for a walk, why is he still exhorting him like this?Su Yun felt that it would be better for him to turn himself into a Thumbelina and put it in his pocket.

Lest he take a step without worrying.

But having said that, Su Yun didn't realize at all that she cared about Xiao Lin just like Xiao Lin.

She watched Xiao Lin leave, and then entered the meeting place set up in the warehouse with Zhao Meiyu.Zhao Meiyu joked that she and Xiao Lin were sticky, Su Yun gave Zhao Meiyu a disgusted look.

"It seems like you and your family Gu Jinnian are not sticky? If it weren't for someone who still has to go to work, I'm afraid I would chase him to the capital for a business trip, right?"

In terms of lip service, Su Yun is no worse than Zhao Meiyu.

Zhao Meiyu snorted, "How can Jinnian and I be as clingy as you? Besides, even if I go to the capital with Jinnian, I'm still worried about his health, so I'll follow him to take care of him."


Su Yun didn't believe Zhao Meiyu.

"I go to work with your family, Jinnian, every day. I don't think there's anything wrong with his health?"

Zhao Meiyu whose lies have been exposed: ...

There was such a moment of embarrassment!
Indeed, when Gu Jinnian was in the countryside last year, his health was indeed poor.But after coming to Nancheng City, perhaps because of the better living conditions, Gu Jinnian also had a job and often went out for a walk.On the contrary, his body is much better than when he stayed in the room every day when he was in the village.

As Gu Jinnian's bedside person, Zhao Meiyu felt the most intuitive changes in Gu Jinnian's health.

The night life of the young couple is often, which is obviously much longer than when they were in the village.And I don't know where Gu Jinnian found some books that no one can read, so he studied in different ways at night...

Zhao Meiyu blushed as she thought about it.

Su Yun blinked aside, and looked suspiciously at Zhao Meiyu whose face gradually changed from normal to red, and then from red to very red.

"Meiyu, are you trying to change your face?"

"What?" Zhao Meiyu came back to her senses, stretched out her hands and patted her cheeks, and said to herself, "It's strange why it's so hot here? It's much hotter than in Nancheng."

"It's strange."

When Zhao Meiyu said this, if her eyes hadn't kept flickering, then the credibility of her words might have been higher.But her eyes kept flickering, and where she was looking, it was clear that she was lying.

Su Yun agreed with a grin.

"Yeah, it's really hot, it's so hot that some people's faces are burned into monkey butts!"

Zhao Meiyu stomped her feet in anger, "Su Xiaoyun, you're dead, I won't play with you anymore."

Seeing that Zhao Meiyu was in a hurry, Su Yun burst out laughing, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore! Let's go in!"

The two little sisters walked into the venue side by side.

The venue was full of people, and the situation was much better than when they first arrived.

Although these lesbians were dressed plainly and their clothes were covered with patches, their mental outlook was much better than before.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as earth-shaking.

They didn't have any expectations for the future, but there was light in their eyes.

Director Huang of the Women's Federation was already speaking, and the two of them went to the farthest seats and sat down, listening to Director Huang's speech quietly.

I have to admit that those who can be the director of the Women's Federation are really talented. Listening to Director Huang's words, Su Yun feels that she has gained a lot.

"Next, let's invite Comrade Su Yun, a representative of outstanding young entrepreneurs in our city, to speak."

Suddenly her name rang in her ear, Su Yun turned her head to look at Director Huang, just in time to meet Director Huang's smiling face and encouraging eyes.Su Yun wasn't stage-frightened at all, she pulled the hem of her clothes and stood up.

"Hi everyone, I'm Su Yun. I'm [-] this year. I currently own a food company. I'm going to be a college student soon."

Why did Su Yun introduce herself like this?

That's because she wants these girls to know that what she can do, they can do too.

Even if not everyone can start a company like her and go to university, at least they can live the life they want.

Sure enough, as soon as her words came out, the people below gasped.

They never thought that Su Yun would be so powerful. At 20 years old, only one or two years older than them, she could start a company and go to university.How many people dream of this life?

Su Yun took the expressions of the people below into her eyes, she smiled and said, "Perhaps everyone thinks that I look very glamorous now, but before the first half of last year, my life was no different from yours."

"My biological parents didn't like it, and my sister plotted against me. My mother and my sister jointly drugged me and sent me to a strange man...that is, my husband's bed now..."

With a slight smile on her face, she slowly told her past as if chatting with an old friend.

When talking about the setbacks and tribulations she had when she was a child, she always had a slight smile on her face, as if what she was talking about was not what she had experienced, but someone else's story.

She briefly talked about her past, then stopped talking, looked at the people below and smiled.

"I tell you this, just to tell you that the past does not represent the future. As long as we work hard and don't give up, then the past of suffering will definitely not become our future."

"I believe that what I can do, you can do too."

"Be brave, girls, it's a new society now, and no one can live without leaving. We have to learn to think for ourselves!"

What she said today, if it were two years ago, it would be absolutely treasonous.

But she who has died once knows that the future world is wonderful and beautiful, as long as they dare to dream, they will definitely have the day to realize their dreams!
While Su Yun and the others were talking freely with the rescued lesbians, Xiao Lin and Mo Huaiyu had already walked around Zhangjia Village.They found someone to lead the way, and 'chat' with the brothers from the families in the village who treated their daughter the worst.

After the 'chat', Xiao Lin walked out refreshed and headed to the next house, while the other person who participated in the 'chat' walked into the house from the outside with a pale face and moaning.

There was a scream of ouch, ouch, and I couldn't say it after being beaten. It was really painful.

When the mobilization meeting on Su Yun's side was a complete success, Xiao Lin also came back from the village full of energy.After making an appointment with those girls who were willing to go to work in the factory and receive training in advance, Su Yun and the others left Zhangjiacun.

This trip is a success, right?

(End of this chapter)

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