Chapter 321 Ugly?
Lu Zhenghuan: ...

Codename, a journey to find objects?
The old lady is not giving up until she finds a partner for him?

Lu Zhenghuan frowned, and for some reason, the girl who had a double-sided relationship flashed through his mind...

When the Liu family was in full swing arranging a blind date for Lu Zhenghuan.Su Yun also took Wu Shishi to visit her company.

Wu Shishi watched how the cow turned from a live cow into a delicious jerky in the workshop, and she called it a good guy.

"Sister Yun, are you too good? You are my idol!"

Wu Shishi looked at Su Yun with sparkling eyes.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that my trip is right.

If she didn't come out, how would she know that there is such a high-tech production model?

(Su Yun's one-stop production is still relatively high-tech in this era. Compared with the fully automatic production of later generations, it is naturally old and outdated.)
Su Yun stood aside, listening to Wu Shishi's exaggerated praise, she couldn't stop smiling.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said? It's far behind Xiangjiang and Westerners."

"Really? The ones over there are more advanced?"

Wu Shishi asked.

Su Yun nodded, "Well, their development is better. But let's not be discouraged, we will have a better development than them one day."

"Well, sister Yun, you are right, you will definitely!"

Wu Shishi is a studious girl, and it is hard to see the temper of the spoiled young lady in her.After visiting the factory with Su Yun, she went to the roast duck restaurant near the company.

Looking at the delicious roast duck just out of the oven, Wu Shishi's index finger moved wildly.If she hadn't eaten too many snacks at the company just now, she really wanted to have another duck leg.

"Xiaoyun, is this Yinyin's younger sister?" Zhao Meiyu sneaked in to greet them.

Su Yun nodded.

Wu Shishi smiled obediently, "Hi sister Xiaoyu! I'm Wu Shishi."

"You are also good, Shishi."

Zhao Meiyu likes the little girl Wu Shishi very much.Said young, in fact, their age is only a year difference.It's just that Zhao Meiyu is married and Wu Shishi is still a student, so Zhao Meiyu will naturally treat Wu Shishi as a child.

They chatted for a while, because Zhao Meiyu couldn't greet them all the time because guests kept coming, so she could only wave to them, and then went to do her business.

Su Yun turned her head and asked Wu Shishi, "Where else do you want to go?"

"Huh? Why don't you go home? I've been out for a long time today, sister Yun, can your body hold on?"

Wu Shishi looked carefree, but her thoughts were still very delicate.

Knowing that Su Yun is pregnant with a child, she will not keep pestering Su Yun willfully to let her take her to play.

Su Yun was indeed a little tired, she nodded.

"Okay, then let's go back first, and I will take you to see our farm tomorrow."

"Okay!" Wu Shishi was very happy to be able to go everywhere, she took Su Yun's arm, and the two walked down the street together.

Around the corner a child hurried towards them and was about to run into them.

"Sister Yun!"

Wu Shishi subconsciously protects Su Yun.

Su Yun also immediately protected her stomach.

The expected impact did not come, and the rampant child was lifted up by a big hand, and his feet were vacated and his hands were constantly waving.

"Comrade, are you all right?" A mellow male voice sounded.

Su Yun and Wu Shishi raised their heads together.

He was a very straight man.Even though he was wearing casual clothes, he could still feel from his standing posture and aura that he was a soldier.

Su Yun nodded her thanks to Lu Zhenghuan.

Lu Zhenghuan nodded slightly, seeing Wu Shishi, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"It's you?"

Wu Shishi originally wanted to help Su Yun go, but when she heard Lu Zhenghuan's words, she stopped and turned to look at Lu Zhenghuan, frowning slightly and thinking for a long time before she suddenly realized.

"Ah, it's you, Brother Bing on the sleeper car?"

She didn't expect such a coincidence, so her voice was a little louder.

A suspicious blush flashed across Lu Zhenghuan's face for a moment.

Wu Shishi didn't notice it, but Su Yun did.Her gaze fell on Lu Zhenghuan again, and she glanced away calmly before moving away.

Wu Shishi did not expect to meet an 'acquaintance', so she stepped forward and talked to Lu Zhenghuan, "What are you doing here? Do you want to buy roast duck? Let me tell you that Yunji's roast duck is super delicious. These ducks are delicious. The ducks are freshly killed, and the ingredients are guaranteed to be fresh.”

"There's still this smell..."

Wu Shishi clacked and introduced, and she praised Yunji Roast Duck throughout the whole process.

This gave Su Yun the feeling that Wu Shishi was entrusted by their shop.

Seeing that Wu Shishi's words became more and more exaggerated, Su Yun grabbed Wu Shishi's clothes, "Shishi, it's done."

Wu Shishi blinked, not quite understanding.

"What's wrong, Miss Yun?"

She was introducing it vigorously, why did she stop?
Su Yun glanced at Lu Zhenghuan with a smile, and then pulled Wu Shishi aside, "You are exaggerating, you can tell at a glance that you are our store's trustee."

Even if it is not entrusted, it is the boss of their shop or a relative of the boss.

Wu Shishi said, "Is it so obvious?"

Too bad, she forgot that Lu Zhenghuan was still a stranger who only met twice, and she shouldn't use the model she introduced to her cronies on Lu Zhenghuan.

This might sound like an exaggeration.

"Sister Yun, is it still useful for me to save her now?"

She just wanted to say good things for the shop, and to attract one more customer.

Su Yun looked at Wu Shishi's regretful little expression, and couldn't help laughing, "Okay, it's okay. I know that Shishi is for the good of our store, so it's okay."


Wu Shishi was depressed for a few seconds and regained her spirits.

The next moment, she walked over again, this time not to introduce Yunji products to Lu Zhenghuan, but to catch the rampant little fat man in Lu Zhenghuan's hand.

"I said how do you walk, kid? Do you know that you can't run around in crowded places on the street? Didn't your adults teach you?"

Just now, she was busy doing business and introducing products, Wu Shishi forgot to settle accounts with this brat.I won't introduce the product now, of course it's time to settle the score early.

Zhao Junjun recovered from the accident of being lifted up by Lu Zhenghuan, and he couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Wu Shishi's words.

"What's none of your business? A meddling eighth woman."

Wu Shishi:? ? ?

"How do you talk, kid?" Wu Shishi's violent temper rolled up her sleeves and she was about to beat her up.

Not only was Zhao Junjun not afraid, he even stuck out his tongue to provoke Wu Shishi.Wu Shishi was so angry that she raised her hand as if to beat him.


Su Yun grabbed Wu Shishi's clothes.

Before he said anything, an angry voice came from the side, "What are you two going to do to my good grandson?"

They raised their heads when they heard the sound, and saw a middle-aged woman with a strong figure rushing over from one side, carrying a large bag in her hand, running so fast that they could hear the sound of panting from the other side.

When Zhao Junjun saw that the backer was coming, he burst into tears immediately, "Grandma, there are two ugly monsters here who want to beat me."

Su Yun: ...

Wu Shishi: ...

Ugly?Are you talking about them?
(End of this chapter)

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