Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 322 Xiao Rin knows it all

Chapter 322 Xiao Rin knows it all

Not to mention them, even Lu Zhenghuan couldn't help frowning when he heard Zhao Junjun address the two lesbians.

Are they so ugly?

What is that good-looking?

Su Yun, who was scolded as ugly, had to take a closer look at the handsome boy in front of her.

Well, it's not that she is too malicious, but that this boy is really "fat, big ears and no legs" as the book says... Of course, having no legs is an exaggerated description, and it is a metaphor for how fat this boy is.

Just like him, a child with eyes drawn into a line and two lumps of flesh on his cheeks like two apples, calling her and Wu Shishi ugly?
To be honest, Su Yun didn't quite admit it.

Wu Shishi was even more unhappy.

Say she is ugly?She was praised by people since she was a child in the compound, and even the most vicious aunt in the compound praised her as a symbolic little girl.

This little fat man called her ugly?
Sister Yun can bear it but she can't.

"Hey kid, what did you say? You dare to say it again, see if I can beat the child!"

I said before that Wu Shishi is not squeamish, but it doesn't mean she has a good temper.Don't call it a child if she is in a hurry, even if it is a dog, she will bite back, this temperament is very similar to Zhao Meiyu.

No wonder they hit it off.

At this moment, Wu Shishi looked as if Zhao Junjun didn't make it clear that they would never end, and Zhao Junjun also relied on his grandmother to come, and his arrogance became even more arrogant.

He raised his head, as if he was the biggest in the world.

"You two ugly monsters, please apologize to me quickly, or I will ask my grandma to call my grandpa to arrest you."

Wang Chunhua finally ran to Zhao Junjun's side, and when she heard Zhao Junjun's words, she nodded immediately, took a few breaths, and put her hands on her hips, "Apologize to my Junjun, or you can't afford it."

"This comrade..."

Before Wu Shishi and Su Yun wanted to speak, Lu Zhenghuan spoke out first.He frowned slightly, and looked at Wang Chunhua condescendingly, with deep disapproval in his eyes.

"Comrade, your grandson was running around on the street and almost hit someone. Not only did you not apologize, you didn't educate your grandson and even followed the child to accuse others. Is there anyone like you like an elder?"

When Wang Chunhua heard this, he quit immediately.

"It's none of your business how I behave as an elder? Who are you? Their target? One person has sex with two lesbians at the same time? Do you believe I will report you?"

Lu Zhenghuan:? ? ?

He has been in the army for a long time, and he can't beat a middle-aged woman like Wang Chunhua at all.He opened his mouth, but Wu Shishi suddenly pressed his hand.

Lu Zhenghuan lowered his eyes, focusing on Wu Shishi.

Wu Shishi didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, she was just too impatient just now and wanted to stop Lu Zhenghuan from speaking.So after touching Lu Zhenghuan's hand, she was sure that Lu Zhenghuan would not speak, so she withdrew her hand and said, "Auntie, no, grandma, you can donate your useless eyes to those in need. I will thank you for them."

"What do you mean, you stinky girl? Why do you want me to donate my eyes?"

Wang Chunhua didn't understand what Wu Shishi meant for a while.

Su Yun was a little funny, she pulled Wu Shishi's arm, smiled and said to Wang Chunhua, "Ma'am, what my sister means is that you have a pair of eyes, but you don't know how to use them to see things, so you can consider donating your eyes." For other people who can see things with their eyes."

Wang Chunhua understood, it was mocking her.

She went crazy immediately.

"What are you two bitches talking about?"

She raised her hand to hit someone, but Lu Zhenghuan grabbed Wang Chunhua's arm.

"My aunt, beating someone is against the law."

"I'll fuck your ass!"

Wang Chunhua opened his mouth angrily and cursed. Zhao Junjun on the side saw his grandmother being arrested, and immediately stretched out his hand to push Su Yun who was closest to him.

"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin's voice sounded, and in the next second, that Zhao Junjun who stretched out his hand to push someone was picked up with one hand and thrown to a corner.Wang Chunhua's screams of ghosts and wolves followed.

Xiao Lin glanced at them coldly, came to stand beside Su Yun, and worriedly asked her if she was okay.

"Nothing happened to me, it was this comrade who helped us."

She pointed to Lu Zhenghuan for introduction.

Xiao Lin glanced at Lu Zhenghuan and nodded slightly.

"Thank you."

Lu Zhenghuan also nodded.

"You are Xiao Lin?"

Xiao Lin hummed.

"Xiao Lin from the 23rd session of the Beijing Military Academy?"

Lu Zhenghuan asked again.

Only this time did Xiao Lin move his eyes away from Su Yun, and landed on Lu Zhenghuan, looking at him, "Do you know me?"

A faint smile appeared on Lu Zhenghuan's face, "I am in the 24th class. You just graduated when I entered school, but I have been hearing your comrades mention your glorious deeds."

Xiao Lin is a rural soldier, but he is also the best soldier king in the 23rd session.

Although Lu Zhenghuan was not in the same military region as him, he had heard of Xiao Lin's glorious deeds.At that time, he was still thinking that if he entered the military academy earlier, maybe he could have a good discussion with Xiao Lin.

He later heard that Xiao Lin chose to retire because of family accidents, and he was very regretful at the time.

Unexpectedly, I could see him on Nancheng Street today.Moreover, he seems to be the husband of this lesbian friend I know?

Xiao Lin didn't have much emotion for his old comrade-in-arms.

He figured out that Lu Zhenghuan didn't know him, but just saw his photo at school, so he didn't ask any more questions.What he cared more about was his daughter-in-law's body.

He didn't intend to continue the conversation, and Lu Zhenghuan was too embarrassed to pester him all the time.Or Su Yun could not do this, no matter how Lu Zhenghuan was also the one who helped her and Wu Shishi, he was considered a lifesaver.

Can't be so cold.

She reached out and pinched Xiao Lin's arm.

Only then did Xiao Lin reluctantly raise his head.

"It's just lunch time, let's have dinner together?"

This was said to Lu Zhenghuan.

He sincerely invited, so Lu Zhenghuan could feel it even if there were no too gorgeous invitation words.He glanced at Xiao Lin, and he was actually peeking at Wu Shishi from the corner of his eye.

Not knowing what was on his mind, Lu Zhenghuan nodded.

"Then it will cost you money."

Xiao Lin, who saw everything in his eyes, nodded, motioned to Lu Zhenghuan to wait for him, and walked to Wang Chunhua and Zhao Junjun, who were still crying, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Speak with a voice that only Wang Chunhua can hear.

"Mrs. Zhao, Director Zhao is being investigated by the higher authorities. Didn't Director Zhao tell you to keep a low profile outside?"

"Do you think you are still Mrs. Zhao who can cover the sky in Nancheng with one hand?"

Wang Chunhua was shocked, she raised her head to look at Xiao Lin, and even forgot to cry.

"What did you say? How do you know?"

She never expected that Xiao Lin knew her.

The corners of Xiao Lin's lips curled up, and the smile on the corners of his mouth became colder and thinner.So much so that he was obviously smiling, but people couldn't feel a trace of warmth.

On the contrary, it was chilling.

"I know a lot. Do you want to hear it?"

"For example, how did your husband, Director Zhao, collude with the Wu family in the mountain city? How many outhouses did he raise outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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