Chapter 319 Vinegar Jar Xiao Rin

On the second day after returning from Zhangjiacun, Su Yun received a special gift.

"Hi sister Yun, how are you!"

A brittle girl with a little baby fat on her face stood in front of Su Yun, her eyes bent into a crescent shape to greet Su Yun.

Su Yun was startled, seeing the deja vu between the little girl's brows and eyes, she asked doubtfully, "Shishi?"

Wu Shishi snorted, and wanted to stretch out her arms to hug Su Yun.

Xiao Lin, who had been staring at the side all the time, glanced over, Wu Shishi paused in her forward steps, and stopped in embarrassment, looking at Su Yun unwillingly.

Su Yun also touched the tip of her nose in embarrassment.No way, the subject is too stingy!
There was a "puchi" laugh from one side.Song Yinyin walked in from the outside.

She smiled and said, "Shishi, it's not easy for you to hug Xiaoyun, who would let her have someone to be jealous of?"

Vinegar... Vinegar jar...

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that Song Yinyin's description is really appropriate.

This man who is jealous at every turn.Isn't it a vinegar jar?

She gave Xiao Lin an angry look, blaming him for being too nervous.I was made a joke by Yinyin again

The man who was said to be a jar of old vinegar didn't look guilty at all.To him, Su Yun is his daughter-in-law.Jealousy is his legitimate right.

What is he to feel guilty about?
It's a woman like Song Yinyin who should feel guilty, right?Obviously a married lesbian.But he still wants to do something to his daughter-in-law, what about his face?Do you want more?
The three lesbians who were chatting didn't know what Xiao Lin was thinking, otherwise they would have to complain about him.

What is up and down?

Why is this word used so awkwardly?
Seeing that he was still standing there, Su Yun couldn't help but said: "Go do what you should be busy with. I'll chat with Dr. Song and the others for a while. You're a big man staying here. It's not a big deal, right Bar?"

Being driven away by his wife's order, Xiao Lin was a little depressed.But do you have to listen to your daughter-in-law?

He grumbled sullenly.

"Daughter-in-law, I'll make tea for you."

"By the way, go to the snack shop on the corner and buy some sweet-scented osmanthus cakes." Su Yun arranged for him.

"Okay, I'll go right away. Be careful at home and don't move around. There is something to do when I come back."

Even if it was only a few steps, Xiao Lin had to explain again and again before going out.

Su Yun agreed with a crisp yes, and pushed him out of the house with some coaxing.

As soon as Xiao Lin left, Wu Shishi, who had been standing aside, regained her vitality in an instant.

She came over and took Su Yun's arm.

"Sister Yun, your partner is really fierce. It didn't sound like much on the phone before, but I didn't expect it to be such a fierce person."

She paused, took a breath of relief, and then continued.

"The look in his eyes just now made me think of my elder brother unconsciously. When my elder brother was training recruits, his eyes were the same as his, with a ferocious look. It seemed that he wanted to eat people."

"How can it be so exaggerated?" Su Yun looked at Wu Shishi with a smile. "Brother Lin, he was a soldier, so he looks a little more serious. But it's not to the point of eating people, right?"

In short, Su Yun couldn't feel how fierce Xiao Lin was.After explaining this sentence, she called Wu Shishi and Song Yinyin to sit down in the living room.

As soon as Wu Shishi sat down, she couldn't wait to take out Su Yun's admission notice from her bag.

"Sister Yun, Sister Yun. This is the admission letter from B University. I just sent it to you as soon as my dad finished it! How is it? Isn't it very loyal?"

As if offering a treasure, Wu Shishi handed the admission notice to Su Yun.

Looking at the brand new handwritten admission notice with the smell of pen and ink in her hand, Su Yun was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes.

Finally, she finally got the notice...

"Oh, Xiaoyun, what are you doing? You forgot that you are pregnant and you can't get emotional. Don't forget that you still have three babies in your belly."

Song Yinyin uttered a voice, and stopped Su Yun from crying with joy in time.

Wu Shishi yelled out, "Sister Yun, are you pregnant? Are you still pregnant with three babies? Why are you so powerful, Sister Yun?"

I don't know why she is so happy?In short, Wu Shishi was very excited.

Infected by Wu Shishi, Su Yun also laughed, "It's not that I'm good, it just happens that the children are destined for me."

It's really hard to say what it is like to be pregnant with three children. She doesn't know how she got pregnant. Luck may also be part of the reason, but in fact, it is more likely that these three children are destined to be with the couple.

If in normal times, there were only Su Yun and Song Yinyin, then Song Yinyin would definitely tease Su Yun that it was because Xiao Lin was too powerful that Su Yun was pregnant with the third child.

But it's different now. Now that her younger sister is still there, Song Yinyin has to pay attention to her image.

So she held back.

She also took advantage of the opportunity to change the subject, "Shishi, will you come here, uncle and aunt agree? And grandma and grandpa, can you rest assured that you come so far alone?"

Since I went to the station to pick up Wu Shishi this morning, Song Yinyin finally had time to ask this question directly.

It wasn't that she didn't want to ask, it's just that Wu Shishi kept interrupting her and didn't want to answer directly, so Song Yinyin just let her go.After all, Li Wei was still there at the time, and Song Yinyin thought it was because Wu Shishi had something bad to say in front of gay men.

Now only the lesbians are left, of course Song Yinyin has to figure this out.

"Tell me clearly, did they let you come, or did you sneak here?"

Wu Shishi was still pretending to be stupid at first, not wanting to admit that she ran out secretly.

But under Song Yinyin's 'forcement', she had to snort twice, "My parents and grandpa don't know what they think, they actually want me to go on a blind date with that brat from the Lu family? How is this possible? I'm the only one, I'm only a freshman next semester, how could I go on a blind date?"

Song Yinyin looked at Wu Shishi suspiciously, "You mean the Lu family, Lu Changzheng?"

Wu Shishi nodded reluctantly.

"Who else but him?"

"No, if I remember correctly, you and Lu Changzheng made a baby kiss, right? Why do you still need a blind date?"

Song Yinyin frowned, telling her intuitively that things were not that simple.

Her cousin is a master who is not afraid to stab the sky down, she ran from the capital to the south city, there must be something she doesn't know about it.

"Shishi, tell me the truth! Otherwise, I will send you back immediately."

When Dr. Song became serious, he was still very scary.

Wu Shishi pursed her lips, and shrank away from Su Yun. "Sister, I'm not lying. They just forced me to meet Lu Changzheng. I was so angry that I ran out."

Of course, before she ran out, she hadn't forgotten to go to her father's study and get Su Yun's admission letter.

Song Yinyin: ...

Su Yun: ...

This girl is so courageous.

"Aren't you afraid of being abducted on the train? How rampant are the human traffickers now? You don't know if you stay in the capital, just ask your sister Yun!"

 The update is complete, those who like Wenwen, please vote for me with your votes, thank you very much
(End of this chapter)

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